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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. What about her? xD

  2. Hmm.. Same here. But I have exams tomorrow, so I guess I can worry about that over break. Oh god, again? What happened?
  3. Trust me, Twilight has a much worse tone than our borderline lesbian moment. XD Yeah, FB might work better. This probably isn't too fun for other people to read back through. xD
  4. I desperately want to somehow magically fix everything. But I know there's nothing that can do that and I just it isn't even possible to simply forget completely and oh my firetruck I miss talking to you normally. :c
  5. I understand. But it's hard on me knowing how badly I messed things up. Because I love you. And I wish it was okay.
  6. So this is it, hmm? This is how things are going to play out? I never wanted it to be like this.
  7. I find it interesting how you always wonder how words mean so much to people. Sure, actions are more important, but those words in particular were pretty.. That hit home. c:
  8. I don't remember half of what I tell people, sadly. :naughty:Either way, that's pretty much how it went down. Okay. I shan't.
  9. I never took it in school. I took half of French 1 in 6th grade, but dropped out due to hating the guts out of it. I learned a bit by myself so I could retake it this year and make an easy a And I'm pretty sure you can drive alone, but there's a curfew.
  10. Instructors, parents, older school friends, alone, it's all good. Plenty of people to drive with. xD
  11. I knew a little, but nothing more than most people already know. Ah, that's okay. You're mad at me. But you wouldn't actually want me to die. At least not before your birthday you wouldn't. I'm not going to ask you how so. You can't monopolize the Burton love. Though I'm positive you want to.
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