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Oh - I got it all wrong sorry - I thought your b/f was a Mika fan too -

Silver Lemons or something!!

Typical Oldling :blush-anim-cl:


Lol, no he's a very close friend of mine but don't worry almost everyone makes that mistake!


Andy had us as the MFC couple by Doncaster! LMAO. The more we insisted we weren't together the less people believed us!

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Lol, no he's a very close friend of mine but don't worry almost everyone makes that mistake!


Andy had us as the MFC couple by Doncaster! LMAO. The more we insisted we weren't together the less people believed us!


may i suggest a boyfriend shift, mika fish?:naughty: :naughty:


Marc was so lovely...:wub2:


*goes back to mind her own business*

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Lol, no he's a very close friend of mine but don't worry almost everyone makes that mistake!


Andy had us as the MFC couple by Doncaster! LMAO. The more we insisted we weren't together the less people believed us!


Ok - thats cool!! I try to keep my Mika-speak to a bare minimum when

I talk to my b/f - but it always ends up creeping in!! :roftl:

Its good you have a close friend who shares your Mikaness though!! :thumb_yello:

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may i suggest a boyfriend shift, mika fish?:naughty: :naughty:


Marc was so lovely...:wub2:


*goes back to mind her own business*



LMAO, you're right Marc is absolutley lovely but i think his boyfriend might have something to say about that!

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Cool - the best friend a girl can have - a gay guy!!


:thumb_yello: AGREED !!!! :wub2:


Now ...... when is that pesky FD gonna give us some news ...... :sneaky2: ....... *knows she'll prob. have to wait now until w/end is over .... UK time !!!!!!* .... :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted: ... (it's already 4:am Sunday here) ... :mf_rosetinted::wink2:

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:thumb_yello: AGREED !!!! :wub2:


Now ...... when is that pesky FD gonna give us some news ...... :sneaky2: ....... *knows she'll prob. have to wait now until w/end is over .... UK time !!!!!!* .... ... (it's already 4:am Sunday here) ... :mf_rosetinted::wink2:


I don't know - but the sooner the better - my pacemaker can't cope!!! :roftl: :roftl:

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"Default user title?"


'Knows mika more than mika does'


pink!!! where are you!! give me the link to the chocolate thread!!!!! :naughty:

i'm lazy today....:mf_rosetinted:

*back to the poster*


Im here, just search mika mail as not in my sig anymore


Quiet Saturday morning - keeping this where it should be -

right at the top!!! :thumb_yello:


seems that didnt happen


SO TRUE WENDO !!!!! :sneaky2: What does he think this is ..... a weekend or something ??!!! :wink2::roftl:


'Wendo' :roftl:

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'Knows mika more than mika does'




Im here, just search mika mail as not in my sig anymore




seems that didnt happen




'Wendo' :roftl:


So Pink - What are you up to?


Im eating chips - they are warming me up :)


Chips? As in 'Chip Shop Chips'?


Hmmmm, was just going to say Hi, but don't really want to interrupt this fascinating conversation.....BUT I did. Hi Pink :naughty:


ps Chip Shop Chips???

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Hmmmm, was just going to say Hi, but don't really want to interrupt this fascinating conversation.....BUT I did. Hi Pink :naughty:


ps Chip Shop Chips???


Ah people lol thought someone would come along after a while.


And yes chip shop chips.

Its an english thing.

Fish and Chip shops sell chips on their own - not american fries, proper chips - you wont know what i mean unless you've had them

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