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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Let's list out what we had.... All I can remember is concept and Gertrude.
  2. That's cool! I just realized we didn't actually decide much on tiny chat....
  3. I didn't hear American in there, but I didn't know you before you moved, so:fisch:
  4. But for you its different your American, English accents are much softer and less harsh!
  5. But the accent!, we americans have stereotypes about people with them:blush-anim-cl: at least here, anyway...
  6. Now that I know what you sound like I cant imagine that coming from your mouth... But yeah.
  7. Ok, I guess I'll just type then. I'm pretty fast at it anyway.
  8. Well we were gonna start in black and white, and progressively get more colorful but then BAM!! Go black and white again! Right at the climax, and the book could maybe...end for a few pages.... But then have a surprise ending? Like how at the end of mika's ring ring, I thought the song was over so I always skipped over the spoken word. You know how there's always a few empty pages and places for notes at he end of the book? Let's put those, credits and dedication at the end... And after all that, 1 page or 2 of surprise ending. That way you COULD miss it If you didn't know it was there!
  9. I had the idea that our Mika could have different personas, and represent these with different writing styles.
  10. Yep:thumb_yello: Can someone please explain how tiny chat works? Does everyone have to use cameras? Cus my hot water isn't working, and my hair looks like sh*t, and I'm all sweaty (the temperatures outside actually MELTED THE ROAD!!)
  11. :wub2: I didn't understand it completely, but I loved it! I think there are some references I didn't get, wait.... Damian... mr. Kulash...... .??
  12. I thought the idea was very good. Maybe it could be incorporated with a black n white bit at the end...I liked it all very much! I had the idea that when she says "why did you die" she could be talking about herself Not sure where we'll go with that.
  13. Absolutely!! Gertrude it is:naughty: And I JUST noticed that stay golden is not only MIKA-ish, but also The Outsiders-ish! Yeah!
  14. Yes, go ahead! That's sorta what we're doing right now, sampling.
  15. Oh yeah! I checked out both things new- the writing was VERY impressive:thumb_yello: And maybe it could be added somewhere, parts of it. As for the drawing, it is EXACTLY what I had pictured! (except I envisioned from a different perspective:aah:) And I LOVEEEEE the MIKA touches, especially the hanging thing from rain that I spotted! I think the pet chicken will replace the dog we had previously discussed- plus it will be fun to read about:teehee:
  16. Hi all, I'm back! Guess what I'm having for dinner?? CHICKEN:naughty: I'll check out the new deviant art thing:thumb_yello:
  17. I'm not sure, exactly... Whats most convenient for y'all? Not too late, hopefully, or my dad will get fed up and kick me off the computer:naughty:
  18. ALRIGHT!! Now, how exactly will we compensate for the time difference? It's 7:33 here. 2 of us run on EST, so what time zone are you in Micah? Btw, I'll be right back, I have to run out to the store. B back in half an hour.
  19. My mom refuses, every time I turn on a male singers she gets pissed and tells me to stop playing MIKA, and I have to explain it isn't MIKA... But my dad showed me grace Kelly to start, so he has to respect or I'd kill him... :D But he makes a lot of gay jokes and it pisses me off like you wouldn't believe! :aah:

  20. I know, he just sort of monopolizes the computer :naughty:He was gonna record a cover, so I really don't know! I'll see if I can do it on the tv, though!
  21. Yummah cupcakes!!! Maybe Mika can have a cupcake hat she is gonna be an older lollipop girl
  22. I don't know if my dad will let me tiny chat... I'm scared he won't! And my mom would let me but she's gonna be watching a movie:shocked: I'll have to ask!
  23. Ok, that's fine! I hope you can get to a computer soon... I'm fighting with my dad right now cus he just said he's better than Meeks.... He broke my heart, I literally cried... 3 You rock too, btw!!

  24. Ok, that's fine It'll be better than nothing, which is what we have right now, and we can always go back in later and fix it up
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