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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Exactly. The same bla bla bla. Nothing essential.
  2. Well, you know I write my messages in in 4-5 languages so sometimes it is useful But I have to pay attention before pressing "enter" button.
  3. Andy posted a photo from Parque Lage in Rio. From Wikopedia: Parque Lage (in full "Parque Enrique Lage") is a public park in the city of Rio de Janeiro, located in the Jardim Botânico neighborhood at the foot of the Corcovado. The atrium of the mansion with café. The land was formerly the residence of industrialist Enrique Lage and his wife, singer Gabriella Besanzoni. During the 1920s Lage had the mansion remodeled by Italian architect Mario Vodrel, with interior paintings by Salvador Payols Sabaté. In the 1960s the land became a public park, with walking trails through subtropical forest. The Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (Visual Arts School of Parque Lage) and a café open to the public operate from the former mansion. The mansion was notably featured in the 2003 music video for Snoop Dogg's single "Beautiful".
  4. One video from Andy's IG Stories. StorySaver_dermanisandreas_36155798_366320223892943_6785950129051578669_n.mp4
  5. And this is Mika's face when he is a driver Find a difference (photo from Stasera Casa Mika).
  6. New Mika IG Stories StorySaver_mikainstagram_36421660_1012829758895203_1467414011194577314_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_35568285_399576350544126_4494425036427595293_n.mp4
  7. You're welcome @BiaIchihara. Sorry, my autocorrect changes Brazil into Brasil
  8. Mika IG Stories. Somewhere in Rio. StorySaver_mikainstagram_36421660_1012829758895203_1467414011194577314_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_35568285_399576350544126_4494425036427595293_n.mp4
  9. This is what Google translator sais. Google translator definitely likes Mika. Good translator. Good.
  10. Thank you @Wesley Müller . I hope there will be some more real, essential articles about Mika in Brazil. It's not the first and last time when journalists write something without any research looking for cheap sensation. We discussed it several times on the Forum. For the record we are trying to share all the press release about Mika.
  11. It can be just a google translator "error" or different use of a word "namorado"?. I think it should be " a Brazilian friend" and not "a Brazilian boyfriend"
  12. http://www.papelpop.com/2018/06/o-que-o-mika-esta-fazendo-no-brasil-gente/ O que o Mika está fazendo no Brasil, gente? by Guilherme Araujo 26/06/2018 Quem acompanha o Mika nas redes sociais sabe que o cantor não para. Mas depois de se apresentar em meados deste mês em um concerto promovido pela rádio italiana RTL na Piazza D’Uomo ~um dos mais badalados pontos turísticos de Milão~ o cantor andava meio sumidinho… Ele chegou a fazer alguns stories no fim de semana enquanto pegava uma carona de moto em Paris e ainda relatou sua rotina frenética em aeroportos nos próximos dias. O que ninguém imaginava era que na tarde desta terça-feira (26) o cantor nos fizesse tomar um susto ao publicar uma sequência de imagens NO MUSEU DO AMANHÃ! Nas imagens, Mika aparece apreciando a paisagem e se divertindo ao filmar o companheiro de viagem, o estilista Christian Laboutin. Vem ver só: Ficamos aqui tentando descobrir a que se deve precisamente a vinda dele ao país, já que até onde se sabe a visita se trata de uma viagem a trabalho com duração de 4 dias. Mais que isso, descobriremos nos próximos dias. Será que ele veio gravar um dueto com a Anitta? Será que veio fazer vídeos para alguma campanha? Ou quem sabe arranjou um namorado brasileiro e só quer paz para curtir a cidade? De tudo isso, só uma coisa é certa: Nós te aclamamos, ícone libanês! English version from Google Translator: What is Mika doing in Brazil, people? by Guilherme Araujo 26/06/2018 Whoever accompanies Mika on social networks knows that the singer does not stop. But after performing in the middle of this month at a concert promoted by the Italian radio RTL in Piazza D'Uomo ~ one of the most popular sights in Milan ~ the singer was walking in a little sunshine ... He even made some stories over the weekend while taking a motorcycle ride in Paris and even reported his frantic routine at airports in the coming days. What no one imagined was that on the afternoon of this Tuesday (26) the singer made us take a fright by publishing a sequence of images IN THE MUSEUM OF TOMORROW! In the images, Mika appears enjoying the landscape and having fun filming his traveling companion, the designer Christian Laboutin. Come and see only: We stay here trying to find out what precisely is his coming to the country, since as far as we know the visit is a trip to work with duration of 4 days. More than that, we'll find out in the next few days. Did he come to record a duet with Anitta? Did you come to make videos for any campaign? Or maybe you got a Brazilian boyfriend and just want peace to enjoy the city? Of all this, only one thing is certain: We hail you, Lebanese icon!
