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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. It's kinda nice, but being home alone all day isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be when you're like me and can never think of anything to do. What's her name? *puts on creeperface*
  2. Okay. Step One: wake up. Usually around 11:30. Step Two: go the heck back to bed. BECAUSE YOU CAN. Step Three: Wake up. Usually anywhere from 2-4. Step Four: Proceed to turn on your computer, in bed, without even so much as turning the lights on, and screw around on the internet. Step Five: Eventually get out of bed, go down stairs, and screw around on the internet. Step Six: Remember to eat something. This is important. You do not want to forget. The boss forgets easily. Step Seven: Your family gets home from work. Pretend you have done something interesting. Eat with them and give your opinion on the ebola outbreak. They think you have learnt something. They are not very bright. Step Eight: Eventually, everyone will go to bed. They will also ask you to come to bed. Do not. It is the inherent responsibility of the boss to stay downstairs and pet the cats while googling murder tactics or some other only slightly relevant information. Step Nine: Now that everyone's asleep, you remember to eat. Eat everything. Leave all wrappers on the dresser, because waking up in the middle of the night to toss them is essential. Step Ten: At like 4 am, you can go to sleep. You were tired at maybe 1:30, but that wasn't sufficiently late. Repeat.
  3. Ha! Lemme just say that that is hilarious. My dad is a huge Mork & Mindy fan, and I think that show was my first real introduction to RW. I used to love Bicentennial Man too when I was younger. It sucks that someone who brought so much laughter to peoples' lives had to leave us in such a way.
  4. Congratulations! My situation isn't the best either, so I know how it feels to have something like that happen. I'm so glad for you And your jewelry is lovely, by the way.
  5. I would imagine it's the same for British English, but I couldn't know for sure since I've never actually been outside of the US. Yeah, I think being a native speaker you speak so intuitively that you only realize how weird things are when you're trying to explain them.
  6. I'm about 99% certain that the bit about referring to another person before yourself is actually grammatically correct, though, rather than a simple misconception. This is what I learned in school from a young age, and indeed is something that is still being told to us even in high school. And the last I checked, it's also the correct way according to the American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style Thanks! Edit: Also, I've just asked my mom, and she says it would also be better to find a way to use "we" or "us" instead of "she and I" because changing that sentence structure would probably sound a lot more natural. Obviously you don't need to get that far into it, though.
  7. That's almost sad, actually. The names were a thing that was unique to your heritage. Now not as many people will have that thing in common just because they want to be unique
  8. I'm not sure about the only vs. just either, particularly out of context, but if what I've learned was correct, wouldn't it be more of Why did everybody do something but she and I?
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