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Mika has worked hard to create his unique style


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He’s brash, arrogant, looks great and is already fond of saying foolish things. He writes proper songs, with daft lyrics and big choruses. Would that there were more like him.


I wouldn't confirm he's arrogant, self-confident yes (though maybe not as much as I might have thought in the beginning...), but not arrogant and good looking of course :blush-anim-cl:

And I don't think he is too fond of saying foolish things, during a great deal of the interviews the things he says are everything but foolish (tooth-in-ear stories excluded LOL).

Well, there are exceptions - LOL :mf_rosetinted:


Strange report, thanks for posting :flowers2:

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Here's the article pasted


Mika Has Worked Hard To Create His Unique Style

[Thursday 21, June 2007]

Mika's sound is a mix of the Scissor Sisters and Queen ...


Mika's sound is a mix of the Scissor Sisters and Queen ...


Alternating between the personalities of a bubblegum pop diva and witty rascal in the blink of an eye, Mika (born Michael Holbrook Penniman) is becoming one of the biggest things to hit the world of pop in a generation.


Mika was born in Beirut and began his life frequently relocating (his family fled war torn Lebanon); he was dyslexic, often bullied at school and lived with the stress of his father being taken hostage at Kuwait’s American Embassy. Through all of this havoc in his childhood Mika turned to music for support and comfort. He received formal training at the Royal College of Music in London, was coached by a Russian opera instructor and before he turned 21, Mika was recording and performing music with the Royal Opera House.


Take Freddie Mercury without the handlebar moustache, throw in equal amounts of Robbie Williams, Elton John and Scissor Sister’s Jake Shears; garnish with matinee-idol looks, the lyrical skillfulness of a young David Bowie and there you have it – the result is Mika. At 23, like any new pop sensation, he has entered the international celebrity stratosphere with his unique, powerful voice.


“He’s brash, arrogant, looks great and is already fond of saying foolish things. He writes proper songs, with daft lyrics and big choruses. Would that there were more like him.†Q editor Paul Watts.


Mika boasts the most colourful of life-stories and despite having struggled for almost five years to break into the music industry, is described by one recent interviewer as “so confident it’s frighteningâ€. His single Grace Kelly, the catchy and extraordinary inventive track (among other things, it samples the late princess of Monaco), tells about how difficult the music industry is to break in to. Unlike lots of musicians, Mika has got many vivid experiences to write about, including a few really traumatic episodes which give him material that other artists don’t really have. In the early stages of his career he was scorned by the alternative crowd because of his obsession with good melodies and was then rejected by the commercial crowd and the big record companies because they thought he was too weird.


Mika is said to enjoy his ambiguity – yet remaining ambiguous may not be possible for much longer. Although Mika can still walk the streets of Earls Court, where he lives, without being mobbed, he’s not got too many days of anonymity left. Through years of struggling to be heard, the result has been a more-or-less overnight sensation, helped by Mika’s sensitivity to the multimedia revolution in music – his Myspace site, which has received almost a million hits, showcases a cast of fictional cartoon characters that appear in lyrics to the debut album, ‘Life In Cartoon Motion’.


Fun Facts:


* A BBC poll of senior music industry figures offered their own endorsement, picking Mika as the brightest ‘new hope’ for the “sound†of 2007.


* Mika is terrified of sharks and water – when asked what freaks him out he said “Well, just anything that’s in the water. I hate water. I’ll go to the beach and pretend but I won’t go in. I wouldn’t swim with fish.â€


* Mika started writing songs as a kid, not because of grand ambitions but because it was an easy way to tell a story, a joke and often the truth. “Tell the truth in a song and people are less pissed off than if you were to say it to their face,†says Mika.




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Arrogant? Maybe yes!


I think he can sometimes be like that when he works for his own music!


I really think Mica has a strong and tough personality! He can't be sweetie after all the work he has done to be where he is now, after all what happened in his childhood, after the many ones "NO" he received from the music industry!


For me, it's not bad to be like that. It's that, when you don't succeed with what you do, which gives you the strength every day to fight for what you dream since you're a child!


You can both be sweet with people and the fans and be tough when you want to control your life and your career.


That's why Mica is so interesting and I like him! Didn't he say himself he wanted to control everything and he was paranoid?

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Arrogant? Maybe yes!


I think he can sometimes be like that when he works for his own music!


I really think Mica has a strong and tough personality! He can't be sweetie after all the work he has done to be where he is now, after all what happened in his childhood, after the many ones "NO" he received from the music industry!


For me, it's not bad to be like that. It's that, when you don't succeed with what you do, which gives you the strength every day to fight for what you dream since you're a child!


You can both be sweet with people and the fans and be tough when you want to control your life and your career.


That's why Mica is so interesting and I like him! Didn't he say himself he wants to control everything and he was paranoid!


I wish I was like him.

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I wish I was like him.

Yes!!!! Everybody wants it but I think many people doesn't know they are exactly like that!


I adore smart people who says foolish things because they have a lot of imagination! Thinking about crazy things is very stimulating (I don't know if the last word means something in english)!


Mad, intelligent, tough, funny,sweet!

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i just think arrogant is in the perspective of the beholder...


I mean, surely, when mika was bullied a lot, he probably didn't feel good about himself at all.

But once you overcome that stage, you feel better than i don't even know what...


The fact you overcome some bad stuff, makes you more confident and to some people that aren't in that stage yet, or never had to be, it may come across as arrogant...


Respect for Mika!:biggrin2:

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He's not arrogant. I often strike people as arrogant as well, but I'm certainly not. Only self-confident and well, full of self-knowledge:roftl:


But it's a great article though:thumb_yello:

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I think you have arrogant and arrogant, if you know what I mean. I believe a little arrogancy can be a good thing to accomplish your goal, and that's exactly what he had done!


He didn't want an interfearing recordcompany, so he turned them down. In a way, that's pretty arrogant: I mean, he had nothing, they offered him a lot and still he said no, because he knew exactly what he wanted.


But! If you hear his music now, if you see the shows, if you look at the artwork, you realize that an average push-over would never have accomplished that... So I don't see the arrogancy-thing as negative. It only makes me admire his work even more, and I have a lot of respect for all he has done so far!


It's unbelievable!:thumb_yello:




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I think you have arrogant and arrogant, if you know what I mean. I believe a little arrogancy can be a good thing to accomplish your goal, and that's exactly what he had done!


He didn't want an interfearing recordcompany, so he turned them down. In a way, that's pretty arrogant: I mean, he had nothing, they offered him a lot and still he said no, because he knew exactly what he wanted.


But! If you hear his music now, if you see the shows, if you look at the artwork, you realize that an average push-over would never have accomplished that... So I don't see the arrogancy-thing as negative. It only makes me admire his work even more, and I have a lot of respect for all he has done so far!


It's unbelievable!:thumb_yello:




Yes! Arrogance is not only a bad thing. It can help you in some situations!

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