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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Wow, I can't believe you read ALL OF THAT!!! Now I know we'll definitely find something for you! There will be some French in the story anyway, maybe you could help us with that ^^

  2. That's OK, we will find something that you can do! When or if Micah is on later, I'll talk to her about it.
  3. Awww...:) Yeah, I'm sure we can find something for you to do!

  4. Ok! Are you understanding most of it?

  5. Oh my lord. Three pages worth of suggestive that we later felt bad for and went off to delete
  6. Hey, you don't even wanna know. You're lucky we deleted all of it... It involved three pages worth of extensive use of
  7. Good morning then! I fell asleep by accident :D I just woke up anyway, so good morning works.

  8. Same here. Hence why my upload was an eye... I draw them in pretty much every style. It's partly because I love eyes, and partly because they're as much as I can draw right... I draw an eye, then I obsess about getting the other one to go with it, and when I get past that it's my inability to draw a nose. Haha.
  9. I draw sunsets all the time! But lately since I don't have any pastels anymore, not as much- they don't look as good as without vibrant color and blending. That's cool.
  10. Darn. XD Hopefully you can pull them through. What's the problem?
  11. Lol. We're so crazy. Hihi..

  12. I was gonna make one tomorrow, to talk to Micah on, so when I do I'll add you ^^ We share an odd sense of humor I guess, because I can't stop snorting when I remember that odd conversation. Tbh, I don't regret it, it was fun... And at least we weren't LYING.
  13. Haha see? Problem solved. Except now I know that you have a killer sense of humor.
  14. Seriously though, you should delete your posts. Otherwise I wasted my time deleting mine, because you quoted me. ;)

  15. I'm still laughing at myself a bit... But honestly, it isn't OUR fault... We were provoked. :P

  16. Thank you so much! ^^ I still think it was hilarious though.... :D

  17. No, don't! You were joking, don't feel so bad. Go back and delete the posts if it makes you feel better.
  18. Look, that was harsh. IM SORRYYYYY! Please forgive me....?

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