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The Blue Meanies - A place for Beatlemaniacs


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Then again, it can also help to create things like the Beatles and Cream...


Exactly. It's because LSD is a hallucinatory drug, and it makes you see things in a different way, and images can come to you more vividly. It gives you weird ideas that, if you run with them, can become art later on.

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Pssh, just read 'Go Ask Alice'


She thought maggots were eating her vagina...:naughty:

I don't care if it was written by a psychologist, I imagine that book scared alot of people off drugs.

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Exactly. It's because LSD is a hallucinatory drug, and it makes you see things in a different way, and images can come to you more vividly. It gives you weird ideas that, if you run with them, can become art later on.


I love psychedelic art. I just wish there was a way to create that mood without drugs...I mean, obviously you can imitate it but it would never seem as real, IMO.

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hehe, perhaps i'll record the singing/guitar, but not me playing.

i'll get to self concious. :blush-anim-cl:



me too :D




Lucy in the Skyyyyyyyyy with Diamonds!


What is so totally wicked is that, because I've been playing the soundtrack to Across the Universe non-stop lately, my little brother (who turns 5 tomorrow) has been singing Beatles songs. He's a pain in the arse but he's pretty awesome sometimes.

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What is so totally wicked is that, because I've been playing the soundtrack to Across the Universe non-stop lately, my little brother (who turns 5 tomorrow) has been singing Beatles songs. He's a pain in the arse but he's pretty awesome sometimes.

i've got my friends addicted to the Beatles/Across the Universe now, and every so often i'll hear them singing it.


it brings me great enjoyment to hear them singing it. :roftl:

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Too bad it was like... 80% fake.


Really? I didn't know that.


This is random and off topic, but have any of you read "Veronika Decides to Die?" If you haven't, you should. It's one of my favorites and it really makes you think. :thumb_yello:


I haven't. But I'll put it on my list of things to read. :thumb_yello:

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Really? I didn't know that.

Mhmm. The chick who wrote it made a bunch of fake books like that. She was a psychologist / Mormon youth leader. Anyway, she made a bunch of stuff up, and then the family of the boy 'Jay's Journal' is based on came forward and were like "WHOA MISSY, WTF?"


I haven't. But I'll put it on my list of things to read. :thumb_yello:


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Mhmm. The chick who wrote it made a bunch of fake books like that. She was a psychologist / Mormon youth leader. Anyway, she made a bunch of stuff up, and then the family of the boy 'Jay's Journal' is based on came forward and were like "WHOA MISSY, WTF?"




crazy Mormons. :naughty:

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Hey, hey, hey. I can read. :sneaky2:

Sure you can.:biggrin2:


them and all those crazy ass actors.


what a bunch of weirdos.:boxed:


If there's three groups of people I hate, it's:


People who wanna be Mormons

and people who don't have problems with Mormons.

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okay, okay, i think that's the extent of my bashing my mormon self for tonight.


You know I love you, and you are more than welcome to tease me about Catholicism anytime you feel like it. :huglove:


*audience 'oooohs'*

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Sarie...I just watched a Beatles video on youtube, and I was reading the comments, and I saw a comment you had made. How random.


Really? What video was it of? Five bucks says I can remember what I said.

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