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Sparkly poetry


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Wow!!! I'm impressed.. these poems are really good. I love them, full of emotions and actually make you sit and ponder for a bit. Hope you'll share more with us soon. (btw lovely to have met you and your daughter in London :wink2: )


Thank you, glad you enjoyed them, I don't profess to be good at it, it's just something I do now and then when the feeling grabs me lol.


:blush-anim-cl:I'm embarrassed to say this but I can't picture who you were when I met you in London as I met a lot of MFCers lol, and my memory is really poo, so er any clues to help me along would be nice lol.:blush-anim-cl:

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Thank you, glad you enjoyed them, I don't profess to be good at it, it's just something I do now and then when the feeling grabs me lol.


:blush-anim-cl:I'm embarrassed to say this but I can't picture who you were when I met you in London as I met a lot of MFCers lol, and my memory is really poo, so er any clues to help me along would be nice lol.:blush-anim-cl:


I'm the one Mika reopened his car door for :naughty: does that help??

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i think your poems are beautiful and meaningful


Thank you :blush-anim-cl: I'm not so sure (I used to be a member of this online site that helped us to strive to always improve on them but it vanished so now I have no don't know how to gauge them any more, but still...I enjoy expressing myself this way.

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I have just posted this poem in this thread



because it fits in there really, but thought as I had it "out" I would post it here too.

Barbie Dolls


Take a broken mirror

Syndrome, of our times

Stick it back together,

Hear alarm bells chime.


Take a broken woman

Fix her up with glue,

Silicone her breasts up

WELL DONE western view!


Take that broken judgement

Sucked from her tiny hips

Inject it in her brainwashed mind

And collagen those lips.


Take her broken heart

Patched up with Bottox

Numb out the emotions,

trap in Pandora's box.


Take her broken image

Stitch it up with thread,

A pencilled caricature

A beautiful pill head.


Take her broken soul--

mend with, surgeon's knife.

She's forever now your Barbie doll,

in this bizarre fantasy of life.


04/01/2005©Vivienne B

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Oh the little lady he did the sig for cos you had come from so far away?

that was sweet of him wasn't it :)



It was really sweet of Mika... yeah my sister got an autograph.. i was really pleased that he reopened that door just for me :blush-anim-cl:

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Oh unfillable void...

I'm destroyed


The unspoken word,



It's repugnant and vile

my persona's on trial.

I'm destroyed,

internally yet visibly fragmented.

This grateful penance is

Self-fulfilling…and accepted.


20/6/06©Vivienne B

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Sacred crushed velvet

If I turn mine eyes

To the grey, shame…

Shame may go away.


Frantically I sit cleansing

With compulsive revulsion

From sacred crushed velvet


His parental seed,

Selfishly planted

Where I bleed, and…


Without a care

Ravished my spirit

Beyond repair


Admiration has ceased

Oh She of same blood

You are released.


And I in your place

Emotionally confined in

His Blackmailing embrace.


23/4/2006©Vivienne B

The art is not my own and it's not the pic that inspired this poem but I wasn't sure if the other pic would be classed as unsuitable so I posted a "safer" one).

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Awwww....I havent been on here in a while but I love your poetry, they are all so good!! Wish I could write poetry that well.. :wub2: Keep up the fantabulous, excellent, amazing poems :wink2:

Thanks Liz, they aren't new pieces though as i just DON'T have time now since Mika and MFC, I have to get my priorities right you know :bleh: (you write some "interesting" one yourself too don't you Liz). :naughty::naughty:

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Sheer terror entraps you

And you have grown in fear

Yet you lift up your head to scream your loudest scream

And your whole body trembles with its force

And the chosen hears… nothing



Feels nothing.

You thought you had found your soul mate

You thought, hoped one day

One day you would feel the love

Your heart gave out till it was spent

And now your glass is full to bursting





You can hold no more emptiness

You can hold no more nothingness

So you live

You exist

Rotting inside your shell

You breathe, you eat, you sleep….

And all along you have been and are just




©Vivienne B. 22/6/2005.

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Think I should be embarrassed about posting this one but it's a contrast to the others I guess if nothing else (anyway this is just my little secret thread so I can do what I like lol).

Treasure Chest


I wanted to melt before your eyes,

I could have died there in your arms,

For a second I was in heaven,

So safe away from harm.


I wanted to swim right through your eyes,

I needed to reach inside your soul,

I longed to caress your lips with kisses,

Until with two hands, your heart I’d stole.


I wanted to bury myself in your chest,

I would have stayed there till I’d died,

You could have awoken the woman within me,

And made love to her until she cried.


I wanted our body's to be as one,

I wanted our eyes to be burning with lust,

I wanted our mouths to explore with hunger,

Then explode with pleasure into tiny particles of dust.


I wanted to stand there in your shadow,

I longed to caress your soft black hair,

I wanted to be dwarfed by your manliness,

I wanted to feel “all woman” by your stare.


I wanted to taste your presence beside me,

I wanted to see your face when I’d awake,

I wanted to cocoon you in my love,

I wanted to be your soul mate.


