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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Ok! See you! If Micah or anyone else is still here, why so quiet ?
  2. Just type the name where it says Deviation Title!! Cool thing is I'm logged on at the same time... I'm watching you!!
  3. If everyone's willing to stick with it that long, !! I can't believe it got serious so quick! This will be the first big thing I've ever tried to do in my life!!!!
  4. I just did a quick colored pencil sketch of an eye so you all know what style you're working with ^.^ I'll try to get it uploaded when my dad gets home and I can photograph it! It's a little on the realism side but very colorful, that's what I like best.
  5. Well, right now we haven't written anything yet, so feel free to put in suggestions for our sketches and plot! Hey, it's still editing!
  6. I think the ways we incorporate the tainted innocence theme will really bring out the spirit of the character. Then we will know her and she'll be easier to draw and write about.
  7. Wait--- I just realized WE DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO MENTION HER AGE!!! :) We can just draw her.., in a weird book like this one the least anyone will care about is her age. If we mention her to be older, the innocence will feel fake. And if we say she's young, the evil undertones of the story will just seem messed up.
  8. Good! Yeah, I think I like the younger too, easier to draw younger girls cartoony... I'll try to sketch some too! Don't forget tom upload your sketches so we can reference them later!
  9. I hadn't decided! My ideas- I like the idea of an older lollipop girl character I always imagined her to be kind of short but not too short... 5'6" maybe?
  10. While tou're at it, you should update that Mika is now a girl:aah: (even if it could change)
  11. I put the Oscar Wilde quote up on our deviant art- that way I don't forget it
  12. Writer, editor, artist, beta reader,... Things like that!
  13. Ya know what? That should go at the beginning of our book. Brilliant.
  14. It's good! Maybe she could be an older version of lollipop girl, ?
  15. So, has anyone got some inspiration to get us started? Like, I was thinking, you know how there's always a quote or a poem in the beginning of a book that shows the idea or theme of the book? We need one to get us started, I think. S suggestions would be welcome!
  16. WELCOME!!! I'm so glad to have you on the team, some poetry would REALLY swing for this idea!!! More than regular writing, even!
  17. Ok, there is no way we're writing this without that caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland (the one that always had the hookah)
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