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reject pride thread


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rlly?my stepmom and dad are 30...im 12 but im not #12 in anything...


ha ha ha...that is cool, my son is 13..... so in a reverse way we have that in common! My son 'Austin' is a fan of Mika's music... *not MIKA himself though* go figure! Austin is not a reject though... so he can not be a part of our club!!!!! LOL :roftl:

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im 12....im not sure my parents would be willing to dtive me!lol!they are already iffy about going to one in boston....that is why i missed the one on june 13.....they said they would take me to the next one though!:biggrin2:


i guess my mom is just the best person ever!!!:biggrin2: she drove me over 6 hours to go to chicago and waited in line for 4 hours so that i could see my one true love up and close :wub2: it was really her that made that the best night of my life she's the best mom anyone could ask for! :thumb_yello:


this kind of sounds like a happy mother's day card :blink: haha

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i guess my mom is just the best person ever!!!:biggrin2: she drove me over 6 hours to go to chicago and waited in line for 4 hours so that i could see my one true love up and close :wub2: it was really her that made that the best night of my life she's the best mom anyone could ask for! :thumb_yello:


this kind of sounds like a happy mother's day card :blink: haha


aw that's awesome...my parents don't care much for him and don't like him ach, but i think they secretly like him and his music....

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aw that's awesome...my parents don't care much for him and don't like him ach, but i think they secretly like him and his music....

I think my mom at least secretly does!

She has a thing for Lollipop, I can tell!

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I think my mom at least secretly does!

She has a thing for Lollipop, I can tell!


omg!my stepmom sings to lollipop at the top of her lungs in the car! i made a cd of mika in sydney but lollipop got cut off a bit and my stepmom was like"did you know lollipop was cut off at the end of the cd"hahahahaha!and i was like"why are you mad about it"and she was like"no just asking"

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omg!my stepmom sings to lollipop at the top of her lungs in the car! i made a cd of mika in sydney but lollipop got cut off a bit and my stepmom was like"did you know lollipop was cut off at the end of the cd"hahahahaha!and i was like"why are you mad about it"and she was like"no just asking"



See, Lollipop lures all the people who don't like Mika in!




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Awww, this thread needs a hug. In my later years in highschool I was fortunate to be in a class of the most fabulous, weird and crazy people that I've ever met: being a 'reject' was the 'norm'. :naughty:



See, Lollipop lures all the people who don't like Mika in!




Hmmm, this is slightly off-topic but Lollipop was the reason why I almost backed out of listening to LICM the first time; it reminded me too much of the superficial candy pop that I listened to me in my early teens. When I understood that the lyrics had a deeper meaning, however, I gave it more credit. :wink2:

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I'm more mature than most people my age and I read for fun.

Also have quite an accentric fashion sense :)


how old are u?im very mature for my age too and love to dress weird!im 12,but boys think im 16 so ill be in a store and this 17 yr old guy will just be checking me out!lol!im like ewwww!im 12!

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how old are u?im very mature for my age too and love to dress weird!im 12,but boys think im 16 so ill be in a store and this 17 yr old guy will just be checking me out!lol!im like ewwww!im 12!

Ahahaha, that's weird, I had a similar experiance like a month ago only I didn't realise he was doing it until my friend said: He was checkin you out!

I was like: He SO was not!

And she finished the argument with: HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOUR BOOOOOOOOOOBS!!!!!!!

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On my last day of high school, what do I get told by one guy that I've known for four years? Not, "Hannah, you were a great friend," or "Hannah, you always make me smile," but "Hannah, you're one of those people that you think are really weird until you get to know you and then you're pretty cool!" Yay? :roftl:


I look young for my age---especially when I'm not dressed up. I just have a very young face, I've been told. When I was at the Mika gig, I was standing outside and Alan from the Alan Yates Band came up to me and started telling me about their CD and he handed me a burned copy, and said how they were going to be performing in the bar. Well, then he added, "Oh, but you have to be 18 to get in, so..." Meaning, I was obviously too young to get in. I'll be 18 in a month and a half... :blink: How'd he know?

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I'm half and half

All through middle school i got made fun of a lot by the way I looked and some of the people I choose to hang with. At first all my friends from elementry school were still my friends in middle school but they started getting popular and I didnt so they decided to use me as the one to pick on. It was sad...but I stopped caring and got myself a good group of friends who didnt care about my popularity status. After highschool I some how got attracted a good amount of friends because luckily out the class of 200 we didnt have any of that popularity crap. We all were just real people who all got a long. We were a lucky class so have so many of us that didn't care about all that stuff.

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Hmmm, this is slightly off-topic but Lollipop was the reason why I almost backed out of listening to LICM the first time; it reminded me too much of the superficial candy pop that I listened to me in my early teens. When I understood that the lyrics had a deeper meaning, however, I gave it more credit. :wink2:


Haha, really?

Lollipop is what got me into Mika.

I don't know why,I normally strongly dislike music like this, but Mika is so much more different!



how old are u?im very mature for my age too and love to dress weird!im 12,but boys think im 16 so ill be in a store and this 17 yr old guy will just be checking me out!lol!im like ewwww!im 12!


I have a mature mind, I suppose. Not to toot my own horn. I just think a lot more differently than other girls my age. I'm 16. I'll be 17 in November.

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Haha, really?

Lollipop is what got me into Mika.

I don't know why,I normally strongly dislike music like this, but Mika is so much more different!


me too!! Lollipop was just such an uplifting and fun song while having a deeper message.. lollipop is my favorite song EVER!!! :biggrin2:

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Haha, really?

Lollipop is what got me into Mika.

I don't know why,I normally strongly dislike music like this, but Mika is so much more different!


me too!! Lollipop was just such an uplifting and fun song while having a deeper message.. lollipop is my favorite song EVER!!! :biggrin2:


That's pretty much why I fell in love with it like that!

It was just so happy souding! I remember hearing it, then I just got up and started dancing!!!

As for my favourite song, after getting a deeper look into Mika's music and buying his CD, I think Any Other World has a very special place in my heart.

So beautiful.

But when it comes to the happy songs, definitely love Lollipop!

Deeper songs, gotta be Any Other World.

That's basically what it comes down to. :)

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That's pretty much why I fell in love with it like that!

It was just so happy souding! I remember hearing it, then I just got up and started dancing!!!

As for my favourite song, after getting a deeper look into Mika's music and buying his CD, I think Any Other World has a very special place in my heart.

So beautiful.

But when it comes to the happy songs, definitely love Lollipop!

Deeper songs, gotta be Any Other World.

That's basically what it comes down to. :)


i think any other world is VERY good i absolutely love it.. it's my dad's favorite mika song :cheerful_h4h:

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