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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. I think he sais that the actor who directed Anything is Possible Billy Porter was playing in Pause.
  2. He mentioned it in his intro to the song in Palais Ideal. Well, it's in French so maybe you didn't understand it.
  3. Yes, I even wanted to comment about it under the video. But I decided to check this thread first. Maybe I missed something? It must be Andy's work Anyway I love the video. I don't think it's distracting or doesn't match with the song. Most of the video clips nowadays show an image which - imo - don't stick together with the lyrics. Mika said it's a song reflecting feelings of an older man who is loosing his popularity and now younger guys are more appreciated. Mika for a long time had problem with his age and with getting older. I think he accepted it now. Now he feels grown up - especially after his mum's death. (well for me he is still young - hello, 39 it's not even a half of your life!!!!!) So we see "an older man" watching his videos when he was young and he is thinking about the past. Of cours I don't mean that at that time he was happy all the time - we know his story. I agree as well with what @holdingyourdrink said. Like always we can have many interpretations. But I love these old films. I have never seen them before. So nice Mika showed us a little bit of this private life. Each of us can take old photos and videos and watch our own path of life, our faces changing with time.... Young or older - it's still us. The same soul, the same eyes.... but maybe with a little different way of seeing things...
  4. SOLD Still available CARRÉ OR for Carcassonne concert. Place A6-57
  5. I have a spare ticket in CARRÉ OR for Carcassonne concert. Place A6-57 Selling for the paid price 59 EUR. I can send the ticket via email or give you a paper version in Carcassonne before the concert or in Perpignan if you will be there.
  6. I have something like 35 balloons. Pink and gold go well for both songs. But if you do the rainbow fan action on GK maybe balloons will be better for OOL as We Are Golden is just after or before GK. Yo-yo is in between so we will avoid a cumulation.
  7. I am not sur if this "fan action" from Twitter will work at all. Young girls have a strange idea we don't understand. I don't think people know who is Mareva. So screaming her name or showing a sheet with her name can be pretty strange. At least if Mika gets the idea. But Mareva doesn't want to go on stage again and actually it's her "fan club" wants to do something using her name.... well I am not able to explain it. I have red ballons for Perpignan so anyway I will distribute them. Sorry but the all ideas came out very late so hard to organize all at the last minute. During the last Zoom I mentioned my "balloons fan actions". And actually balloons released at the beginning of the show will stay with the public till the end. So hard to say it relies to only one specific song. It's a general item adding good vibes.
  8. Well, during GK Mika was doing a an action with giant balloons during the revelation Tour. As I will be traveling starting from today's afternoon I will not follow this thread regularly. So for the moment the balloons are for OOL, when we still have the sun light, right?
  9. Still a few days ago I thought that this will be "just a gig" in a beautiful place... And now it looks like we will have BIG PARTY prepared for Mika!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. So I think Tiny Love would be a good moment - relation to LGBT+ love and and to love in general. Mika talks a lot now before Tiny Love. So we will have time to light the lights.
  11. I have pink ballons with a golden heart and I thought to put them into the public during the second song which is OOL. Balloons can be released even it's not completely dark. (Well, we can do it as well during Grace Kelly and We Are Golden as well if you decide to do the rainbow during OOL) So I propose to start the lights closer to the middle of the gig when the sun is already down. At the beginning of Yo-Yo maybe - at the acoustic part. People will have time to light the mobiles before Mika starts the "house party" part. Or Happy Ending.
  12. Oh, I was thinking about it too some time ago. I think I even posted a short video with a "test" eyes. As I start my travel to Perpignan tomorrow I will not have time do participate.
  13. If I counted it well there is 6 rows carre or plus 24 rows. Total 30 rows. ( I don't count small areas behind the main part of the venue) So if we take 5 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue) it makes 6 rows per color. Of cours rows in the back part are larger so it makes more seats. The last row is about 100 places.
  14. No, Mika already said during concerts that he was writing music to a film with real actors. And that he makes the music in a way to make camel talk
  15. EDIT: SOLD I still have one general admission ticket for Carcassonne the 22nd of July. The concert is sold out now. DM me please.
  16. Mika with a little girl during Underwater. More information from Loren: Pour l’histoire, la petite fille faisait partie du staff du festival Et Mika a dit qu’il l’avait vue « en train de jouer aux cartes sur le téléphone de sa maman, et qu’il voulait qu’elle vienne sur scène avec lui » Donc elle pleure d’émotion (et impressionnée surtout) voilà For the record, the little girl was part of the festival staff And Mika said he saw her “playing cards on his mom’s phone, and he wanted her to come on stage with him” So she cries with emotion (and above all impressed) here it is.
  17. Thank you so much for your report. I love reading about how fans reacted and seen Mika during the concert
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