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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Aww, that's so cute! I wish I could have so many pets! :D

  2. I swear, as soon as Micah is here we'll fix the wording, I didn't want it to come off as rude or uninclusive AT ALL!
  3. Oh, I'm sorry! We'll fix that right away, everyone really IS welcome here I'm SO sorry it came off like that, I don't want this thread to die before we even have a chance to use it!
  4. I just saw it! It's amazing! But the people are already uprising against it! I might need backup tomsave it :(

  5. No, other people are welcome here! We need ideas and possibly artistic help.
  6. I guess when Micah gets on, I'll see what she thinks about it.
  7. I'm sure other people could pitch in for ideas- the original design of writing a book came about while chatting, so the first idea was just to start a thread. I think just chatting on here is a bit of a faster way of communication, and an easier way of accessing all of our ideas in one place. I'm sure that really long passages could be done through email, if it comes to that.
  8. OMIGOD, OUR THREADDDD!!! It's beautiful! I literally squeaked out loud a few times!!
  9. I just love animals! I have 2 ferrets right now, but i have had a lot more ;) I always thought it would be fun to have a pet dolphin, but I'll settle for a chimp (even though sometimes they attack you brutally)

  10. Oh, Hi! I'm Grace

  11. I know! Whackos I've just asked one of my friends what they don't like about her, and she said Adele's voice is annoying... I asked her if she thought she was better, and she said yes What a crazy....
  12. AAHHHH! I know this is an olld thread, but I got curious and emailed again, and it seems we may now know the title of the jingle! Maybe its False hope, but I'm really super excited right now! I'll quote from the email: [Thank you for your enthusiastic comments about our sponsorship of the Orbit "Help Me" Jingle done by Mica Penniman.* It's always encouraging to receive a nice letter like yours.] So, if that helps anyone, and you want to do some more sleuthing action, PLEASE DO! If we could find it, I think I might faint!
  13. Yes, I think she will! I hope you get to see MIKA, I have never been able to see him :( But I know it would be great!

  14. Oh, ok... Got it! Before I was watching on iPad and it only showed the embedded video... thanks!
  15. Does anyone have a YT link to this? Cant find it on YouTube... Wanted to favorite
  16. That's cool then it really is really different from what I hear on the radio, a lot of what is popular here is mainstream pop. I personally have nothing against one direction, but I'm disappointed in some of their career choices, as they're really talented and I think they're beinng over listened... As for Adele, she is great and very talented, but from what I hear a lot of my friends don't like her and they criticize her... I don't know why
  17. Also, I'm curious as to what's really popular over there... I like Coldplay, Pixie Lott, but I don't know if they're really popular... Like what would be on the radio if you just flipped it on?
  18. Oh, I see...so like more dance-y pop then? That stuff isn't usually too popular here.... I think thte sound is similar, but mainly its rap or more pop-contemporary like some of maroon 5 and things like that. Electro isn't very mainstream where I live.
  19. Oh, I like that! What do you mean by American-sounding? Is it really that bad?
  20. Not much! I might get lazy over summer ;) I live very close to a beach, so I might visit there with my family a bit.... I'm not so sure though, because my aunt will be having surgery soon :( but it's minor so she'll be okay! How about you?

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