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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Same, I find it very 'nothingy' - seems it's primary function is to keep other pizza toppings in place! I've had a mozzarella and sun dried tomato salad which was OK, but its not a cheese I'm going to buy for itself.
  2. Not saying anything. Just staring down the camera, eating a piece of cheese, judging us.
  3. Mites are everywhere though. Everyone has mites living on them.
  4. Yes, edible nettle leaves, although apparently a little mouldy. More penicillium.
  5. Best (*in the opinion of the people acting as judges for this given event. Your tastebuds may differ.)
  6. Not so much looking for something, as wondering something.. - has he ever played the same venue/festival 2 years in a row? - which city or venue has he played the most?
  7. Now we're being told that apples and pears might be in short supply too.
  8. This post, the new thread... "Why are my fans suddenly obsessed with cheese??"
  9. Ah. I don't like Cab Sauv either. Your favourites are safe from me!
  10. I like your system better. Doesn't that depend on the wine though? A light merlot or pinot will have a different taste combination than a rich malbec or a complex shiraz.
  11. Has anyone tried Casu Marzu? That's for strong stomachs only! It's actually illegal now I believe.
  12. Weird, it's still doing it. Oh well never mind - we're on a new page now.
  13. Never eating soft cheese again. Kidding, yes I know mould is part of the process. It's just, when it's actually visible, no thanks. Plus blue cheese tends to be strong, and I prefer a mild to mid range. Do you have a strength rating for cheeses? Our supermarkets label them 1 (very mild, edam) to 5 (very strong, super mature cheddar). I usually hang around the 2-3 range.
  14. That's brilliant! I do think it's about context - we expect to see him on stage or after the show, but not in the hallway or in the audience so are not as 'tuned in' as we might otherwise be. BTW, that was the Royal Festival Hall. I was trying to think when he'd played the Royal Albert Hall!
  15. Edam was my favourite cheese as a kid! These days I prefer something with a bit more nutty flavour, but I'll get mini babybels in sometimes too. A garlic and herb roule is yummy. Great on hot crumpets! Supermarket here does a "Austrian style" smoked processed cheese. It's pretty much 50/50 cheese and butter. It is sooo good. But I don't let myself buy it anymore.
  16. Sage Derby! I've not seen that for years. The Port Derby seems to be more popular round here.
  17. I'm only now realising how lucky we are for cheese in the UK! As well as British cheeses, we can usually easily find French, Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Swiss, Greek.
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