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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Given the, er, point under discussion, did you have to use the phrase "almost touching"? I'm just concerned about his comfort. No need to bring the NC into this. Oh, I know. It's good to have a hobby.
  2. OK, apols for this, but is it me, or do those jeans need a bit more fabric in the crotch? It looks kinda tight. I guess it'd be ok while standing up, but sitting might be uncomfortable?
  3. Wow. That was weird. Kinda feel like I need to go scrub my brain, but I don't want to get Prisca excited. Funny seeing people in 2007 discussing his earlier performances and how much they thought he'd changed. To me 2007 was early.
  4. @Mikasister great minds think alike! I nearly posted this earlier. ❤️
  5. You don't see that part, but you feel it, you hear it, his intelligence wraps around you and envelops you in his words, in his music, like his heart, like his soul... Damn it's hot in here.
  6. @Mikasister Mmm yes, thank you! Very yummy.
  7. Ahhh, thank you so much! ❤️ Is there a login for VK, or do I need to set up my own account? Sorry, I'm still learning how things work..
  8. Not just possessed, it's infectious too! *jiggles away - and with me there's a lot to jiggle! *
  9. Shamelessly 'borrowed' from @Mikasister because there's that intense stare again. Holy hotness! Um. If anybody needs me, I'll be in my bunk...
  10. Not so much white as see through. I see why you like them @Mikasister
  11. AAAAHHHHHH! YES, WOOOHOOOO! BRILLIANT! What a triumph! Thank you Mika, thank you academicians, thank you stage crew and costume and lighting, and dancers. That was fantastic. Bravo! ❤️💛💚💙❤️
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