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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Oh, but the funny thing is, I forgot, before I "introduced" him to it I remember HE showed ME Grace Kelly, and introduced it as "a piece of absolute pop genius"! I wonder where all that went, lol!
  2. Haha When my dad first heard Mika: "is he gay?" Second time: "He is definately gay." 3rd time: "LOVE LOVE ME!" About a week after that school let off early and when I came home he was singing lollipop in the shower! He is constantly trying to sing Grace Kelly- he acts like it's a joke but I know it bothers him that he can't, he fancies himself quite good! Lol xD
  3. Ughh it's late Here it Goes Again- OK Go (and next comes the Muppet Theme Song) lol
  4. Haha merci beaucoup... I never actually learned much French at all :) It's great to meet you! J'aime bien rencontrer des gens de différents endroits, surtout depuis que je n'ai jamais voyagé hors des USA. What is Canada like? I have no idea, here we don't learn very much about other countries!

  5. Haha yeah, everyone has so many good points! Especially about sometimes even songs in your own language are hard to understand (like rap) I definitely respect those artists for their talent and they so deserve to be recognized like they are. Maybe its that when a certain genre has monopolized the music business, like I see here with rap, it is a bit of a strange thing for the people who don't listen to that... Like where I live, people associate the 80s always with hair metal and crazy whacked out music vids, 90s with grunge... Bit stereotyping is a normal and DEFINATELY functioning part of society, so I guess it comes down to liking what you like, and that's a great rule to live by. I think I may have made a wrongful assumption that Kpop would "self perpetuate" its success, I you know what I mean, but hey- if its popular there must be a reason...mIm sure there are some hipsters out there who loved it before it was popular So I guess my opinion right now stands as follows... " I don't need a reason not to care what you say" Although it's great to have reasons specifically to like a group, and meaning is important, the music isn't ALWAYS about seriously taking the message to heart anyways... life lesson anyone?
  6. My main point there is that I made sure to know what they're singing, though. But it might be a bit too much to ask EVERYONE to do that. I agree that energy and performance is really important, but for me I just prioritize meaning over that. However, I think its amazing that the concerts are so international! I never had any idea, thats just too cool:thumb_yello: Really, though, I have no problem with people enjoying the music- I do too! My issue is when people really just don't care AT ALL what its about, and even when it is brought up in conversation my friends all brush it away... In other words, that for SOME (and definately not ALL, just who I know ) The music Is completely about appearances, and even when I offer up some information about what the song is about, they just generally plug their ears Edit: I'm being way too stubborn. Youre totally right, and though I still stand by my points, I'm positive I'm just having another silly "ya know what really grinds my gears" moment. It's totally fine to enjoy listening to different cultures music, and I never meant to disagree with that. Next week I'll probably find something else to be bothered by anyway, like the crazy guy at the park selling grilled-cheese-on-a-stick ;D
  7. Yeah, I agree with that! good luck learning English! When things are only about appearances, intentions get all mixed up and people can't appreciate whats in front of them
  8. Hi, nice to meet you :P It's Okay that you speak terrible English, because I speak terrible French.... Peut-être pourrions-nous apprendre les uns des autres !

  9. Just wanted to give a quick TY to all of you! I can be a bit shy, but I hope to see you around:thumb_yello: Since its summer now, I have no excuse
  10. Ah, touché. You did have some interesting points there. I was a bit harsh in writing that, true, but at the end of it all it just bothers me that people can listen to music without a care in the world of understanding it. in some cases it can get quite funny... For example, one of my good friends was into French pop music for a while, and she decided she would learn a song of Yelle's, "Je veux te voir" to be specific... If you don't know the song I can assure you it's not exactly the best idea to sing loudly in French class:doh: I think that may be the reason it irks me so much. Like, in your example about MIKA singing French songs/ doing French interviews, at least I speak enough French to understand what he's saying. I used to be a bit of a fan of the Kpop group SNSD, and I made sure to translate (I even learned a bit of Korean:blush-anim-cl:) I don't have any issues with people liking music ONLY for music, but in some cases the lyrics are the only "up close and personal" things about a song. My dad is a singer, and has no creative drive whatsoever, but he can still make a great piece on his computer software... It also may be because of my age group ( just finished 8th grade) that I'm a bit hesitant of this, because I do have experience with the people that I'm directly talking about. I remember, for instance, my teacher playing for us a lovely singer ( I dont remember who exactly) She had the most gorgeous voice, and she was obviously very talented, but no one liked it because, and I quote, " this music sucks, It's too SAD," when people don't like music for such, ummm, consumerist reasons, it really is a disappointment to me. I'm not meaning to go all George Orwell on y'all, but I guess after a while of being around this I'm used to it, almost predisposed to point itout to people on command.... I have often wondered whether other countries have these issues with their youth as well ( just whether it's as widespread as it is where I live)..... :blush-anim-cl:CONGRATULATIONS if you read this all the way through BTW
  11. No one where I'm from knows MIKA at all.... I really get lonely here on the east coast USA sometimes. What confuses me is that so many people here listen to Kpop music..... I know ONE person that speaks Korean. And she lives in Korea. Its not that bad, but It hurts my feelings that more people would rather listen to music that they don't understand, than listen to MIKA....
  12. Hi :D I have no idea what to write right now so, um, HELLO!!! :))))

