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No - that was almost 12 years ago - but they do remember!! I

just make sure that they understand when things like that happen

that the people doing the mouthing off are either ill-informed or

just plain scared!! It could be them in years to come and so they

mouth off to make themselves feel better.

Its good there is somewhere you can go where anything you want

to say is taken and not misunderstood!! Its healthy for folk who

want to go there - and the support, and realisation that others

have had the same thoughts and feelings is quite reassuring!


But equally triggering in the same sense.

We support eachother, thats true, but by doing so you also see the things that others have had to go through and still remember and if can bring up similar feelings.


That as actually the place i was hiding before i was dragged back here - im not sure if it was a hinderance or a help.

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But equally triggering in the same sense.

We support eachother, thats true, but by doing so you also see the things that others have had to go through and still remember and if can bring up similar feelings.


That as actually the place i was hiding before i was dragged back here - im not sure if it was a hinderance or a help.


It can bring up similar feelings - but you can look where you

are now, compared to where you were then - and try and

identify the positives! Do you get any counselling help?

CBT is quite good for these kinds of problems

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It can bring up similar feelings - but you can look where you

are now, compared to where you were then - and try and

identify the positives! Do you get any counselling help?

CBT is quite good for these kinds of problems


Regretfully i seem to be doing just that and identifying the similaries that are beginning to crop up in comparisson to the run up to my hospitalization and to my disappearance from the mfc during the summer.

Which is one of the reasons why i tried to go and take some time to piece things together.

And no counselling help.

I was under an adolescent service on and off for 4 years and was officially discharged back in June.

The last year of which was purely CBT.

It wasnt something i found particularly helpful, considering that without a username to hide behind - i am generally a very quiet person often to extremes of silence. So 'talking therapy' was not an ideal situation.

They did dabble with some art therapy at one point because i am forever doodling, but it only showed them what they knew already so was dropped.


(By the way, i know i am being very insipid, self-concerned and some what dismal now, want me to shut up and rant about panic buying carrots again? - in all seriousness)

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No carrots - have had my 5 portions today!! :wink2:


I think you are the person who knows YOU best. If you feel

triggers, or similarities to situations you have been in before

then you need to approach your doctor for a referral back to the

people who you worked with before. You need support through

this and you have identified the feelings so now you need to be

able to hand them over to someone who knows how to deal with them.

The other forum can be support, but you need your own individual

package to get you through the feelings, and out the other side with

a feeling of being in control of your own destiny.


I don't want to sound like I am preaching though :shocked:

You know whats best for you! :thumb_yello:

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I cant go back to the doctors.

If i do, the will refer me back into the place i spent 4yrs trying to get myself discharged from.

Whats more is that my mother is a childminder, has been for 14yrs, so therefor her business is her livelyhood - after my hospital experience, we pulled all possible strings and rang in all available favours to get it swept under the rug.

If i return to the doctors it will go on record that she cannot care for her own children and therefore cannot be a childminder and will loose her job.

If this happens, i will be kicked out, and since we are in debt - i cant afford to rent anywhere.

My dyslexia, general lack of qualifications and uniform issues (short sleeves = a no no) means that i have been refused from all local available jobs.


So in short, i cant.



(Why would you want to eat 5 portions of carrots, they are disgusting!)

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I cant go back to the doctors.

If i do, the will refer me back into the place i spent 4yrs trying to get myself discharged from.

Whats more is that my mother is a childminder, has been for 14yrs, so therefor her business is her livelyhood - after my hospital experience, we pulled all possible strings and rang in all available favours to get it swept under the rug.

If i return to the doctors it will go on record that she cannot care for her own children and therefore cannot be a childminder and will loose her job.

If this happens, i will be kicked out, and since we are in debt - i cant afford to rent anywhere.

My dyslexia, general lack of qualifications and uniform issues (short sleeves = a no no) means that i have been refused from all local available jobs.


So in short, i cant.



(Why would you want to eat 5 portions of carrots, they are disgusting!)


I didn't say I ate carrots - just that I had my 5 portions :mf_rosetinted:

4 grapes and a banana!!!! :roftl:


There has got to be an answer somewhere!! :blink:

I am really sleepy now - but will sleep on it, and see if I come up

with any suggestions!!

Hope you sleep well, when your zzzz time comes.

Catch you soon xxxx

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I didn't say I ate carrots - just that I had my 5 portions :mf_rosetinted:

4 grapes and a banana!!!! :roftl:


There has got to be an answer somewhere!! :blink:

I am really sleepy now - but will sleep on it, and see if I come up

with any suggestions!!

Hope you sleep well, when your zzzz time comes.

Catch you soon xxxx


4 grapes dont count!

(Does juice count :P or hot cross buns, they have fruit!)


Have a good sleep - stay in the warmth!



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The Only Lonely One :huglove:


Indeed! Oh well can't moan I'll be seeing him again next weekend! Just wish he lived closer!


Then there is the fact that he think's Mika is awful so my LICM cd has been bannished from the cd player for the last few days!!!:shocked:

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Indeed! Oh well can't moan I'll be seeing him again next weekend! Just wish he lived closer!


Then there is the fact that he think's Mika is awful so my LICM cd has been bannished from the cd player for the last few days!!!:shocked:


Oh - I got it all wrong sorry - I thought your b/f was a Mika fan too -

Silver Lemons or something!!

Typical Oldling :blush-anim-cl:

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Oh - I got it all wrong sorry - I thought your b/f was a Mika fan too -

Silver Lemons or something!!

Typical Oldling :blush-anim-cl:


Lol, no he's a very close friend of mine but don't worry almost everyone makes that mistake!


Andy had us as the MFC couple by Doncaster! LMAO. The more we insisted we weren't together the less people believed us!

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