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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I'm agreeing with you 100% right now! Especially with having the mom from EMD We should incorporate some of these as hidden themes! And I'd like some of the writings to take on a dark nursery rhyme feel.
  2. Wat do you do? Drawings, writings, editings, testings.....?
  3. Agreed. Not Mika project. But we could base our dream scenes of DaWack... Talk about tRIpPy
  4. Thank you! How long are we thinking this will be? I can be a pretty lengthy writer.....
  5. Yeah, true But to be honest, it COULD be for Mika if we like it enough, because every second this is tiring out to be more and more like something he would like
  6. Yes! If we can find some beta readers that would be neat! I'd let my family, but he already thinks I'm crazy enough for believing that you guys aren't pedophiles!
  7. As long as we don't get TOO many main authors, I think a few is enough because if there's too much going on we won't ever finish We might need editors, too!
  8. Yes!!!! Absolutely! And let's all do some sketchies and upload them asap, not necessarily today, so we can see what's to work with! I'm ridiculously excited!
  9. That could work!! I like that! Or maybe, depending on how we choose to end the book they start out different ( real bnw, dream colored) then meld, then just separate. Micah, why don't you put our deviant art info on the front page? We don't want anyone to have to scroll through all this to find it.
  10. That's what I had intended. This way we can all see what's in the running and maybe grab some new ideas off someone's work.
  11. Yay! You're soooo in!! I like that idea. But maybe just less color, because we don't want people to be able to tell really if he's dreaming or not:thumb_yello:NWe could start the book in black n white- then progressively make it more whacky looking! Then at the end, it could e black and white again!!
  12. Ok!! Our username for this joint project: epicbookproject Our password is micahngrace if anyone wants to upload their illustrations, please do!!
  13. Haha same here! Be right back- I'll open one up. And actually, I think I might post the username and password on the thread, that way everyone who wants to contribute can!
  14. It's a website to put people's writing and art! Really useful! If we had a joint account for this project, we could each upload what we had.
  15. Yeah, my mom has a camera, my dad's phone has a good camera, and every computer in the house has a webcam... So we're good. Maybe I should open a deviantart for our illustrations?
  16. No! :aah: We used to but it isn't working... FedEx has one though... Have to save up:aah:
  17. Oh, I didn't mean it like that! I was JOKING! Please don't ignore me, it drives me crazy!
  18. The setting is good, that could stay the same, just keep in mind I've never been there so we might not be on the Same page the whole time. Mika can be a girl, in that case, because everything this seems to sound similar to has a guy character anyway, and cus I SUCK at drawing entire people like that so whatever's easier for you flies. I like the idea of starting with going to bed. I think it might be fun to write the beginning 3 or so times... Differently each time. That way from the start, you can tell its gonna be odd:naughty: like with the same illustration (photocopy, maybe?) but a couple different pages of actual content. Keeping the main idea of the pages the same, but making it VERY obvious how different they are...
  19. HYPOCRITES. maybe at 2 or 3 Am when this thread is the only one active they will take interest. :V Are we gonna have a plot twist or smth? If we will, we might wanna chose the end of the book a bit, to make sure it works out well- that's what J.K Rowling did, I think!
  20. Is everybody alright with the really super big humongous awesomely important clarification Micah added?
  21. Good! I like it! Now we have to wait out a stamp of approval...
  22. Micahhhh!!! Thank god you're here! That'll teach you to make threads at 5:05 AM:naughty:
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