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Hitomi Abe

はじめまして! ひとみと申します。 以前からこちらのMIKA FCで登録はしていたんですが、英語の難易度の高さに幽霊部員となっていました。   元々は2013年辺りの新木場公演に行って益々MIKAワールドに引き込まれ、それ以前のライブに行かなかった事にとても後悔して それまでを取り戻すかのように笑 2015年のライブでは大阪、東京2公演を見て、ライブ後のMIKAがファンの方達の前に来て


こんにちは、NaoMikaです。日本語スレは、はじめましてです。よろしくお願いいたします。 今ごろになってしまいましたが、欧州Heavenツアー4公演に参加してきました。(Limoges,Caen,Paris,London)   今日は10月13日Limogesのライブのレポートをさせていただきます。   まだMIKAファンになって半年のひよっこなので、内容の浅いものですがご容赦くださいませ。

Hitomi Abe

こんにちは!コメント沢山ありがとうございます!   英語力だけでなく、コメントのつけ方とか、色々とハードルが高いです(;^_^A コメントの下のとこにチェックを入れるとレスが出来るんですかね? サイトの使い方、難しいですね。 MIKAの大阪公演後に海外のファンの方が話しかけてくれて、私たちは色んな国から来たMIKAファンクラブなのよって教えてくれたのが印象的でした。 日本のファンも色ん

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SNOOZER 2007. 08








AMZON http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language/product/B000RGSYG4/ref=dp_change_lang?ie=UTF8&language=ja_JP

リトルモア http://www.littlemore.co.jp/magazines/snoozer/issues/20070818116.html

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SNOOZER 2007. 08








AMZON http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language/product/B000RGSYG4/ref=dp_change_lang?ie=UTF8&language=ja_JP

リトルモア http://www.littlemore.co.jp/magazines/snoozer/issues/20070818116.html




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SNOOZER 2007. 08








AMZON http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language/product/B000RGSYG4/ref=dp_change_lang?ie=UTF8&language=ja_JP

リトルモア http://www.littlemore.co.jp/magazines/snoozer/issues/20070818116.html











Edited by butterflygal
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Hi Japan!!! Greetings from Rome, here it's sunny but not very hot! How's the weather there?:bye:

Hi MrsBrightside:bye:

It's rainy/cloudy here in Tokyo. It's been very hot here for the past few days (about 33 degrees with lots of humidity) so it's nice to have some rain:wink2: I hope everything is going well:huglove:

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Hi Japan!!! Greetings from Rome, here it's sunny but not very hot! How's the weather there?:bye:


Heavy rain in Tokyo.:sad:



Edit: あれ?butterflygalとは違うTokyoなのか?

Edited by tomomi
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MIINAさんへ、私 この写真はじめて見ました:aah:



:bow: よろしくお願いします。

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autumn is coming, I love this season:wub2: autumn brings us to introspection and melancholy, but it's not a bad thing, sometimes it's necessary for our inner balance :original:


Yep! Autumn is harvest season. We can have lots of delicious things in this season. :licks_lips:

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Heavy rain in Tokyo.:sad:



Edit: あれ?butterflygalとは違うTokyoなのか?




blessed is the rain, then! :bow:

everything is ok, thanks! Hope the same for you!:huglove:

Yes, everything is well:biggrin2: Oh, I like your avatar by the way. Emily the strange is kind of creepy but cute!!




Yep! Autumn is harvest season. We can have lots of delicious things in this season. :licks_lips:


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Miina that is not Mika:naughty:


That is just a lookalike...I think that discussion happened a long time ago:wink2:

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Yep! Autumn is harvest season. We can have lots of delicious things in this season. :licks_lips:


yes and Korean thanksgiving holiday 'Chuseok' next week! can't wait :boing:

Sunny and Clear Sky.. so happy cuz rainy sweaty summer is gone :naughty:

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Miina that is not Mika:naughty:


That is just a lookalike...I think that discussion happened a long time ago:wink2:




yes and Korean thanksgiving holiday 'Chuseok' next week! can't wait :boing:

Sunny and Clear Sky.. so happy cuz rainy sweaty summer is gone :naughty:

Wow! Chuseok sounds delicious:licks_lips:

It's cloudy here, but I hope the sun will come out later:pinkbow:

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Wow! Chuseok sounds delicious:licks_lips:

It's cloudy here, but I hope the sun will come out later:pinkbow:


I gotta trying hard to resist all delicious foods next week.... not to gain extra weight....so challenging thing :mf_rosetinted:

well and next holiday week thousands of Korean ppl will rush to Japan for sightseeing ...me next year maybe :naughty:

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Miina that is not Mika:naughty:


That is just a lookalike...I think that discussion happened a long time ago:wink2:







I gotta trying hard to resist all delicious foods next week.... not to gain extra weight....so challenging thing :mf_rosetinted:

well and next holiday week thousands of Korean ppl will rush to Japan for sightseeing ...me next year maybe :naughty:


How many days become a holiday for Chuseok this year? I hope you have a wonderful one. :biggrin2:


Oh! Will you come to Japan? ...you got a top-secret information about Mika's next gig in Japan?:das:

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How many days become a holiday for Chuseok this year? I hope you have a wonderful one. :biggrin2:


Oh! Will you come to Japan? ...you got a top-secret information about Mika's next gig in Japan?:das:


we have 3 for this year :hair: tue-wed-thur ....just stuck in the middle :sneaky2:

no just for sightseeing....maybe with my mom....she loves Japanese hot springs..well if you get some top info plz tell me about that!!!!!!! :aah:

of course I'm gonna visit other Asian countries next on MIKA's tour. if he does multiple gig in Japan again, definitely gotta go Japan :teehee:

but I wonder why flight ticket to Japan has to be that expensive...while flight Germany from UK is just around 100$ include tax :tears:

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autumn is coming, I love this season:wub2: autumn brings us to introspection and melancholy, but it's not a bad thing, sometimes it's necessary for our inner balance :original:


When I notice the scent of fragrant olive in the air, I can feel

autumn has come every year. I love the moment when I feel this blossoms smell. :wub2:

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we have 3 for this year :hair: tue-wed-thur ....just stuck in the middle

no just for sightseeing....maybe with my mom....she loves Japanese hot springs..well if you get some top info plz tell me about that!!!!!!! :aah:

of course I'm gonna visit other Asian countries next on MIKA's tour. if he does multiple gig in Japan again, definitely gotta go Japan :teehee:

but I wonder why flight ticket to Japan has to be that expensive...while flight Germany from UK is just around 100$ include tax :tears:

Chuseok season is the best season to visit Japan. Lots of delicious foods, beautiful autumn color of leaves, nice weather....hmmm, same in Korea?:blink::naughty: Feel free to ask us if you need for your travel plan.:wink2:

It costed about $500 (flight and accommodation) when I went to Seoul last year. But it was cheaper than the cost I went to Nagoya and Osaka from Tokyo this year in total.:boxed:

I'm looking forward to seeing you at next Asia tour....or wherever!:biggrin2:




Thank goodness....I thought you lost your Mika-observing powers :pinkbow:

It can't happen to MIINA.:naughty:

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