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Everything posted by Hero

  1. This song is a masterpiece. That's really all I can say about it - an incredible, intriguing, challenging, referential, inclusive, magnificent, intimate masterpiece. I love it. One of his best. Bravo Mika. ❤️👏
  2. I know this song from seeing the sinfonia version on YouTube - in fact, this was one of the things that led me to becoming a fan. From the very first note, I was transported away. It is amazing. He uses music as a way to convey emotion, and ensures the emotions are the core in his performance. Love it.
  3. This song is so beautiful. I adore the version he performed at the Versailles Opera. So tender. ❤️
  4. I understand. I'm usually a good girl, at least in public, so I'll try to behave here too. Although I have just found the Wonkaland thread...
  5. Yes, me too. That's become something more now, a lovely remembrance. 😢❤️
  6. Lol, sorry! One of the joys of being a redhead, I usually need more anesthesia. I once had a procedure cancelled as the numbing hadn't taken and the poor dentist didn't dare give me any more.
  7. Last week I had to go to hospital to have a tooth extracted. Due to Covid and everything I was by myself. When I came out I was woozy (needed 8 injections for the anaesthetic to take), and a little shaky, as I'm not great with dental procedures. I rang for a taxi, then went to wait outside in the fresh air. It was just starting to rain, a grey mizzle. I found a quiet spot, stood in the light rain, put in my earphones and played "Tomorrow". It was perfect. The instant I heard the opening note, Mika's perfectly smooth voice on the first Tomorrow, I felt myself smile and begin to relax, it was like receiving a warm hug. It was soft and gentle and full of possibility. I love this song.
  8. I guess different songs affect us from our own experiences. I adore Happy Ending, but cannot listen to it, it just cuts too deep for me. Strangely I quite like OMS, I find it oddly comforting in its melancholy. The sadness there for me is that he was ever in a situation that compelled him to write it. And for some reason, the line in Tiny Love where he sings "My name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983" always makes me tear up. The first times I heard "AOW" and "OM" too, although the sinfonia versions are now 2 of my faves.
  9. That's a shame, although I guess it keeps special. He does like fleeting beauty, doesn't he? I did wonder if prints or cards might be available to purchase, with the proceeds going to support the artists and museum, or a cultural charity. It would have been nice for those of us unable to visit Paris to see them in person, and a thank you to the artists involved. Ah well!
  10. Oh dear God, how did I not know before now? This explains some responses I got in another thread. I am shocked and so very saddened to hear that Joannie passed away last December. I knew of her illness, but shamefully this news had passed me by, and I believed her to still be with us, still battling on like the incredibly strong woman she was. I'm so very sorry. My heart goes out to Mika and his family, I wish them all peace, strength and love. RIP Joannie.
  11. OK, so I know I'm late to the party with this one, but I just heard Promiseland and I am. knocked. OUT. It's incredible! The power, the rage burning through each section, the unapologetic stance of reclaiming his "crown", the raw sound, the low notes - I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this, and I love it! It's been on repeat for 50 minutes now and it's going to get played to death tonight. Holy hell its good. Thank you Mika.
  12. This is lovely, and inspiring. A truly beautiful, uplifting and generous project. All the Mika hallmarks! ❤️
  13. Ahh, ok. Thank you, those are good insights. 😊
  14. Yes, I meant when Covid isn't such a restriction - certainly not expecting it to happen this year, maybe a couple of years, and of course it depends on his schedule - if the Revelation Tour is restarted he'll be out in Asia and South America for a while. But, vaccines and road maps are being gradually rolled out, so venues might like to know demand is there to prepare and plan for reopening.
  15. Thanks Silver! I've emailed the listed contact at YMU as well - can't hurt to cover all bases. Following on from Vicki's post above about contacting venues, I had a thought - do we know which Mika's favourite or preferred venues are in the UK? I'd love to see a full UK tour, but it might not be practical with his schedule. If we can gather a list of preferred options, we could all contact the venues to let them know and ask if they could help in any way.
  16. Um. I'm confuzzled. Mika said his UK promoter is Metropolis and agent Alex Hardee at Paradigm, but in the faq thread it says his UK rep is YMU, which seems to have an active contact: https://music.ymugroup.com/people/mika Anyone able to clarify?
  17. Hi all So, I'm not expecting a response, but I've just emailed Alex Hardee asking how we can get Mika in the UK again, and if there's anything we (the fans) can do to help achieve it. If I do get a reply I'll share it here. If I don't get a reply... try, try again, I can be a pleasant but persistent thorn if needed. 😈 Edit: have also emailed Metropolis.
  18. Oh, what a lovely welcome! Thank you all so much! You guys rock! I'll read the info and follow the other platforms, thanks! @TinyLove_CJ I'm in East Yorkshire, Humber area. Hmm, I wonder how many of us there are?
  19. Hi everyone! My name is Andrea (she/her) and I'm in the North-East UK. My age? Ahhh... older than I like, I recently turned 47. Eek. But I'm young at heart, so what's an age anyway? 😂 I rediscovered Mika over the Christmas lockdown, initially from seeing him in clips online from The Voice France. I was intrigued that this generous, charming, polished, cheeky gentleman was the same curly headed boy who had hit the charts with Grace Kelly. I remembered how much I had enjoyed his music before, so looked him up online, read his history (incredible) and listened to the songs I'd missed out on, and oh my goodness what an absolute pleasure. Such fantastic tunes, rhythms, melodies and lyrics. I heard the joyous Origin of Love for the first time, the hedonistic Tomorrow, the lively Elle Me Dit, the beautiful if heart rending Over my Shoulder. So many great songs. At a time when I was quite low and isolated, his music, live performances, and sheer energy and enjoyment of life brought a new glow to my jaded heart, and I will forever love him for that. Thank you Mika for bringing sunshine back into my life, even if you don't know it. 😊❤️ TLDR: this man is amazing, Mika freak for life!
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