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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. So, if we could pretend none of that happened... Any book ideas? I still love you btw, all is forgiven. Though I wonder how we could make dirty jokes back and forth for three pages.
  2. Boo! Hooray! I feel awkward now... Let's move over to say smth random, If by any chance everyone gets back and starts to sift through our conversation.....
  3. Yes, we use the same time! Awesome! xD

  4. I'm on Est time in the u.s, it's 10:00 pm.

  5. Yeah. The first 2 pages are a little argument.... If you try to read something the important stuff starts on page 26,

  6. Well, it all gets very confusing so don't worry about it. Also some of it is not related to the book anyway... It can be a little risqué, if you get what I mean... :das:

  7. Amazing! If it turns out really good, I might see if we can translate it for you, Micah speaks French fluently! We already know there will be French in the story because the mom is based on Elle Me Dit. :D

  8. if you were reading my conversation with Emma, you'd know that you picked a weird time to comment about his intelligence. That aside, I feel the same.
  9. Well, we haven't written very much of it, but when we decide some more things I'll let you know. It will be a kids book, so in the end Im sure you will be able to read it.

  10. Well neither do I, so it can't hurt. And I can practice my French reading your page, so that's 1 mission accomplished. :D

  11. You have NO idea. None. If you were inside my head at night when I'm talking to you guys..... It's a labyrinth in there. I usually confuse people:wink2: As a matter of fact even my Facebook is boring, because I'll either a. Get involved in some sort of debate with my dad's friends, or b. Have something to say that no one replies to. And I know, I didn't want you to read it because it feels embarasing... Especially the part about Mika's brain. I felt creepy.:blush-anim-cl:
  12. Haha lol :D it's nice to meet ya! Hopefully you can make Facebook worthwhile for me, I have a boring family and no other friends ;) not even Mika videos could cheer up my wall :teehee:

  13. Btw, I don't know your name yet... :aah:

  14. http://www.facebook.com/grace.sadowski.9 does that work for you? I'm warning you though, my FB is boring and my only friends are family. So posting there would be doing me a favor. :teehee:
  15. REALLY?! I'll see if I can link you to mine.

  16. Yeah. I really don't go on, but you can add me anyways- I'm grace Sadowski on FB.

  17. But it isn't odd that not much got done, since Micah and I were having some sort of bipolar whacky emotional conversation on chickenfm at the same time (you might not want to bother reading that, I was being an emotional nutcase and Micah may have been an eensy weensy bit drunk xD) And we were gearing towards sounding like whack job stalkers or something, too. So you really didn't miss much.
  18. Ok, looks like page 56 on is pretty much chatterings and nothing official was decided, so you're ok. My late night, MIKA-influenced ramblings are there, and Micah was giving some thought on the aesthetic. Twisty turny, kinda Brooklyn ghetto style London. Cat finished a dream world sketch that's up, and cat and Micah are both working on stuff to my knowledge.
  19. HI, I'm Grace. Formal introductions aside, yes I do have a FB. And it's boring as heck. :teehee:

  20. You sum up the whole of my existence. And btw, not leaving yet, but it's nearly 6 am and my battery's running out.... So if I have to leave DFTBA!
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