  13. Mika Instagram stories StorySaver_mikainstagram_35116369_2642588429299729_4949617094984942659_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_36022012_229552714507379_4377294616260418797_n.mp4
  14. Mika IG stories RIO!!! StorySaver_mikainstagram_35116369_2642588429299729_4949617094984942659_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_36022012_229552714507379_4377294616260418797_n.mp4
  15. New Mika stories on IG. He's back to Paris !!!!! StorySaver_mikainstagram_35451606_699988233726040_2755240262950531027_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_35579930_413615645787779_6590383581740709651_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_35458565_584088565320636_6116285139667748374_n.mp4 StorySaver_mikainstagram_35811341_467335360385283_7878206209603339942_n.mp4
  16. He could have changed pants on stage so why not a shirt? A question to ask Mika when someone meets him
  17. Ha ha ha! All Mika. He has to try everything by himself . Thank you @krysady for the translation ❤️
  18. Great promotion of the show!!!!!!
  19. Optimaitalia about last Mika's performance. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2018/06/16/mika-canta-litaliano-di-toto-cutugno-e-duetta-con-chiara-in-stardust/1146821 Mika loves Italy and Italy loves Mika. An exceptional Italian has performed tonight on the stage of Piazza Duomo for Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto. "Italy has given me joy, so much joy, I always want to grow and keep a warm heart", are Mika's words for us. "There are some countries where it's easier, here I feel the warm heart, I feel alive", continues the international artist. "I feel at home", he confessed, declaring his love in music for the peninsula through the song "L'Italiano di Toto Cutugno", a real surprise for the more than 20,000 people in the Piazza and for all the viewers at home. Mika is the superstar of the evening: he starts with a success of his past, Grace Kelly, and continues with two exceptional duets. After the performance with Fedez in Beautiful Disaster sings with Chiara Galiazzo the song Stardust for some moments of pure emotion. Among the two featuring live, an even more exciting moment. Mika sings Toto Cutugno, a gift for Italy that has been able to welcome and cuddle him to make him feel at home. He missed speaking the language, he was missing the nation and he had never played in the shadow of the Duomo before this moment. The Anglo-Lebanese singer-songwriter remembers the first concert held by a small local from Milan and leaves the stage after some unforgettable pieces, after having incited the square to sing with him for a chorus of unimaginable size. The over 20,000 people present joined him for a magical performance that eclipses all the other guests.
  20. Optimaitalia about last Mika's performance. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2018/06/16/mika-canta-litaliano-di-toto-cutugno-e-duetta-con-chiara-in-stardust/1146821 Mika loves Italy and Italy loves Mika. An exceptional Italian has performed tonight on the stage of Piazza Duomo for Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto. "Italy has given me joy, so much joy, I always want to grow and keep a warm heart", are Mika's words for us. "There are some countries where it's easier, here I feel the warm heart, I feel alive", continues the international artist. "I feel at home", he confessed, declaring his love in music for the peninsula through the song "L'Italiano di Toto Cutugno", a real surprise for the more than 20,000 people in the Piazza and for all the viewers at home. Mika is the superstar of the evening: he starts with a success of his past, Grace Kelly, and continues with two exceptional duets. After the performance with Fedez in Beautiful Disaster sings with Chiara Galiazzo the song Stardust for some moments of pure emotion. Among the two featuring live, an even more exciting moment. Mika sings Toto Cutugno, a gift for Italy that has been able to welcome and cuddle him to make him feel at home. He missed speaking the language, he was missing the nation and he had never played in the shadow of the Duomo before this moment. The Anglo-Lebanese singer-songwriter remembers the first concert held by a small local from Milan and leaves the stage after some unforgettable pieces, after having incited the square to sing with him for a chorus of unimaginable size. The over 20,000 people present joined him for a magical performance that eclipses all the other guests.
  21. Bravo Mika!!!!! I was as touched by Mika singing this song as Italians in the audience. I love this song. It is very popular in Poland. Last year in the show "Your Face Sounds Familiar" a Polish singer was disguised as Toto Cotugno. He won a second place in the competition. There is as well a few versions in Polish
  22. I think I did not find here this live streaming from Radioitalia. StorySaver_radioitalia_35285732_223675681758352_3242258608985853772_n.mp4 StorySaver_radioitalia_34858664_223591595094344_7752786493084489056_n.mp4
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