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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. Wow, this analysis really hit home. It would make so much sense, with Mika saying the song has a lot of meaning to him. Now I feel a bit better moving my body left to right when this is on 😊😆
  2. Have it in the background as I’m cooking lunch! 😊 it’s perfect for that 😆
  3. You’re right, I would probably not seek it out to listen to. If I have Spotify on, it will suggest songs that I would like based on my playlist and this one would probably pass by. With some songs I would stop and then add it to my playlist, this one could be one of those. But of course I’m overly biased, because Mika is in it 😊
  4. You’re right, it’s also very nice to hear Mika in his lower and calmer range. You said that very nicely 😊 I like how it combines with Soprano’s voice. I can however understand why he wouldn’t go into his higher register. It would probably collide with the whole feel of the song. To hear him in a commercial song like this is a pleasant surprise! It’s starting to grow on me 🎉 Very true! Happy to hear new music in every form 😊 and this being so danceable I’m very sure it will turn up on my regular playlist 😆 hearing this, I’m very curious if the Danna Paola collab will be similar to her music, which would make me a very happy dancer 😎
  5. Ohhh I like this one 😊 it‘s a nice earworm and I hope it will do great on the radio for the next couple of weeks!
  6. I love the rhythm and beat. Mika‘s part feels tame, because he‘s not getting into his complete vocal range and it kind of feels like „singing along“ this way. But that’s because I just really love his sound, which I cannot truly hear in this song. It‘s like him sitting in the club, holding his drink and bopping his head to the beat, instead of dancing on the tables and entertaining everyone! Still a nice song to dance to, though 😊
  7. I can imagine a cover in Mika‘s interpretation can be much much nicer. I remember a clip when a candidate of X Factor was very unhappy with Mika‘s song choice for his performance, but as soon as he heard it and in the end performed, he said he did love it: Mika made it work for him. I’m sure he will make this song work for him and Michele!
  8. It makes sense for Mika to bring out an Italian song, with X Factor Italia starting at the 17th of September. Emma Marrone is also bringing out a new song tomorrow. Smart marketing!
  9. I so hope it’s not going to be a remix of an existing song 🙈 although I would enjoy listening to that as well!
  10. So yesterday I listened to some other collaborations Danna did with other people, I actually love them! I assume, since it will be on Danna’s album, the song will be more Danna-ish than Mika-ish? Or is that a bit of a stretch 🤣 When I listen to music I actually switch between Mika and Latin music. Them doing a collaboration together is just perfect, I can keep their song on repeat 😍
  11. I’m so excited, we are all going to the same concert together! How unique is that? And planning fan actions! I am in 🎉🎉
  12. In less than 45 mins we can buy tickets!! I’ve been standing in line in front of my laptop since, well, right this minute 😆
  13. Same! Went to the cinema in the Netherlands on the 20th and my friend and I were the only ones there. We had the entire cinema to ourselves though, so we vigorously danced and sang along 😊 it was incredible fun
  14. Welcome to the forum! I love that you are one of the Swiss that speaks all four official languages. And as a bonus English! I admire multilinguals 😊 have fun here! And there are different language sections here too, but I’m sure you’ve already found them 😊 not sure if they have Romansh, though 😆
  15. Welcome to the forum! As I read your title, that you are obsessed with Mika, I was like “yeah, me too 😆”, but I think we all are! Have fun here!
  16. Welcome to the forum! Your introduction is lovely and special. I also love how you connect with his songs in the different languages, seeing you speak them! Like all the main languages he speaks! Very impressive. Hope you don’t find it too hard to navigate through the forum this time. It is a lovely bunch of people here 😊 ready to interact.
  17. Selamat siang, Fier! Apa kabar? Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia, but I have my roots there 😊 so I know little words and sentences. Welcome to the forum! I just joined not too long ago, and it’s overwhelming at first to navigate through, but you’ll get used to it soon enough 😊 and the fandom is so nice and sweet, I’ve only had positive encounters and energy, I guess just like how Mika’s music makes us feel ❤️
  18. I cannot keep up with this man, guess I’m sharpening my pink pencils 🤣 Pink is the colour of desire! Well sure feels that way 😍
  19. I just had to explain to my husband why I was watching a video of Mika panting... 🙈
  20. I just adore this ❤️ He seems to have a lot of fun at work! Although it must’ve been a loooong day with telling people off they were late 😜
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