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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Oh, it's OK that you have problems with that part, it's very metaphoric. When she runs away, it's because she realizes something is wrong so she has to try to run away to escape the problem. But no matter how long she runs she doesnt move. So she stops and looks back, because she kind of realizes that it's pointless. We aren't sure how it would finish, because we still don't have a completed plot.
  2. Good night, please feel better! :D:bye:

  3. Think about how people judge based on. "oh her eyes are too far apart." "oh, I don't like her outfit" All this is based on opinion. There are some people that think, and some shallow minded people. Shallow minded people are too scared to think for themselves, so they have to judge based on image. Ose are people that you don't need to deal with.

  4. Hell, there is no way perfect exists.

  5. Please, just don't listen to it. I know it's really hard sometimes, but understand that people that say things about you probably have felt the same way you do. Actually theres no way they haven't. Why should they have contempt for you just because of their stupid judgements based on image? Not everyone is born 'perfect'...

  6. You don't have to let your feelings control you, you can always control your feelings... Just don't be a victim because it makes you helpless.

  7. I totally know how it feels to be depressed. Why do you think I don't have a life, or friends outside of MFC? I'm antisocial and half the time I'm pissed off. It asnt helped me at all in my life. All you need to do is be yourself whoever that may be, and accept yourself just like you are. When you accept yourself, everyone else will notice it. It makes people better, it heals them. I don't like seeing people hurt. Don't hurt yourself even more by letting your sadness perpetuate itself. All you need to do is step over it and move on. That way you can focus on making things right.

  8. Look, I haven't known you that long, but you're an amazing person, I really like you. Ive heard the way you talk about him on some of your posts, its really obvious you love him. If he didn't want to spend time with you, your relationship would already be over.

  9. There is absolutely no way anyone should ever have to feel that way. EVER. I totally understand.
  10. Look, don't feel like that. You're a good person; I'm sure you're not useless. Just no matter what, don't be sad, or else you're gonna make me sad.
  11. No you aren't! At the very least you'll be an awesome editor and good comedic relief! When we work on the book it's nice not to take things so seriously.
  12. Ok! Or if you wanted tomdraw for our book, you could just use ours.
  13. I was gonna meet her awhile back, but my mom didn't want me to
  14. Okayzzzz :teehee: He works really hard, like literally every free second he has, so TY!

  15. Oh no, I'm having second thoughts--- he isn't THAT bad.... He has a sound cloud, if you wanna check it out! ^^ PS, he dared me to link you to it...

    heheh. I feel like a filthy spammer.
  16. And I should've guessed you would've finished the lyric, what with the lady gaga siggy. I love her!! The other day I commented on a YouTube video of her, and this jerk face replied to me saying that I was brainwashed by the radio. As if.
  17. 'Oh, you' is a term of endearment here, we use it to express light hearted affection... Let's have some fun, this beat is sick...
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