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Goodness i only went to top up my wine and look at you !

I think this age thing is madness .....

I was 37 last sunday and people keep saying ... ah well nearly 40!!

Well no! 3 years yet !

Not that i mind getting older , as i'm determined to stay young of mind but people love to label you ! I think this is the frist year i'm really noticing!!


Age has nothing to do with life or happiness its bull


Ive never been happier:thumb_yello:

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Goodness i only went to top up my wine and look at you !

I think this age thing is madness .....

I was 37 last sunday and people keep saying ... ah well nearly 40!!

Well no! 3 years yet !

Not that i mind getting older , as i'm determined to stay young of mind but people love to label you ! I think this is the frist year i'm really noticing!!


Its a number on my birth certificate - I don't pay attention

to it at all!! I have a youthful outlook on life - and a decrepit old

body!!!! :roftl: :roftl:

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Wendi ..... the youngling has had too many sunny delights :wink2::roftl:


Lots of froggies only one princess


Anyway enough about me , have you got a mr handsome in your life?


The only use for Sunny D(elight) and its unique bottle shape that i know is a gentleman's emergancy WC :)


But that was probably the wrong time to mention such a thing if there ever was one.

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I tell ya I woudlnt swap my teens for what I have now ... doesnt mean young = happy


Same way I was single foe 3 years , I was happy!! and everyone was saying oooo you need a gf ppffftttttttttttttttttttttt


I agree Fred - the teenage years are so much harder now than when

I was at that age. The pressure is huge!! Some folks are happier on

their own than pursuing a relationship that is not going anywhere!! :thumb_yello:

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The only use for Sunny D(elight) and its unique bottle shape that i know is a gentleman's emergancy WC :)


But that was probably the wrong time to mention such a thing if there ever was one.


Holy god Im not at the stage of having to go for a weeee 100 times a night


Anyways youve avoided the bf question ..... :sneaky2:

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Whats more so is that i can actually see you doing that.


In a few years time, you and FD can go and elope and drive those in the countryside bonkers


:shocked: WHAT!!! Fred has a bonny, young lass - he will

not be after me - not in a million years!!!!! :roftl: :roftl:

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my ears are burning Mr double :mf_rosetinted:


Helloooooooo guys !!! :D xx just popping on to say helloooooo to you all as im currently getting ready for a good ol knees up wiv ma friends :naughty::D ... xx


hope your all okkk xxx :wub2:


hi wendi!!! *waves* :huglove:




Hiya hun :huglove:

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my ears are burning Mr double :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


Helloooooooo guys !!! :D xx just popping on to say helloooooo to you all as im currently getting ready for a good ol knees up wiv ma friends :naughty::D ... xx


hope your all okkk xxx :wub2:


hi wendi!!! *waves*




Ahh speak of the devil !! hugs and kisses etc :wub2:


Enjoy your night dont get tooo drunk!!! x

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