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The Blue Meanies - A place for Beatlemaniacs


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I don't know. Maybe. I just know people who are mentally handicapped. Ever since I was a kid, I hated hearing people call something "retarded" or make fun of retarded people. I got into a fight with my sister when we worked at the same place because there was a boy there who they gave easy work to because he was retarded. (One of those equal-oppourtunity employers company things) And my sister would yell at him when he wasn't doing his job, and he'd walk past me and tell me what happened. So we got into lots of fights about it, both in front of customers and at home.


I completely understand what you're saying, and I agree with you. I don't personally know anyone that is mentally handicapped, but we always had some kids that were mentally handicapped at my school. I hated when people made fun of them too. I'm not saying that it was okay for John to make fun of the mentally handicapped like he did in that video, but I just think that it probably wasn't "such a big deal" to make fun of them in those days. I don't know for sure, since I obviously wasn't alive then, but I feel like that is the case. If John was around now, I doubt he would've made the same jokes.


EDIT: and ROFL at your edit.

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I completely understand what you're saying, and I agree with you. I don't personally know anyone that is mentally handicapped, but we always had some kids that were mentally handicapped at my school. I hated when people made fun of them too. I'm not saying that it was okay for John to make fun of the mentally handicapped like he did in that video, but I just think that it probably wasn't "such a big deal" to make fun of them in those days. I don't know for sure, since I obviously wasn't alive then, but I feel like that is the case. If John was around now, I doubt he would've made the same jokes.


EDIT: and ROFL at your edit.


I know. And my sister was like "WELL HE HAS TO REALIZE THAT THIS IS THE REAL WORLD."


But... I mean, it's not the same when you're retarded, y'know? In a way, it's not "the real world."


And I agree. I mean... look at all the racism jokes they made back then. (Not the Beatles, I mean people in general).

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I completely understand what you're saying, and I agree with you. I don't personally know anyone that is mentally handicapped, but we always had some kids that were mentally handicapped at my school. I hated when people made fun of them too. I'm not saying that it was okay for John to make fun of the mentally handicapped like he did in that video, but I just think that it probably wasn't "such a big deal" to make fun of them in those days. I don't know for sure, since I obviously wasn't alive then, but I feel like that is the case. If John was around now, I doubt he would've made the same jokes.


I really do think that he probably WOULD have made the same jokes, unless he naturally changed as a person over the past 40 years. John was VERY intolerant throughout his entire life. He was said to have been afraid of the handicapped and homosexuals. He was terrified of homosexuality, but I think that that was because he had a complex sexuality himself that he was afraid of coming to terms with. It has been said, even by Stu's sister, that John and Stuart Sutcliffe (John's best friend from college and an original bass player in The Beatles, who died in his 20s) had a sexual relationship, and I tend to think that, even though it may be incredibly cliche and a common slash pairing, John and Paul were involved at one point in time (if not in a relationship, I definitely think that there was sexual tension between them, but possibly not consummated). It has also been rumored that John may have had a short fling with their homosexual manager Brian Epstein in Spain.


John really was not a good person in his younger years if you look at it in such a way. It is possible that he was the cause of Stuart Sutcliffe's death, as he was said to have gotten into a fight with him and hit him over the head, and then Stuart began having headaches, and eventually died of a brain hemorrhage.


He mellowed out in his late 30s and 40s, though, and I think that who he was at that time was the reason that I respect him so much. If you've ever seen Imagine, I think it captures him well. He was in love with Yoko (no matter how weird she was, he loved her immensely), he invited a stalkery bum that had been hanging about in his garden in for tea and food, he loved his son, he was intelligent and cared about the world. John is my favorite Beatle, but Beatle-John is not my favorite part of his life. I think that his life in the 70s was much more interesting and respectable.

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Ahh, Sarie I love you! (And John and George, of course.)

On behalf of both myself and George Harrison; we love you too!


He was said to have been afraid of the handicapped and homosexuals. He was terrified of homosexuality,

:naughty: And I'm afraid of Catholic German girls.

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This is just to say: my fave Beatle is Ringo, and I've really missed Ghostie.




Aww, you missed me?


I didn't think I was that eventful or missable. COPYRIGHT that word.

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Aww, you missed me?


I didn't think I was that eventful or missable. COPYRIGHT that word.


Aww, of course you are.

I wish I could telaport you to New York in February.*sigh*


And I just stared at your signature for like..ten minutes.:wub2:

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Aww, of course you are.

I wish I could telaport you to New York in February.*sigh*


And I just stared at your signature for like..ten minutes.:wub2:


I wish I could come. I was all planned to buy tickets and EVER'THANG. But then my mom's like "No."


And I can't help but stare at my own signature.:wub2:

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Ringo is my favorite too. :D



my dad saw him in Las Vegas about....

6, maybe 7 years ago.


oh how i wish i could have been older.




I wish I could come. I was all planned to buy tickets and EVER'THANG. But then my mom's like "No."


And I can't help but stare at my own signature.:wub2:


:tears: Well, I'll see you at a NYC show when it is impossible for snow to fall.


You and Hollis both!

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:tears: Well, I'll see you at a NYC show when it is impossible for snow to fall.


You and Hollis both!


If he comes this summer, I can practically PROMISE I'll be there.

In fact, tonight at the dinner table, when my family was all "ohh, family together for a big meal before the wedding, blahhhhh", I was like "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, nobody better die the week Mika's coming to New York."


My dad's like "I'll try not to."

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If he comes this summer, I can practically PROMISE I'll be there.

In fact, tonight at the dinner table, when my family was all "ohh, family together for a big meal before the wedding, blahhhhh", I was like "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, nobody better die the week Mika's coming to New York."


My dad's like "I'll try not to."


:yay: Hopefully I'll be able to go! My mom's getting fed up with these Mika adventures...She said that this is the last one for now, and I can't expect to go to every little show he does..*sigh* wouldn't that be nice?

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:yay: Hopefully I'll be able to go! My mom's getting fed up with these Mika adventures...She said that this is the last one for now, and I can't expect to go to every little show he does..*sigh* wouldn't that be nice?


My mom doesn't really care what concerts I go to. And when she won't listen to me, my friend Liz has a habit of talking her into it.


I used to go to this amazing venue (everybody pretty much knew each other, and you could hang out with the bands and take them next door for Polish food, etc.) but it got closed down because the guy who had it couldn't come up with rent or something. And my mom didn't care that I went there, or to Warped Tour, or what-have-you. But she said no travelling in the winter.


I miss it, too. :tears: One time after I met this band, the next day they found me on MySpace (they're friends with some big names, like Good Charlotte) and were like "Hey, we didn't want to eat next door to the venue. Can you give us some recommendations for when we come back? Thanks darling, you're lovely."

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