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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Well hold your horses then... It might be a little bit... I was all set to go and inspired but guess what? My dad started typing. Click, clack.:aah:
  2. Same here. I decided to begin writing a quick excerpt. Not of the beginning, because I'm bad at those I think but it is near the beginning. I will post on DA when I'm done but If anyone wants the first few sent. then say so.
  3. I think the antagonist is no one and everyone at once... Poor Mika thinks she can't tell but really there is nothing to know because it's all in her head.... MWAHAHAHA.
  4. Wait... Will there be other secondary characters we want to be important to the plot? We have our Mika, our Gertrude, and EMD mom, but anyone else do you think? I'm thinking a little Coraline now.
  5. Ok, I have lined but that's all... Will let my mind take me where it will. What else do we need?
  6. I was just inspired to sketch:shocked: but my mom is asleep, the guarder of all paper!!
  7. The only question is, when she realizes do things get duller or more colorful from there?
  8. Well, that would go here: after mika starts realizing things are weird she runs away to try t escape it all.... Insert idea here..... Then is when she starts to realize what's happening. I think there's where it fits.
  9. Woops, meant to post THIS ONE!http://media.nerdblerp.com/uploaded/2010/12/1293768376_alice-in-wonderland-2010-hq-photos.jpg Alice.
  10. Please do! And did you see the post of mine on pg 26, about my plot idea?. No one said anything, it makes me nervous:aah:
  11. http://www.colourbox.com/preview/3489006-315440-lollipop-girl-with-lollipop-on-a-yellow-background.jpg Had to!!
  12. And an older example...http://www.colourbox.com/preview/3489006-315440-lollipop-girl-with-lollipop-on-a-yellow-background.jpg
  13. This girl is a bit young for our character but the pic inspired me so here it is. http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/leg/C48131-Little-Lollipop-Girl-Costume-large.jpg
  14. Hi! Sorry I haven't seen you till just now, we're really getting into the book haha:D

  15. I had liked her as an older LG. I'll look for a picture.
  16. Well, idk.... I think we might compromise to 13. At 13 I looked a lot younger than I do now, but not too much mentally far behind. At least we don't need to clearly say an age... And honestly, at 14 now I wouldn't be wandering around Westminster- maybe she could run away? Like symbolic for running away from your problems? Only she runs and runs, faster and faster, but never gets anywhere... And has been going in a circle the whole time. Then she stops looks back, and realizes she hasn moved but really, she has no idea where she's got to.....and she's being chased, she knows, but she cant see what's chasing her...
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