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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Thank you for sharing. Very nice video. Lot of smiling Mika Now let's wait for his next salut in Instagram! I hope our boy feels better now.
  2. I am sure I will see him on stage somewhere. And I will meet MFC members.
  3. Thank you @Gabry74 for the post I see you had time to visit Paris as well Great you could ask Mika all those questions. I can imagine, he is tired. He gives 150% of himself as a coach. And I think it's a good choice not to make XF. He needs some rest and to concentrate on his own album and gigs. It will be next hard work time for him. But it will be as well a great time for him - and for us!!!!!!! I am ready to go to France or Italy or UK to see him on stage. Because I don't know if Poland is on his gig list
  4. Ah, OK. Moi non plus, je ne peux pas le changer. Je viens de le vérifier. Peut-être parce que mon compte est lié avec Facebook? Alors on voit mon nom utilisé sur Facebook. Est-ce que c'est pareil pour toi?
  5. J'ai trouve aussi comment changer "Display Name". step 1 - tu cliques sur ton nom a droite step 2 - tu choisis Account Settings step 3 - tu vas dans Display Name "come along and step with me"
  6. Salut Estelle, Les photos tu peux changer si tu cliques sur une petite icone photo a gauche (pour le profil) et a droite pour chancher le fond. Le les ai marquees sur l'image dessous.
  7. In one interview during Giffoni Festival in Italia Mika said that for the first time he arrived on time (and he was very happy ) but the organizers asked him to wait because the theatre was not ready Conclusion: sometime it's better to be a little late
  8. He did box and hurt himself. A few weeks ago he showed on Instagram a photo of his right wrist in bandage. Now he showed a scare and said that he has to pay attention while playing piano not to hit this delicate part of his hand because it hurts. Hah , what a story with this box adventure ? Has anybody heared about it?
  9. Fans' life is hard.... waiting, waiting, waiting... And as Mika sais on the photo from my profile: He is: "late late late....always late, late, late...." But we love him anyway .
  10. It means that the album is "almost"ready 😜 "Almost" makes a difference, but (this is what I think) I understand that the album MUST be released this year. (It's only 7 months, no longer ). I hope he will sing something new the 2nd of June. Well, maybe "Celebrate" - universal song for any event Plus at least one new!!!
  11. Exactly @Ellys. "Normal" in a meaning "mediocre", "ordinary". No, nobody wants to be ordinary. Specially an artist. And Mika made Casanova to show his different colors. Maelle - she's extraordinary Xam - great performer Raffi - not my style of music, and as you mentioned - he stayed in his comfort zone. Casanova - to be continued
  12. Well I think it should be a new thread for Tour-Rumors-2019 The video made by @Boucarilla before one of the rehearsals for The Voice season 7. A part is in Italian and a part is in French. https://mega.nz/#!wUJxnQKb!XextH1ZFymowg0RRSZw8BBq2Id2b025C5XOyvw5x5ec At 2:33 they start to talk about a gig in Istanbul in 2013. When asked when the next tour will take place he says:" It's for the next year. It's official. Yes, I've just received the calendar for the next year gigs!!!!!
  13. Exactly, if he did not mention it I wouldn't realize that there was a mistake there. Mika honest as usual Well, singing with his coach it's not easy. Specially if it's Mika - a stage beast . For him it was so natural to get out of the box and sing. That why my first thought was - "almost like in Casa Mika"! Casanova still has things to learn. Specially how to improvise.
  14. Or he was wondering if he was allowed to say it yet And he did it !
  15. Thank you for the videos!!!! Lucky you !!!! In this one he said: I have just received the calendar for the next year gigs!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!! We need to ask him for the details
  16. I am happy that Maelle is the winner. She deserves it 100%. Every time I hear her singing I have goosebums. She's a pure diamond. At her age to sing like this is a God's gift. Even if she were not a winner she would do a big career anyway. I am sure. But what happened with Casanova - his transformation - that was worth to watch. His determination from one side and Mika's way of coaching him from another made this transformation possible. Would any other coach do the same? To be "rude" in some way, to impose him very difficult songs to sing, to force him to expose himself ? I do not see it in Florent, Zazie or Pascal's way of coaching. Casanova's performances of "Kid" and "Formidable" made me cry and and it does not happen very often. Well, only when I forget that it's just a show, it's an singer, it's a song. And the perfomance becomes a part of me. When I'm totally in. And I was totally in. I believed in what I saw. Thank you Casanova, thank you Mika!!!!! And good luck for the future.
  17. Casa Mika is back Oh, no. It's the Voice. The coach with his talent
  18. OMG! I was crying during Casanova's performance. It was so deep! I've seen different layers in a song and in the choreography. I had a feeling that it was not only a guy who lost his love (in the song "Formidable"). It was a funeral of... what? Lost Love? A person he loved? People dressed in black... And in the same time it could be his last performance, last cry for beeing understood? So many questions. So many emotions.... Well sung, well performed as actor. This is what art is made for: to touch our hearts, our souls. I am very happy for Casanova and for Mika. And I don't care too much about the votes. All talents are the winners.
  19. @Felipe Silva You can watch it live on streaming here: https://www.firstonetv.net/Live/France/TF1-28
  20. Is it the longest version of "Love Today" ? Ha ha ha ha ha!
  21. This (see below screen shot). Internet never lies. It has only it's own way if seeing things
  22. On Polish google it looks like this: see below. The internet mixed information about Mika and Mika Urbaniak (Polish-American singer). It's crazy! But it's just the this page where we can see a copilation. On proper pages everything is correct. But yes, if anybody does like us (google MIKA), he will think that Mika was born the 8th of January 1980, so he is 38. On the other hand somebody looking for Mika Urbaniak information can learn she was born in Beirut and her full name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. Did she change sex? Ha ha ha! Does she sing "Popular Song"? On the bottom you can see Mika's (our Mika's) albums. Be careful while playing with the Internet!!!! You never know what you find.
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