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Twilight Thread!!!!!

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in exactly 12 hours, the movie will be starting!!!! [/size]


OMG I CANT WAIT I 8 1/2 hrs now!!!!!!!!!!!! :boinng:!


lol...would be cute...:naughty:

haha yes

Yay! I finally finished the fourth book, so I can now join the Twilight thread:naughty: I got my ticket for the movie for tomro after school!:boing:


yay! you are excited, correct?

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yay I"m so excited for you guys! :boing:



I can't wait to see it again tomorrow :naughty:


I've been feeling nervous ever since I saw it. I'm so worried to see what everyone's thoughts on it were. I really hope it gets good reviews...

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yay I"m so excited for you guys! :boing:



I can't wait to see it again tomorrow :naughty:


I've been feeling nervous ever since I saw it. I'm so worried to see what everyone's thoughts on it were. I really hope it gets good reviews...

ya, i know what you, when u love it, ut everyone hates it. but everyone will love it :D

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ya, i know what you, when u love it, ut everyone hates it. but everyone will love it :D


Well my mom didn't like it (well she thought it was ok and that Rob was good) and she's the general public so I'm scared most people will be on the same level as her. All of the Twilight fans will love it, but everyone who hasn't read the book might just be like "wtf was that?"

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Well my mom didn't like it (well she thought it was ok and that Rob was good) and she's the general public so I'm scared most people will be on the same level as her. All of the Twilight fans will love it, but everyone who hasn't read the book might just be like "wtf was that?"


ya. well o well, im excited and i'll love it :D thats one person that you know will love it :naughty:

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I JUST GOT BACK!!!!! :shocked:


i fcuking LOVED IT!!! holllllly crap!!! rob was sooooooo so soooo much better than i ever could imagined!!!! and his accent was flawless! :mf_lustslow:


kstew was surprisingly good and emotional.

peter (carlisle) amazing!!!! the only time the audience clapped at an entrance was for edward and carlisle.

oh god, when rob came on screen, people went nuts!!!! and everytime there was a close-up there was lots of squealing!

nikkii, acted like rosalie, but didn't look like her.

jacksper looked a thousand times better than any of the pictures, and his expressions were soo perfect.

kellan was soooo emmett!

i didn't hate jacob.

not enough esme.

and deffo not enough alice. people talked about that a lot afterwards.


that's it for now. details tomorrw!


EDIT!!! the sparkling!!!! it looked great!!! but on his face, the way it kind of shadowed, it looked like he was just swetaing a lot!

Edited by cheeseygoodness
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I JUST GOT BACK!!!!! :shocked:


i fcuking LOVED IT!!! holllllly crap!!! rob was sooooooo so soooo much better than i ever could imagined!!!! and his accent was flawless! :mf_lustslow:


kstew was surprisingly good and emotional.

peter (carlisle) amazing!!!! the only time the audience clapped at an entrance was for edward and carlisle.

oh god, when rob came on screen, people went nuts!!!! and everytime there was a close-up there was lots of squealing!

nikkii, acted like rosalie, but didn't look like her.

jacksper looked a thousand times better than any of the pictures, and his expressions were soo perfect.

kellan was soooo emmett!

i didn't hate jacob.

not enough esme.

and deffo not enough alice. people talked about that a lot afterwards.


that's it for now. details tomorrw!


Yay I'm glad you liked it! :yay:

I was hoping you'd post tonight :naughty:

I can't wait to see it again tomorrow :groovy:

so excited! haha


I'm guessing you're really tired so goodnight Alex!:huglove:

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I JUST GOT BACK!!!!! :shocked:


i fcuking LOVED IT!!! holllllly crap!!! rob was sooooooo so soooo much better than i ever could imagined!!!! and his accent was flawless! :mf_lustslow:


kstew was surprisingly good and emotional.

peter (carlisle) amazing!!!! the only time the audience clapped at an entrance was for edward and carlisle.

oh god, when rob came on screen, people went nuts!!!! and everytime there was a close-up there was lots of squealing!

nikkii, acted like rosalie, but didn't look like her.

jacksper looked a thousand times better than any of the pictures, and his expressions were soo perfect.

kellan was soooo emmett!

i didn't hate jacob.

not enough esme.

and deffo not enough alice. people talked about that a lot afterwards.


that's it for now. details tomorrw!


