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LOL Hollis. Man, you are on a strict schedule. ;)


Well, if I only get one day a week with the man, I want my full 24 hours. :wink2:




YOUR Ringo???


i don't think so.


*snatches Ringo from Hollis*:mf_rosetinted:


Hey! Jess said I could have him on Sundays, and it's officially Sunday on the east coast! So...there. :bleh:

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*thinks* Maybe if I make them all get into a massive orgy of a fight over the others, I can have George all to myself....... that could work...


*nods politely*:cheerful_h4h:

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*thinks* Maybe if I make them all get into a massive orgy of a fight over the others, I can have George all to myself....... that could work...


*nods politely*:cheerful_h4h:


Hm, you want us to have an orgy? Bad Sarie. I thought you were a good Catholic girl now? :sneaky2::naughty:

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Suuuure. :mf_rosetinted: I believe you.


Shut up.:sneaky2:


Today after Mass, I couldn't find the keys to the house in the dark, so I was just shoving random keys in the keyhole, and I shouted "THIS SHíT IS PISSING ME OFF."


And my mother uttered the famous "That's lovely language from a girl who just got back from Mass."

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Wow, who knew Ringo would be in such high demand!


People just don't realize how awesome Ringo was. He's still awesome. He's the coolest 67 year old ever. Even if his days of incredible hotness are over.


Hollis, look what I made.






ZOMG I LOVE IT!! Can you make me one? Pretty pretty please? Although I'll have to figure out what clip I want...

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People just don't realize how awesome Ringo was. He's still awesome. He's the coolest 67 year old ever. Even if his days of incredible hotness are over.


Ringo was hot? :shocked: I'll admit, he was cute, but I wouldn't say hot. He kind of looked like a car salesman with all of those rings. :lmfao:

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Ringo was hot? :shocked: I'll admit, he was cute, but I wouldn't say hot. He kind of looked like a car salesman with all of those rings. :lmfao:

ROFLLLLLLLL at that image. If he didn't join the Beatles, I could see him doing that. :roftl:


And in some pictures I look at him and think he's just kinda cute in an odd sort of way, but in other pictures he is just plain hot. I'll have to find you an example.

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