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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Exactly. Panic references ftw. :33 I love references. I posted Toxic today with a caption "time for one of earth's traditional ballads" and a gif of the doctor dancing... FLEW RIGHT OVER EVERYONE'S HEADS. We need more DW fans around here. xD Well, first of all, I'm really afraid of losing all control over something. Being shut out, ignored, helpless, anything of the sort. Some control I can function on, but one sided complete loss of any input is upsetting to me on the highest degree. Especially when my trying to regain some speck of input is seen and recognized but denied. I might not be so scared of it if I didn't know that at that point, my own personal pain and dismay is inevitable. It's why I can't stand being shunned. I b r e a k d o w n. Well all I can say is roll with the punches. You can't do things the way you're used to doing them anymore.
  2. Exactly!! A fragile web. It could all come crashing. Also, porno mine. Wrong direction, yeah. Try again. I like having people guess. xD And if you're not right I may as well tell you. Oddly enough the imminence of losing life is nothing near alike the imminence of giving life.
  3. Really it is. It's an underrated art form in my humble opinion.. To entertain, to amuse, to imitate. I admire it. Think realer. Sucks to be you. :3 Maybe reality isn't as nice, but I know from personal experience that there will be times you have to face it. Times you can't avoid facing it, and so let's humor me and face it- this is one of those times.
  4. The theatrical aspect of mimes tends to attract me more than the up frontness of clowns. Well, the things that scare me aren't trivial, I can't just play with them like that. They're more like... Real life fears. Situational fears. They can devastate a person. I like to do something else instead. I always give myself that feeling of being hyper aware of my own mortality. xD Reality could give a damn if you're tired of it.
  5. That's an entertaining notion! I prefer mimes to clowns, honestly. Yeah, a few things scare me. xD I'll be really honest. It doesn't matter if that's normal for you. This is a new situation and the only thing you can do is deal with it. You can stop caring if you want, do whatever you want, or whatever. But be prepared to face everything that brings you, because especially after all this taking some of that responsibility is inevitable. It's fine! I totally get it. You're fine.
  6. Clowns are clowns. They do exactly what they're supposed to do, which is entertain. But they're in face paint, so it's markedly less difficult. I just don't see them or what they do as all too special. xD Really. Nothing seems to scare me. Yep, I was in the zone.. As I always attempt to be with things I appreciate. Hahahahahahahaha Micah. You're supposed to gain weight, smart one. Hate to break it to you, but I'm feeling enormously frank and don't even try it. You just now stopped dance! You can lose the weight after your baby. Please. You set yourself up for this, just face it. Do what's better for the baby.
  7. I think I have to disagree with that! Dancers and actors who are good at what they do are good because they can create their own reality. Not losing themselves in the process- because you can't fake having a heart- but you know. The best actors tend to be a bit shy and wary. But when they get into a role, they are that role and they own it. They can do that version of life. It's tremendously freeing. It never really did scare me... I just thought it looked cool. I sat in rapt attention while it was on, just held my interest like that.
  8. Actors and dancers and everyone else do that too, you know. It really never had much plot, did it. But that didn't matter. Ever. It was completely messed up and sometimes it questioned reality. That my dear is quality entertainment. xD
  9. I don't think too much of them, really. What's fascinating? Trippy? A bit. I thought that it was gorgeous and amazing. Something intangible about it. I can't quite express it right now.
  10. I don't love clowns by any means, other than how much they frighten some people. But I've never really been scared of them myself. True, and delivers them in a timely manner. Plus Kermit is cute, I miss Courage The Cowardly Dog so much. I loved that show to pieces. :c
  11. Hardly. I just didn't know I was supposed to be scared of it then. xD No, but she is insightful. I haven't had a walkie talkie in ages!! My sister and I used to talk with them after bedtime. xDxDxD
  12. I laughed at everything's when I was a behbeh. Even Stephen King's IT. She's pretty damn clever!
  13. Really? I have a feeling I would laugh. It would amuse me. xD I dn wanna rot meh brain. Then I won't have anything left to waste watching smosh and gradualreport and Shane and jennamarbles and shizz.
  14. It was a magic trick. I liked magic. That bitch tried to impress me. But he just freaked me out. XDD
  15. My dad used to pull grapes out of my belly button while we watched Chip and Dale. xDD
  16. I really don't like them. They're freaky and grape-y. And sour. xD Always applaud the autocorrect.
  17. Yet another reason to stay away from grapes. c: funny story, my dad offered me some today and my irrational response to a fruit creeped him out. XD Edit: Mary used to call me Grapes. xDD
  18. same here! I was helping my dad Christmas shop earlier. And I get to see the Hobbit tomorrow, if I'm lucky. How do you not even know if you get a tattoo there though? It's supposed to hurt.
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