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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Put your finger away, you don't know what I was going to ask. . I might have said how big is his bathroom!
  2. Everything? so how big is his OHH no you mean the song, ok never mind.
  3. Nothing I recognise. We need the Mika whisperer on the case! @Prisca quick, ask him what the music is!
  4. His eyes are amazingly beautiful. I can't believe how clear and bright they are. And so expressive, his soul shines through them. ❤️ Something I've been wondering about, he has a small brown speck in one eye. Has he always had it, or was it acquired somehow? Has it ever been mentioned? I'm really hoping it's nothing to do with the school bullies.
  5. Maybe a song for Lebanon? OOHHHH! How about, can MFC get Fairuz 'Le Beirut' trending on socials?
  6. My question is, what happened to the old piano? Drunken dancing?
  7. Yayyy, thank you!! How did you do that Anna? Are you on computer? My phone won't let me copy or capture the images on Insta.
  8. He's just posted on Insta, looks like delivery of a new piano. Sorry, I don't know how to capture the posts to display here.
  9. Hey! Where did you get my picture?? I don't remember posting a selfie.
  10. Hmm. Venice... The film festival? The biennale? The carnival? A concert at La Fenice Opera house (OMG please please please)? Or meeting with planners for a private gig? Or, maybe Venice was just a convenient half-way meeting point. Too many options...
  11. Don't worry @Prisca He posted twice yesterday, so we're a day in hand, no need to expect a post today. (Although it would be nice, of course). Even the Oracle of Adelphi had days off sometimes. Here, I'll give you this back, it might help.
  12. Aww, that was lovely, thank you! So pleased for him. What a great group, they do genuinely support and care about each other. So good to see.
  13. Looks good. Let us know how you get on with security Anna!
  14. Well the park closes soon, so... Oh great and powerful Mika whisperer, ask him for a clue where he's going tomorrow. I'm quite enjoying this game!
  15. Haha, Google maps says the park currently has "a lot more visitors than usual". Hmm, I wonder why? Could it have anything to do with a certain singer? OK fess up. Who's out there stalking him?
  16. More info and other sculptures by the same artist: https://www.arttrav.com/florence/folon-in-florence-rose-garden/
  17. Dear Mika, please would you consider wearing a personal GPS tracker? It would make our lives so much easier. Thank you!
  18. We need @Prisca again. Dear Mika, are you currently in your hotel room getting sloshed on Campari? Or vodka? Or both? And how are the crisps?
  19. One that's beyond my budget! Although, it might have been an overnight stop - he might have left and be headed back to the station via water taxi. Hmm... Let me look at the insta again.. *gets out magnifying glass and map of venice*
  20. Beautiful man in a beautiful place. Odd to see him in a disposable mask, doesn't he usually wear cloth ones? Maybe he forgot to pack one.
  21. Click through the story on his insta, and there's video of him in a boat on the Grand Canal.
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