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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. Are those good or bad goggly eyes? 😅 edit: just figured out Mika is a huge Rufus Wainwright fan! Well than they are awesome goggly eyes!
  2. Very much a fan of this style of illustration, with an unexpected sad story and accompanied by a happy tune: it’s Mika 2.0! Or Mika 2020? Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of his sister’s work, but I like how he is venturing different styles in both music and illustration/animation style. Maybe the current pandemic and personal circumstances forced him to do so, but I’m not sad about it. Or maybe it was just a one time thing 😊
  3. Hmm. The song is okay, I think it needs to grow on me. It doesn’t give me the feels like “Over my shoulder” or “I see you” does. With those songs you can feel his intent differently, this one is more calm. I like his lower register though, it’s warm and comforting. But... I love it when he uses his entire vocal ability, it would make it more Mika to me. But this is Danna’s song, so I also understand it’s him being more of a guest to the song.
  4. Think Michele was quite nervous and Mika did a great job in taking the lead and guiding him. But I could definitely see Mika take off on his own 🤣 The smile at the end was almost like “oh whoah, that was it... can I go again!?! Let me go again!!”
  5. This man has too much energy for this song! Felt like he could’ve burst any moment to do more, too bad it was only one performance.
  6. Mika just posted in his stories that he enjoyed being back on stage very much. I wonder what his thoughts are on the new normal and if he could see himself perform in a setting like that again? Does anyone know how many visitors were allowed in tonight?
  7. Oh Anna, but you know how much we like to speculate 🤣
  8. Would love for them to perform on an anniversary show (if that is what’s happening). I enjoyed their performances so much on the Voice (YouTube is amazing for replay!). Zazie‘s voice is insane!! If they are going to do a full edition, I must say I don’t blame him. I’m sure his fans in France will be estatic for him to return to the show (who wouldn’t want to see Mika every week?!) and it keeps him moving. The last thing anyone needs is a depressed Mika on the couch who only eats order in cheesecake and hums his songs in defeat, whilst flipping through channels. (If the thought of such an image isn’t depressing enough!!)
  9. Yeah I’ve been thinking about that too, German media is quite harsh (I live in Germany myself), especially when someone is a bit more extravagant or just different. I have the feeling the French and Italians celebrate being different more, or they just celebrate Mika 😊 I’m glad he found his crowd! But I’m sad for all the fans outside of those countries 🤣
  10. Maybe it’s just me, or is he more candid for French and Italian tv than he is for British tv? I’ve watched clips of him where he was a guest judge for X Factor UK and he seems very timid there! Or maybe it’s just the editing, not sure.
  11. I love how he casually mentions that he became an uncle again AND that he broke a 10.000 euro lamp 🙈
  12. If I click on the link and I go to YouTube it is as you have described, with “I see you” at 38 mins and the thank you song at 1h12mins. But when I click on the video and a popup comes up from YouTube within the forum (I have no way how to describe it otherwise), it starts at the times I’ve mentioned. I guess the forum format cuts off the first 30 mins of the video for me 😢😅 Either way, I’ve found it!! And that’s what counts 😊🎉🎉
  13. I did actually 🙈 but in the link for me „I see you“ starts at 0:12:00 and then the thank you song at 0:45:00! Weird how it is different for me!? But I’ve figured it out, for anyone who has the same problem as me 😅 Thank you for posting!! I loved this session ❤️
  14. For me, „I see you“ starts at 00:12, but I can’t find the thank you song 😢 as soon as I have found if, I will let you know what minute it starts for me 😆
  15. I totally missed that! That is very sweet, from both sides. It was btw so nice to see so many of the MFC there. I hope there is a comment section too at the 19th of September (but maybe not, I can imagine there are more than 300 participants 😅 so the chat would be flooded!), because it really felt that we were going to a gig together, yesterday 😊
  16. I know right??? They are both handsome, I can’t believe they picked the most unflattering one of all 🙈 And did you notice the bad photoshop with Mika‘s arm? I just can’t 🙈🙈
  17. Wait what, Mika became an uncle again!? How awesome is that! And that during Corona. I’m glad his family is fine and that the baby is healthy ❤️
  18. Oh my, I hear it, too! Hope that won’t get them into trouble!? It is VERY similar 🙈
  19. You have a good point. I haven’t been a fan that long so I see everything with pink glasses still 😆
  20. Thank you for this! I’m so grateful for translations. I can read French (like, eh, 60% 😅), but listening is so much harder 🙈
  21. I understand what you mean and a big part of me also agrees with you. But that’s why we are all Mika fans and love his specific sound 😊 However, I do think that him being a musician and just a lover or music in general, makes him curious and want to explore different styles all the time, I’m sure. I just draw this comparison: I love drawing, portraits are my absolute passion, but I also like to explore cartoon style and illustrating and even abstract. I may suck at those things, but I like the variety and it broadens my horizons in other ways that are not directly visible in my drawings. I think Mika being able to do these things is him broadening his horizon that will definitely pay off in his own niche and music 😊
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