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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Same here, I just try to make my rambling CONSTRUCTIVE. I hope it has been! This is a bit nerve wracking because if it turns out different than I see it in my mind, my brain might explode and turn into yellow jello. I love that pig!!
  2. Exactly the same here. I'm just not as good at portraying them as Id like to be, s sometimes I really have no choice. When you're me, it's difficult not to say something profound, and then, well.... If you give a pig a pancake......
  3. Same here..... Actually people are somquiet about ideas, I wish you would've said something!
  4. Umm, I hsvent heard anyone say Eager Beaver in forever. Thanks for the laugh. Like a boss is good though. Oh- make sure to include extensive use of "Epic". And "fo shizzle" when necessary.
  5. Mmkay, I think I get it. I just really like micromanaging. that's all.
  6. I'm a bit hesitant of that- I don't want things to become to separated lest it detract from the end product. Plus it wouldn't totally uncomplicate things, because then we'd have to ask questions back and forth and it could become very dark and lonely and alone. So I know it seems a bit much, but let's try to ride the waves a little- With latest additions, I think we took care of everything. We have as much time as we need.
  7. Before anyone goes any further---- we must decide on an OFFICIAL design for Mika, unless we are all gonna draw her different. We may need an official mika drawer.
  9. That's fine, I'm still in for art- my work is rarely in plain pencil as of late, because I have no plain pencil. I just meant that I can tell you know artistically what you're going for and I agree with you.
  10. Heheh I forgot Dr John, all I could think of is BIOTG.... I like that idea for that scene ofc, it fits right along with how we would incorporate it. Also: on our da just now I added a journal where I will post all very important things related to theme, rather than Gabriella's which was centered on plot. And to G's list I added a section Aesthetics, where you Micah can post all you wonderful art related ideas for our illustrators!
  11. I tried today while I was doing a sketchy but couldnt draw my envisionment.
  12. We don't have an emote for something as excitng so just know I am excited. Btw what I wrote in Spanish on chickenfm was " I cant wait til you finish your drawing, it will be amazing" so yeah.
  13. There's no such thing as getting the jist of that one.... Try again tomorrow Since here's where everything impt is now, I wrote down pg 56 as a reference for theme. I agree. We need more plot!!! I keep trying to direct there but everyone is always like and I feel sooo sorry for poor Blanca, trying to catch up with us all! But yeah srsly lets get rolling. A few more things b4 we start: 1. As soon as you can comprehend it read my rant, it was written on SERIOUS MIKA-high so I know it's good... Like I literally had adrenaline pumping on it. 2. Cat is set out drawing a dream world. We needed to go somewhere with it but since she kept pulling blanks, I suggested Space and Ice Cream dunno why but it will be AWESOME, shes really into it. Now on to the plot.
  14. Oh and this impt convo while you were gone:Like being manipulated by the antagonist/conflict to change her to the dark side? And becoming part of what the villain wanted her to be before she realized the truth behind that lie? (ex from TB: "Then she dressed me up like the man she loved then threw it in a box when she had had enough.") Yes! She eventually allows herself to be so caught up in what her vision of the world/what people thought of her so that she loses sight of what is real and what isn't. Then commence "running away" I mentioned on page like, 26 How did I remember that?she runs and runs but she's been going in a circle the whole time... Or so she thinks, because in actuality she hasn't moved at all. Then she stops and looks around and suddenly she knows, she's in a dream world, everything here is made up. But she still doesn't know to what extent- she knows there are things chasing her, demons, but she doesn't see them she only knows they exist. Maybe we need a climax thing now, and then comes some sort of ending (commence "why did you die" from writing sample??) Then the plot twist. This is a highly condensed form though. Lyrics inspiration ATM comes from the one above from tb, this one from rain: "trying to be ordinary, was it me who was the fool- thought you found the man you wanted then you turned him into something new" "running around again, running from running" from WAG, and all of BTT inspires me for the scene of her in bed initially "sleepy eyes peek thru the blinds at something wrong" does this make ANY sense to those who haven't been following?
  15. Yes, the wall, I know exactly which you mean! I LOVE that idea! It introduces a problem we can write about but is still in her head. So I was sittin there in the bar and this guy came up to me, and he said "my life stinks"...... BTW did you read my MIKA-induced "drunken" rant/ char development earlier on the page? Its kinda tRIpPy.
  16. Not even gonna say it. G'night. I'm serious though, whoever wrote it wasn't me and I wasn't trying to write something for the book.
  17. Oh lord no, that first post is LONG ENOUGH! I think. Should I post it on our DA? Is it any good? Honestly, MIKA makes me feel high and that didn't sound like anything Id normally say... Reading back through it I feel dizzy....
  18. Ok, hello! Good that you do. I just posted a hideously long incoherent babble about Mika- she has some serious inner depths. Idk why/ how I wrote it, I was under the influence.Of MIKA.
  19. And as for the style I like the idea of an overload... I want as much of every style in he theme as possible. Like cram in LICM, stuff it full of TBWKTM, scribble some poetry, write in some prose... Graffitti the walls with your feelings about anything. Put yourself into the character and into the world. What's the most classic writing advice EVER? Write what you know. We should make Mika's hopes and dreams blend flawlessly with our own childhood daydreams and fantasies- IDK about you guys but mine were pretty whacked out, and I wanted them desperately. This girl just has it all going on at once, every song, every theme.... It crams itself in, forcing itself on her until her brain explodes. She lusts for a higher truth, and she raves about how simple life could be; if only. If only she would lie to herself every single day, if only she would sit and cry and be happy, if she could accept her world for what it is. But she doesn't, no she cannot accept her world or the outside world. She doesn't even understand her OWN mind anymore. More than anything she wants it all, needs it all, craves it all. And that includes all of it being gone. It is beyond even our comprehension as writers and as illustrators and as speculators... Because we are mere observers of her mind. We invented her and we cannot understand it. She would pull out all her hair if she were strong enough, would rip out all her teeth if she were brave enough... But all she can do is succumb to it and wonder about it, much like I am doing right now. She stares at herself in the mirror, her face looks as a strangers. Her eyes shift colors, things are getting wrong here but she can't help but want to ignore it at the same time she tries to understand......... Nothing matters at the same time as everything matters. That's right, she may as well live in multiple universes at once... She wants to so badly that she does. Why're you staring, do you still think that you know? Don't stare. Take that gross look off your faces. Say nothing on the microphone. What're you here for, I don't need it!! We're over. She thinks her mind is gone... She doesnt know what anymore. SHE's HAPPY ON HER OWN. she doesn't remember her own name half the time. She smells to me like.... Like adrenaline feels. That is what she sees in the air, because it's all the same to her... She lost her heart on the underground, she cannot see because she has no eyes(figuratively) She has a one foot boy.... Is a one foot girl. ( if you understand what I mean by that).... AAANDDDD Im back. I have literally no idea WTF I just wrote, sorry!! I was listening to one foot boy, and ummmmmm something happened to me. It probably isn't coherent. I don't think it made sense.... But did it have to?
  20. Look, Im listening to By The Time again, and honestly, well I think I'd like it considered as an official Theme song... Not like theme song but a song to represent the theme of the book as a whole. I find it perfect.
  21. Good. But be warned, that only makes it SOUND like there is a plot when there isn't one
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