EDIT!!! the sparkling!!!! it looked great!!! but on his face, the way it kind of shadowed, it looked like he was just swetaing a lot!

i feel alot about that the same way

i thought there were some cheesey parts, and i expected more of the book to be there, but of course i knew it wouldnt be, just like any movie/book. and i loved the main charecters, but i expected jessica to maybe be a little less perky as she was bbecause in the book she did have a little attitude, but then again that was later in the series. i definately agree about the sparkle, but i thought his face looked like sweat also, lol

overall it was enjoyable. i thought the music selection could have been better, it just felt like it messed up a few of the scenes (didnt fit in as well). god rob was so HOT!

and i was laughing asically all the way through the movie, no joke, jaspers face was always priceless, the way he looked. and when edward would go to kiss bella, the way his eyebrows would scrunch and stuff, like he was in pain.

and other things. it was really funny, in one of the parts when theyre in the house, my neighbor spilt this HUGE bag of M&Ms on the floor. and whenever she would move, even just a little, more would fall that were like cought in the seats. and it was in the quite scene of it that it happened.

don't you love the part where she goes "you've gotta give me some answers" and he goes "yes. no. (etc...)"[/color]


I just thought that part was really cute :naughty::wub2:


omg! i loved it! "yes' date=' no, to get to the other side..) :roftl:[/size']

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i honestly thought the what am i... figure out hes a vampire scene was a little odd. i would have thought shed be more relaxed, but she was all tense and everything.

and i was sad to see it all end so fast, it happened to fast, i wanted the book to last, ya know.


i think i'll have to wait for the others to come out to see how they go. i think if i hadnt read tilight, i would have enjoyed it more tho, and been less disapointed (like i said, how i am w/ every book/movie series ive read&seen)

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I am almost done with book one and am not sure of how much i am enjoying it.. :blush-anim-cl:*runs and hides with all the thread chasing her* :naughty:


have book 2 and will give it a try too.


besides, I have seen trailers for the film, I am still not sure I'll work up the courage to see it because of werewolves (ok, you are free to laugh..) :boxed::mf_rosetinted:

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Well my mom didn't like it (well she thought it was ok and that Rob was good) and she's the general public so I'm scared most people will be on the same level as her. All of the Twilight fans will love it, but everyone who hasn't read the book might just be like "wtf was that?"

That's kind of how I was...:blush-anim-cl:


I saw the midnight showing and I was pretty much lost throughout the whole movie. All of my friends I went with are obsessed about Twilight and one of them was even on the verge of tears, she thought the movie was so good. I don't know...I REALLY NEED TO READ THE BOOK!!!:crybaby:


I loved the scene where all the vampires are introduced in the cafeteria, though. That was really nice.


And the soundtrack was awesome as well....





........I need to read the book...:sad:


So I can understaaand the madness. :aah:

Edited by daydreambeliever
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i feel alot about that the same way

i thought there were some cheesey parts, and i expected more of the book to be there, but of course i knew it wouldnt be, just like any movie/book. and i loved the main charecters, but i expected jessica to maybe be a little less perky as she was bbecause in the book she did have a little attitude, but then again that was later in the series. i definately agree about the sparkle, but i thought his face looked like sweat also, lol

overall it was enjoyable. i thought the music selection could have been better, it just felt like it messed up a few of the scenes (didnt fit in as well). god rob was so HOT!

and i was laughing asically all the way through the movie, no joke, jaspers face was always priceless, the way he looked. and when edward would go to kiss bella, the way his eyebrows would scrunch and stuff, like he was in pain.

and other things. it was really funny, in one of the parts when theyre in the house, my neighbor spilt this HUGE bag of M&Ms on the floor. and whenever she would move, even just a little, more would fall that were like cought in the seats. and it was in the quite scene of it that it happened.



