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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Ok! Well then, tomorrow (as in after I sleep then wake up) I will go through those and list all important information for your viewing pleasure. Some of it was just small talk, anyway.
  2. Ok! I get the feeling not too much happens here when you're offline though
  3. Why thank you, thank you very much. Our DA has been updated a couple times, and on tiny chat Micah, Gabriella and I decided some story things. Also there is a chicken named Gertrude.
  4. Awesome-amazing! How long will you be able to be on tomorrow aside from your visit?
  5. :aah: You must draw her close up so that I may learn to emulate the extreme cuteness which emanates from her very being.
  6. Aww, cute attack! Is that Gertrude in the back on the counter?? ^.^
  7. There's an Australian on House?? I really should be keeping up.
  8. That's the point. EMD was the inspo. it is a kids book but by no means should we limit ourselves to childrens book writing.
  9. Yeah, I'll probably sleep in half an hour or so, for a bit:naughty: I did say I like staying up all night, didn't I?
  10. Yuppers- most people sound like that. Choice phrase you ask? I think that one would be anything to do with kangaroos or "shrimp on the barbie". Again, I don't think mine is so bad but I could be delusional.
  11. Micah has a new doodle up which I ADORE! it's 5:30 am and I'm feel in fine!
  12. See, that's because of the stereotype. I don't think I do such a bad one, maybe on tiny chat one day... But after that, I'd be embarrassed to:blush-anim-cl: have you ever heard an American try to do an Aussie accent? best case scenario we sound like the crocodile hunter mixed up with some bizarre sort of cockney...
  13. Btw don't ever try to Americanize your accent, we adore British accents and they are so sweet, you might get ahead in life because of it (sad to say but true)
  14. I don't know, it's just because it's a mom talking to her daughter. I was under the impression that Tu would be right, because it is a family/casual situation and because the mom (obviously) doesn't need to use terms of respect with her daughter. Like, if Mika was talking to EMD mom, she might use vous but,
  15. Ok, well normally it's that people who have it are very posh, polite, and very nice people always. Hence why it felt odd to me that you should be a potty mouth after I heard your voice:aah: You guys have a much softer accent than many Americans and can pull off saying oh-so-British things that we'd feel silly saying. And everything you say sounds so pleasant and less rude than it would come off if a USer said he same thing. And even more so than, say, a new yorker or a new jersian. Terrible stereotypes, right?
  16. You loosen up! I was joking:blink: And btw, I was looking back through our stuff just now, and on like pg 28 or smth you asked what the stereotypes were for your accent. I never answered. Did you still want me to answer that?
  17. You have no excuse- there were mistakes in your English grammar too.
  18. Hehe I noticed. Oh well. In other news, I really love that sketch, I think I might do one based off that and add color! And correct grammar. I think it captures the feel just right. The only main difference between that and my mental image is that I'm a theatrical so my views are always from the side.
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