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Big Girl video is on youtube!


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Great video, though! Argh I'm at work so I can watch it in a little corner of my screen (with a finger poised to cover it with real work in case the boss man walks by) but I don't have audio! Gah!!!



I do that at work as well, I have to minimise the screen if someone comes in as the entrance door is right behind me:naughty:

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Do some of us not like the video then??:boxed:


Personally I think it's much better than Love Today, which I quickly got bored with watching. But not as good as Grace Kelly, which I will still be watching with glee when I am 95:naughty:

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I loved it *even though those stupid people never emailed me back and the fact I could have met him if my stupid phone had decided not to die out on me because it was up the road from me* but I still prefer Love Today. Well done to the girls on here that took part!

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It's so simple and low budget-looking, but I really like it! It has some truly magical moments. I love the looks on people's faces as Mika dances through town with his big girls, (cute choreography by the way) and of course, watching Mika delight in some womanly curves. Very hot! It brings a smile to this big girl's face. :wub2:

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For what it's worth, I agree with those who say that a video is a promotional tool and helps sell the record. Within a week or two it would be up there anyway.

People in the other threads were begging to have the links PMd to them so what is the difference really? They didn't pay for it either.

I think Sou only does things to help people and did it with the purest motives - not so that Mika won't make money and his family will starve! (I'm sure Sou would give him her last crust!)


As for the video, I really like it, some say it is amateurish, but that's what makes it feel real for me.

I wasn't that struck on LT , but agree with Gatargordinha that I will still be watching GK when I'm 95 (which for those who know me isn't far away :wink2: ) and enjoying it, and I think the same with BG.

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It's not because you film real people in a real place that is amateurish work!:blink:

The clip was made very quickly in order to save the spontaneous side they wanted to give to it!

They used various original ways for filming Big Girls, Mika and also the crowd around them and I think it's the evidence of a huge professionalism behind...

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I didn't think it was amateurish because it used real people, I just thought the ideas weren't very original and lacked imagination. And when I say that, I mean the individual ideas for most of the scenes. I just thought it looked thrown together - and when the dancers were unco-ordinated, it was almost as if they didn't have time to go back and make it look better.


Just my opinion..happy that we can all have different opinions!

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It looks amateurish because it's not lit properly and the editing is terrible. Even some SNL Digital Shorts are better quality and they are shot with consumer-grade digicams and are often intentionally "bad" to add to the comedy.


Here's an example:




I don't have a problem with the concept, the location, the dancers, etc. All of that could be tighter and slicker if they re-edited the footage. That's why I'd say Love Today is a much better video whether you love it or not. He's making all the same moves as in the Big Girl video but his dancing, etc. looks so much more polished.


It's almost as if there are intentionally bad shots in this Big Girl video. Like he is singing in one camera and they show him from another angle. Maybe they're trying to be different but it just looks like it was produced by a 16 year old who just bought a camera for the first time.

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You know what I don't undestand? How most of you are being slightly hypocritical. Nobody had a fit when 'Love Today' or 'Relax, Take it Easy' were uploaded. And hey, if you want to deprive everyone from the video, sure tell me, all it takes is a button. Just don't call me unethical and that I lack a conscience; all I wanted to do was to help MFCers watch the video, I didn't mean any harm.


I know you didn't mean any harm, Sou. And I am really grateful that you have uploaded it! For the record, I would buy the Mika vid if I could anyway, but I still haven't got my paycheck.


People, if you have a problem with Sou uploading the vid, you don't have to point fingers at her. If you really want to say anything, a "Thank you for uploading the vid, Sou, but I feel bad if I view it. So I won't, but thank you for taking the time and energy to upload it, because I am sure you lead a busy life just like the rest of us."


Please don't delete the vid!

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hey everyone :)


im not sure how mika feels about having his video on youtube....BUT!

can we all promisse to buy the video when it is released ?! :)


if so than i think its ok ;) i hope...lol...

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hey everyone :)


im not sure how mika feels about having his video on youtube....BUT!

can we all promisse to buy the video when it is released ?! :)


if so than i think its ok ;) i hope...lol...


Of course I'll buy it, Sivan! I promise! My money is Mika's money. That's the case these days. :naughty:

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I don't expect Mika has a lot of dosh at this stage. He only gets about $1 for every CD sold and he has to pay the record company back for all of this promo. That probably goes a long way towards explaining this low budget video :naughty:

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I don't expect Mika has a lot of dosh at this stage. He only gets about $1 for every CD sold and he has to pay the record company back for all of this promo. That probably goes a long way towards explaining this low budget video :naughty:


Yeah...poor Mika. I do know he's skint at the moment - believe it not! LOL!:naughty: He told me in Brum. Bless. Give it time though and he'll be rolling in it! :thumb_yello:

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Is he really skint? :shocked: Doesn't he get any money? How does the man survive?





Well, he eats lots of carrots and other vegetables. They're cheap! :naughty:






I just watched the video. Thank you for posting it MikaObsessed! :) And thank you to Paula.pop for the link! I love the video, it looks so natural.

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Well, he eats lots of carrots and other vegetables. They're cheap! :naughty:






I just watched the video. Thank you for posting it MikaObsessed! :)


Marianne that picture is excellent! :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :biggrin2:

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