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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Aww, I just want to give him a big hug and tell him it'll be ok! ❤️ I wonder how he dried off afterwards.. 75681346_165263951337554_5487706348101343936_n.mp4.d04f8028c4fa0555247f8978b1712d84.mp4
  2. ❤️ "so kiss me in the backseat of my Opel Mokka" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
  3. I'm just glad he's okay, that could have been bad. Thank god he was able to get out. Mika, naughty boy, don't scare us like that!
  4. Oh bless, he looked so happy. That was so sweet to watch. ❤️
  5. Aaahh! Good God woman, are you trying to kill me??! I'm officially dead now. Does he need help cleaning? Cos I can start at his toes and work my way up...
  6. You mean, like a d - a dungeon? With chains and whips and leather restraints? Oh my god... Combustion alert! I need a cold shower!
  7. Aww, so many lovely pets here. @silver your dogs are gorgeous! Here's a couple of my sweet lady Martha, she's just turned 11:
  8. Poor Mika, all by himself in the naughty corner, with so much dusting to do! (I did say clothing optional, typical man can't take a hint, grumble...)
  9. Well done Prisca! Yes, absolutely disgraceful behaviour. Mika, to the naughty corner, right now, and don't forget your broom! Clothing optional...
  10. Hi Liam, and welcome! I only joined recently too, but its a lovely place full of friendly people, hope you have fun here.
  11. Oh I like this thread very much. He does like to keep his mouth, um, occupied, doesn't he?
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