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:lmfao: Hollis, your sig is great. Have you read that book?

Thanks, Sarie made it for me :)


And I love how you know what book it is. You must have seen that video before. :roftl: I haven't read it, but I've seen excerpts of it. It's on my "things related to the Beatles that I must buy soon" list.

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Thanks, Sarie made it for me :)


And I love how you know what book it is. You must have seen that video before. :roftl: I haven't read it, but I've seen excerpts of it. It's on my "things related to the Beatles that I must buy soon" list.


You have a list, too?!


*pulls out mine, with little lines through everything*


A piece of gum George chewed for a brief second, then spit out saying "that tastes grotty"... check. *makes new line*

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Thanks, Sarie made it for me :)


And I love how you know what book it is. You must have seen that video before. :roftl: I haven't read it, but I've seen excerpts of it. It's on my "things related to the Beatles that I must buy soon" list.


Yep, I've seen it. Seriously, I was not just obsessed for two years, I was INSANE about the Beatles. :roftl: I've never read it, either. I've seen it in the bookstore a few times, but I looked through it and decided not to buy it. John's writings were cute, but not really my type for entertainment. :naughty:


Oh, and buy Anthology, both the book and the DVDs. They're amazing.

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You have a list, too?!


*pulls out mine, with little lines through everything*


A piece of gum George chewed for a brief second, then spit out saying "that tastes grotty"... check. *makes new line*


ROFLLLLLL at that image. :lmao:


Yep, I've seen it. Seriously, I was not just obsessed for two years, I was INSANE about the Beatles. :roftl: I've never read it, either. I've seen it in the bookstore a few times, but I looked through it and decided not to buy it. John's writings were cute, but not really my type for entertainment. :naughty:


Oh, and buy Anthology, both the book and the DVDs. They're amazing.



I've seen a couple short Youtube videos from the Anthology, and it seems really great, so eventually I'll buy it I'm sure. I don't have loads of cash to spend, so my basically non-existent Beatles collection won't be fast-growing for a while. It's just a matter of prioritizing the things I want!

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It's just a matter of prioritizing the things I want!


I understand perfectly.


1. Food

2. Water

3. new set of teacups

4. Beatles stuff

5. Toothpaste

6. Xanax

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I understand perfectly.


1. Food

2. Water

3. new set of teacups

4. Beatles stuff

5. Toothpaste

6. Xanax

Nice list. :roftl:


But I was actually just trying to prioritize the Beatles-related things that I want. My parents luckily will provide the rest. Well, except for the Xanax.

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I'm all out of the Vicodin I stashed during my gallbladder surgery. I used it for menstrual cramps. Then I'd chase that down with a glass of kool-aid and pass out in my room for a couple hours.

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Of course I did! Everyone is memorable. Hollis and Finkster too.


Ringo is the goofiest, and I like goofy.



Aww gosh, Jack. Thanks. :blush-anim-cl:

I missed you and your wit :)


I like goofy too. Ringo's not necessarily the obvious favorite for some people, but there's just something about him that you can't help but love. I also enjoy counting how many times he says "Peace and love" in more recent interviews. Sometimes I run out of fingers trying to count.

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I wonder what The Beatles would look like if they were a modern-day band, or even what the four guys would look like if they were in their 20s today. I wonder what their band style would be like, how they would dress, how they would wear their hair, all that.

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Aww gosh, Jack. Thanks. :blush-anim-cl:

I missed you and your wit :)


I like goofy too. Ringo's not necessarily the obvious favorite for some people, but there's just something about him that you can't help but love. I also enjoy counting how many times he says "Peace and love" in more recent interviews. Sometimes I run out of fingers trying to count.


Jack is all too flattering. Her wit was definitely missed around here.


Ringo's humour is pretty much why I fell in love with him. Something about a guy with a great sense of humour gets me. :wink2:



Hannah, I also wonder if they'd be as succesful today as they were back in the 60's and 70's.

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Boo, I'm sorry you are sick! But I'm glad I could make you feel better! Funny George interview + funny George look at 3:49 = perfect video for Sarie. :biggrin2:


*holds up video as if it's a coffee advertisement*


George Interviews!:biggrin2: Perfect for the young girl sick in bed with endometriosis. I know when I'm bleeding on the inside AND outside, nothing makes me happier than George Interviews.:biggrin2:

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*holds up video as if it's a coffee advertisement*


George Interviews!:biggrin2: Perfect for the young girl sick in bed with endometriosis. I know when I'm bleeding on the inside AND outside, nothing makes me happier than George Interviews.:biggrin2:

Endometriosis? Eeek. :thumbdown:


But ROFLMAO at that advertisement. Sorry to laugh at your pain, but that was seriously hilarious. :lmfao:

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Endometriosis? Eeek. :thumbdown:


But ROFLMAO at that advertisement. Sorry to laugh at your pain, but that was seriously hilarious. :lmfao:


ROFL, glad it cheered you up.


*clutches uterus* Owwwww.:biggrin2:

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Hey everyone!

These are the Beatles songs I can do on drums:


Love Me Do.

What You're Doing To Me.

The Ballad Of John And Yoko.



I know there's a few more but I can't remember them.:roftl:

I love Ringo.:mf_rosetinted:

That's really awesome, Aubrey! I've never tried to play the drums, but I'm sure it's fun :)

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"You have to keep them closed or the air gets in them."


I watched that video once before. LMAO at Paul falling in that hole on the stage.


LMAO. I love the George parts. Then again, you probably already knew that.


"Yoko sat in that very chair."


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