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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. But you don't understand because i really want to go to the bookstore and spend all my money I jus tdon't want to spend all my money do you know what I mean?
  2. I loved them. Stahp. You're making me want one again. And if I go out to get one, that means I have to go to the bookstore. And if I go to the bookstore that means I'm going to end up spending ALL MY MONEY.
  3. But you see, I don't care about how beautiful or well kept or awful or whatever a place is, that's never mattered
  4. I used to notice it ALL THE TIME. And then I had alot of friends whose native language isn't english and I automatically started to ignore it You just want me to visit you? xD
  5. Well thank you for that. But do you have lush grass and apple orchards and luray caverns and really awful fast food and a crystal clear lake and houses for rent that are the most lovely places I've ever stayed in my life and adn lsdjfldasfh
  6. That part about me that will never, ever change. I guess you're right. Geez, now I feel like I know my entire soul and the essence of my being. That got surprisingly deep. I still wouldn't like it. It's America, it's unified, and I'm f*cking stubborn. The only part about america I really like are a few places in the mountains I've been. The mountains and Swift Creek, and that's it.
  7. Well if I stayed the same all the time I would still be the dumbass that thought Twilight was the best thing I'd ever read and that scraping the skin off my knee was the worst day of my life. Well I would say so, actually. There's a feeling it gives me, being here, that I despise but can't describe. xD The funny thing is that I don't generally realize when people misspell things.
  9. Well sometimes I want to and other times i don't, so for the benefit of the part of me that doesn't want to I'm sticking to my lazy self and doing nothing at all. Why do I feel like we need Kool Aid Man here. We're a beautiful, sophisticated and cultured country.
  10. It's anywhere from five minutes to an hour or more. When I was in middle school my mom had to drive me for 15 minutes to the bus stop, then it was like an hour ride to the actual school, so.. Only people who live really close to the school walk or ride bikes to get there (the people who can see school from their house in other words) because roads here are much, much too dangerous to walk on and we don't have sidewalks unless you're in the big city aka richmond, near a uni campus
  11. Trolololo in american schools almost everyone rides the bus. There would be like 2 students in every class, MAYBE.
  12. Jack Harkness was there and hE DIDN'T TRY TO HOOK UP WITH ANYONE? Magic. It's ridiculous but I'm not gonna try and change it. Suddenly everyone is wearing Paramore Riot! T-shirts. [YOUTUBE]QW4RUIjOp9k[/YOUTUBE]
  13. I would then proceed to lay down, sob my eyes out, and feel an extreme amount of pain. But I would be itching to forgive them if they ever asked for a forgiveness. Just itching for it. *Muse's Uprising and Twisted Sister's We're Not Gonna Take It are blasted from every nearby speaker* It stems from indifference and selfishness, but hey. As an old man on America's Got Talent once sung to the masses, "whatcha gonna do"?
  14. Well for me, it depends.. but if you mean alot to me, I can and will forgive you and agree to myself to completely let go of whatever it is. Because truth be told, I'm selfish and can't stand to deal with pain or distance over something I'd easier ignore. badass micah is badass. I don't hate very much. Even if I say I hate it, chances are I just like it significantly less than things I enjoy.
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