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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Update: liveforglitter wants to help with illustration! :D

  2. Really hot??! It's 110 f here :/

  3. Maybe- but then again, if everything mixes together it's less predictable... it would be trippy because tou couldn't tell if it's hallucination, her synesthesia, or just a plain dream. Or maybe reality..... Like how when people on drugs hallucinate. And just generally weird stuff would happen, not like normal.
  4. Okey dokey! Micah will add you to the front when she gets back! Thanks for joining the initiative! This will be fun!! I'm worried that soon, too many people will want to join! But maybe not...
  5. Haha! What's it like where you're at? Here is very boring.

  6. Editing, drawing, writing, and beta testing so far. But if you think of anything else, you could do that too!
  7. I have a little sister... And she loves to bother me! >.

  8. Btw, don't feel awkward. After all, what's more awkward than talking to someone for weeks without knowing their name...? :D I like to at least THINK I know who I'm talking to ;)

  9. Have you thought up any more genius bits for the book yet?
  10. Neat!! It doesn't matter how late, I'll be there! I might be better off doing backgrounds, as I don't seem to be suited to drawing people at least, not full people...
  11. Haha. It's still really early here. I do hope you can get some sleep! :) every time I stay up late I get headaches... :D

  12. Naw... BUT! I took a picture of a sketchy I did, the one of the eye I mentioned earlier! Hoping to upload soon!
  13. Doin' well thanks ya :D

  14. Sure!, no problem! It's nice to get to know you! ;)

  15. Hello! My name is Grace! I'm from the US! ^.^ Ive lived in virginia my whole life! It's nice to meet you, I'm glad to be working on the book with you! :D

  16. No problem!! I'll be on rather late, as usual, so I'm sure we'll talk again at some point.
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