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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Ok, let's do this. Actually the thread was only cleaned this afternoon, it's not too bad. Oh, nearly forgot the dishes! There, sparkly clean. ✨ OK, I'm off back to the gasmic thread. A girl can feel too clean, you know? 😳
  2. His smile, and his twinkling eyes. He's having fun again. 😁❤️
  3. But no, his throat, I was talking about the hand pointing towards his gorgeous throat! Shame on your dirty mind for thinking otherwise! You can't make me go to the NC, I'm innocent!
  4. That hard stare, his elegant hands (pointing towards his, umm... ) the hint of dishevelled debauchery... the ropes...
  5. Good choice, that sounded amazing!
  6. What did he say, it was to quick for me to catch? I just got chewing gum.
  7. I've been sent here by @Mikasister for confessing to an impure thought in the gasmic thread. But it's her fault, really, posting a pic of the master sucking on his finger like that. I specifically said lick lick, and she posted suck suck!
  8. Aha, mystery solved! Thank you @dcdeb Good to know it's official and above-board at least. I guess different artwork could draw in new listeners? Although it's too random to be effective. Pesky compilation lists confusing us!
  9. Nice detective work Eriko, thank you! That's weird though. If it's a link, why wouldn't it just show the standard image, and play the video as normal? Where are the art/images coming from? I freely admit I know nothing about YouTube!
  10. Yup. I wondered if there was something dodgy about it, if it was a spoof to lure you to a scam site, but it seems to go to the official channel, plus the artwork seems too good for that. I'll keep an eye out and add any others here too.
  11. That was beautiful! Thank you Eriko.
  12. Oh god yes, that would be incredible!
  13. I don't see them on his channel either, and they don't appear if I search specifically for GK, but if I search for another song they sometimes show in the list of recommendations.
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