  13. Thank you guys so much! Mika has really nice fans, I already feel welcome
  14. Just a little introduction, since summer just kicked off and I'll probably be on here a lot I'm 14 years old, and believe it or not I've been a fan of Mika's since the beginning. I've always been quite a bit different, Mature for my age perhaps, and I'd like to think I appreciated his musicality back then Living on the East coast of the US, Mika isn't played much on the radio, but I heard Grace Kelly again last year by chance and am now HOOKED. Completely. So, for me, imagine a curly-haired strawberry blonde with blue eyes, bookwurm (ya know, the introvert type). That is me, pre mika. For post mika me, imagine that girl plus the most hyper sense of humor ever, and dancing horribly w/headphones in public places... All the time. And If you haven't noticed, I also talk a lot. So, ummm... Yeah! *cheesy smile*
  15. Hi guys I'm new here... Finally joined! Anyways, here are the FULL lyrics, I'm absolutely positive they're right: Karen a 20 ans Et Karen n'a rien d'autre et le temps file déjà entre ces doights Accoudé au bar rue des martyrs au 82 Karen fait son bilan. Elle voudrait une vie meilleur, que ses frères Et ses soeurs Qui sont rentré dans les rangs. Karen dit que Paris c'est grand, qu'une autre vie l'attend, Elle dit qu'on la jettera pas. Karen traine toujours sur le rouge, de ses lèvres et Elle bouge, Sans comprende porquoi, Karen s'en fout Elle est libre, Elle est libre. Karen dit qu'elle sera une star, couche avec des connards, Elle dit qu'elle fera des envieux. Karen trinque toujours à la votre, chante les chanson des autres, Chante ses rêves Et les notre, chante au Bistrot 82. ~ Karen a 30 ans, Mais Elle n'a rien d'autre à faire même pas les enfants, même pas la poussière Elle vit chez sa mère juste à deux rues du 82 Un jour l'amour est venu. Il a frappé à sa porte, Elle a crié qu'il sorte J'ouvre pas aux inconnu. Karen dit que Paris c'est grand, qu'une autre vie l'attend Elle dit qu'on la jettera pas. Karen mise alors sur le rouge de ses lèvres Et Elle bouge Elle dit qu'elle vaut mieux qu'ça Karen s'en fout Elle est libre, Elle est libre. Karen dit qu'elle sera une star, couche avec des connards, Elle dit qu'elle fera des envieux. Karen trinque toujours à la votre, chante les chansons des autres, Chante ses rêves et les notre, chante au Bistrot 82. ~ Karen a 50 ans, Elle garde pas d'argent fumé tout sur un petit lit blanc Elle se dit qu'elle passera boire un verre au 82 Mais Elle mourra juste avant. Sur son vieux matelas pourri, ce chien de ressort, Qui lui rentre dans les flans. Karen dit que la vie c'est dur, va tout droit dans le mur Elle dit qu'on l'arrêtera pas. Karen mis alors sur le noir, ferme les yieux Et se barre Sans comprende porquoi, Karen s'en va Elle est libre (x4) Karen dit qu'elle sera une star, couche avec des connards, Elle dit qu'elle fera des envieux, Karen trinque toujours à la votre, chante les chansons des autres, Chante ses rêves Et les notre, Chante au Bistrot 82. (x3) So, there they are... Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but I didn't see them this complete anywhere else. Also, rest assured that I did get extra credit for this!
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