Vivienne B©7/11/1996

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Wow, I love the imagery of loss and emptiness in nothing!! and treasure chest is such a contrast to ur usual tone and mood but i like it, the emotion of lust is so strong, it seems to be a stronger feeling of physical attraction rather than love, but i like it!!! more more more!!!

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  • 2 months later...

(A bit of sillyness..or is it?):bleh:



Tecnicolour wool


Your lollipops were sugar coated

how very well they were promoted

I sucked it hard and still can't stop

but it tastes just like a mutton chop

and in the flock of rainbow lambs

I hide like a sheep amongst the rams.

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hey sparkly, I haven't read everything yet, and I probably will not understand everything (at least not without dictionary:naughty:) but I just wanted to say that I like Nothing :thumb_yello:

I really like it.

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hey sparkly, I haven't read everything yet, and I probably will not understand everything (at least not without dictionary:naughty:) but I just wanted to say that I like Nothing :thumb_yello:

I really like it.


erm...thank you very much :blink: I think lol :naughty:

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well since Mika has posted some poetry it has got me thinking about poetry again so dug this one out to post here.

Dropping Pennies


The day will come one day,

one day the day will come,

when pink cotton candy mist

clears, and you succumb

to all that you have done.


Your crystal droplets of ruby red

from your bleeding heart upon his bed,

intruding in this darkened well,

strengthening my newfound hell

to stand tall again be fixed be whole

your twisted agony can heal my soul.


Bleed before my eyes

weep oceans feel crucified

swallow the bitter taste

of my shamed satisfaction

as the penny drops by your side


TING…oh joy is the sound

of said penny upon stone ground,

for only then in YOUR darkness

when your broken heart does burn

will some empathy you learn.


©2005 Vivienne B (3/8/2005)

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One of these days I will get round to writing some new stuff and better stuff would be nice lol. (sorry but I always have to apologize for everything).



Out of Her Hands


When cool grey mist fills the air

She dwells in clouds of fuzzy indecision

The daily regime is instilled

Drip-fed with immaculate precision

…It’s out of her hands.


Bound tight like a swaddled infant

Helpless in your entrusted embrace

Sing softly the lullaby of dependency

Power play in an enclosed space

…It’s out of her hands.


Un-cocooned and unrolled

Unwrapped and unfurled

The oyster shell is abruptly opened

But…where is the pearl?

…It’s out your hands.


A camouflaged wallflower

Now sits wilting in distress

Burning in your iced stare

At her useless powerlessness

…It’s out of their hands.


©2005 Vivienne B 22/8/2005

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Dragons Lair


With hands tied behind my back

This last straw upon the camels back

A reluctant and begrudged blessing

Exchanged for your silver tongued caressing


So take her to your dragon’s lair

As deadly sin awaits her there

Blood drips from dank cold walls

Here in the place the angel falls.


Long talons black as coal

Caress the whiteness of her soul

Rusty chains lay on the filthy ground

Like redundant sordid bounds.


Bats scurrying past her head

Rats burying her in your bed

Eyes prying like a pack,

Upon your latest; knick-knack.


Fiery breath bruises her skin

As molten larvae flows within

And as they lay within the putrescence

Relieved, wanton, free of pretence


Howls and jeers from other chambers

As quenched you lay in the dying embers

Triumphant, breathless, all but spent

In the dragons lair of my torment.


©Vivienne B 16/6/2005


(The pic art is by Ward).

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Familiar Face She was there tonight,

The little girl with freckles on her nose.

She looked up at me with blue mischief eyes,

Smiled…I blinked, and she had gone. I missed her presence, wished her back but,

Deep down I knew her visit was brief,

And with her she took my youth,

Bundled into the potato print bag she made in school

And proudly carried about her person

Because, her muse’s name was designed into it.

And it was over spilling with who she used to be.

But not the sad bad stuff... I reached out towards the mirror,

I wanted to touch re-capture

Some of that sparkle that once was me,

The little girl with freckles on her nose……

She was there tonight. 5/12/2004©Vivienne B


Love it!!! Honest and clear. yep, really liked this one.

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Thank you for reading them :) I am a mere novice as this next one explains, but it's a way to express yourself I guess and I can't draw or paint or play any instruments (oh how I wish I did) lol.

The Unsung Artist


These sounds, these words,

A mere vehicle of thoughts,

Thoughts that are grown and harvested

By a novice farmer of

Intellect...poetry and the like.

A collection of feelings

Sifted, sorted presented,

Once purely for the absorption of self,

Yet to pleasure the minds and hearts of many

Would fill a void,

Plug a gap

Be the missing piece.

But to a novice

Who can only deliver pieces

From her heart,

She’s unable to carve like a puppet pulled by strings.


Her soup never has the same flavour

Nor texture,

Nor appeal to the universal palette,

Not today, for most... never.

So her recipe remains nameless,

With many variations

In style, flavour and presentation.

Only ever destined

To be sampled by few.... maybe.


Her painted words

Will never hang in any gallery,

To be dissected under a microscope.

Her ornamental vase of verse

Sits unsold. Uninterested people

Waste not their elegant and precious time,

On the unknown woman

Of many voices.

A poet is not my title for...


POET: a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)

So this art from my heart passes invalidated



©2005 Vivienne B 9/1/2005

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