OMG FMBM, victoria was sooooo.... eh.... awful!

i went in expecting it to be waayyyy cheesier, so i was glad that it wasn't that bad. i didn't like jessica that much, but that may be because of the later books when she turns into a bitch.

i actually liked the music selection. robs songs fit soo perfectly into the scenes....oh lord! that reminds me of when he was sucking the venom out of her arm :roftl: his face was so hilarious! oh well, what can you do?

everytime they showed jaspers face, i could here people laughing. omg, rob's face when he first smells bella was soooo priceless!!! the way he held his nose!!! LORD! my friend died when carlisle said "bella is family now, and we defend family".


when i was driving my friend home today, my arm hair (it's been a few days since i shaved) was sparkling in the sun, so i said "this is the skin of a monster!" and she went hysterical!!!

your friend with the m&ms is hilarious!!! i knocked over our watter bottles about 4 times everytime i shifted or freaked out.


i'm going to see it again on tuesday. i didn't get to sleep until about 5 :blink:






i honestly thought the what am i... figure out hes a vampire scene was a little odd. i would have thought shed be more relaxed, but she was all tense and everything.

and i was sad to see it all end so fast, it happened to fast, i wanted the book to last, ya know


i think i'll have to wait for the others to come out to see how they go. i think if i hadnt read tilight, i would have enjoyed it more tho, and been less disapointed (like i said, how i am w/ every book/movie series ive read&seen)


i know! it was soo awkward. i hated that they weren't facing each other. and it was so intense when he asked to to ask about their diet.


it was like one day she finds out he's a vampire, the next day she's being chased by james. but it was a 2 hour movie and it went by soo so fast!


i read today that the dvd should be released in march.

Edited by cheeseygoodness
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victoria was.. wierd. lol.

haha thats funny bout your friend! and then what she said about your arms!

OMG FMBM, victoria was sooooo.... eh.... awful!

i went in expecting it to be waayyyy cheesier, so i was glad that it wasn't that bad. i didn't like jessica that much, but that may be because of the later books when she turns into a bitch.

i actually liked the music selection. robs songs fit soo perfectly into the scenes....oh lord! that reminds me of when he was sucking the venom out of her arm :roftl: his face was so hilarious! oh well, what can you do?

everytime they showed jaspers face, i could here people laughing. omg, rob's face when he first smells bella was soooo priceless!!! the way he held his nose!!! LORD! my friend died when carlisle said "bella is family now, and we defend family".


when i was driving my friend home today, my arm hair (it's been a few days since i shaved) was sparkling in the sun, so i said "this is the skin of a monster!" and she went hysterical!!!

your friend with the m&ms is hilarious!!! i knocked over our watter bottles about 4 times everytime i shifted or freaked out.


i'm going to see it again on tuesday. i didn't get to sleep until about 5 :blink:








i know! it was soo awkward. i hated that they weren't facing each other. and it was so intense when he asked to to ask about their diet.


it was like one day she finds out he's a vampire, the next day she's being chased by james. but it was a 2 hour movie and it went by soo so fast!

i didnt get to sleep til 5 either! lolthen i had to wake up at 6!


i know!i was like "whered it go so fast" and i wanted to know why there was no clearing!!!!! :hair:

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victoria was.. wierd. lol.

haha thats funny bout your friend! and then what she said about your arms! i didnt get to sleep til 5 either! lolthen i had to wake up at 6!


i know!i was like "whered it go so fast" and i wanted to know why there was no clearing!!!!! :hair:


if i had to wake up at 6, i wouldn't have gone to sleep at all. :naughty:


no clearing??? you mean when they plaed baseball??? that was a clearing.....

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I JUST GOT BACK!!!!! :shocked:


i fcuking LOVED IT!!! holllllly crap!!! rob was sooooooo so soooo much better than i ever could imagined!!!! and his accent was flawless! :mf_lustslow:


kstew was surprisingly good and emotional.

peter (carlisle) amazing!!!! the only time the audience clapped at an entrance was for edward and carlisle.

oh god, when rob came on screen, people went nuts!!!! and everytime there was a close-up there was lots of squealing!

nikkii, acted like rosalie, but didn't look like her.

jacksper looked a thousand times better than any of the pictures, and his expressions were soo perfect.

kellan was soooo emmett!

i didn't hate jacob.

not enough esme.

and deffo not enough alice. people talked about that a lot afterwards.


that's it for now. details tomorrw!


EDIT!!! the sparkling!!!! it looked great!!! but on his face, the way it kind of shadowed, it looked like he was just swetaing a lot!



I enjoyed it. :thumb_yello: It was exactly how I expected. So it didn't really exceed my expectations to be honest. Too short (but that really can't be helped). Too many screaming girls. :naughty: And would it be very shallow of me to say that although the book describes the Cullens as a very attractive family, I was expecting drop dead gorgeous characters and they were not that? (Mind you, they were not unattractive in the slightest) but Edward was the only drop dead gorgeous one.

Oh, and I didn't want the movie to end either ...

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