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How do you write like that? What does your keyboard look like? :blink:

Same for you europeans with your euro and pound symbols, where the hell do you get them from?


When i was in Canada the keyboards annoyed me...everything was in the wrong place....ask your MMer to send you a keyboard lol





Are you sure the box didn't come from the Phillapines (?? i have no idea...)? Why does the grass need to come from the Phillapines? Don't you have grass in England? :roftl:


Its a filipino shop?




Psshhht, well you live in the past. What's it like in the past Pink? In the olden days?


How am i now an unofficial oldling.

And i dont like in the past...your in the future...im in the extact present...and all the Americans have a long way to go!









!!! Great. *submits to new confusing name*




*thinks about this again*

*wonder's what the hell a spud gun is*


A legal gun that shoots bits of potatoes at people

Potato = A spud

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*google translates*

Vernal Equinox Day


*english googles*



Aha! We don't celebrate it here at all :thumbdown:


I thought that you may be talking about Good Friday, which is the public holiday tomorrow (Is it a public holiday for you?), which would mean we weren't in the same zone, but you were a full day ahead of me :shocked: But .. your not. It's okay.



*takes it eeeeaaaaasyy*


NO, it's not a public holiday tomorrow.:thumbdown:

Now, you can get 6 marks in Japanese culture.


BTW, do you have any Sushi restaurants? I think you can eat seaweeds there.

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I already asked in Pink's thread, but this is killing me now, so, what day is it today?


Thursday. Gründonnerstag. 3 weeks after the disaster :tears:.


*didn't want to assume this, and feel loved when she wasn't actually*

Well, I'm presently deciding whether or not to go to Holland (and so spend a few weeks with my auntie and uncle that live particularly close to you :fisch:). And the possibility of this happening is the thing I am trying to save money for anyway. So if your getting my drift ... YES I ACCEPT! Whether that mean we swap in person or I send it with my Europe-savings.


Mika Meeters, Part 1 :woot_jump: :woot_jump:


:tears: Awww... she accepts :cheerful_h4h:


Awesomeeeee!!!! I took the dog to the beach today and we just about melted :-)


To...the..BEACH... :crybaby:

*looks out of the window* *sniffs*

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When i was in Canada the keyboards annoyed me...everything was in the wrong place....ask your MMer to send you a keyboard lol


It's different in Canada? What's different?

Keyboard posting time!


(I don't know what that white thing between the -,= and [ keys is ... it's been there for a while...


Its a filipino shop?


I don't think we have Filipino shops here. Just bakerys that sell Filipino brides :thumb_yello:


How am i now an unofficial oldling.




And i dont like in the past...your in the future...im in the extact present...and all the Americans have a long way to go!


Your in our past. So your in the past. TWO OUT-VOTES ONE - WE WIN!






A legal gun that shoots bits of potatoes at people

Potato = A spud


Because society really needs a legal potato-gun :blink:


NO, it's not a public holiday tomorrow.:thumbdown:

Now, you can get 6 marks in Japanese culture.


Woo! 101 points, take that Petra!

Ahh, sucked in! But you got today I off I suppose.


BTW, do you have any Sushi restaurants? I think you can eat seaweeds there.


There's one in the city where the food goes around on conveyor belts! :roftl: But I can't eat sushi ... will they sell me just the seaweed part?

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It's 春分の日 today.


Exactly my opinion :mf_rosetinted:


And why is it snowing...(*puts on best Mr.T voice*) Fool!

And you have...f-f-four!!!!!


Because it's still winter. And it's cold outside. I'd prefer a nice warm beach where I can melt now :tears:.

And I've got four spare ones because Sariflor ordered them in packs of 6 and 1 is for me and 1 for my not-here-at-the-moment-MM-partner :naughty:



Aha! We don't celebrate it here at all :thumbdown:


I thought that you may be talking about Good Friday, which is the public holiday tomorrow (Is it a public holiday for you?), which would mean we weren't in the same zone, but you were a full day ahead of me :shocked: But .. your not. It's okay.



*takes it eeeeaaaaasyy*


*wants to celebrate that Japanese day as well so that it's another bank holiday*

*wonders why the UK is suddenly ahead of Australian time* :blink:


It's the Thursday before Good Friday here - we call it "Gründonnerstag" (Green Thursday :naughty:). I think it's a bank holiday as well (sort of) but the shops are open and so on.

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Exactly my opinion :mf_rosetinted:




Because it's still winter. And it's cold outside. I'd prefer a nice warm beach where I can melt now :tears:.

And I've got four spare ones because Sariflor ordered them in packs of 6 and 1 is for me and 1 for my not-here-at-the-moment-MM-partner :naughty:





*wants to celebrate that Japanese day as well so that it's another bank holiday*

*wonders why the UK is suddenly ahead of Australian time* :blink:


It's the Thursday before Good Friday here - we call it "Gründonnerstag" (Green Thursday :naughty:). I think it's a bank holiday as well (sort of) but the shops are open and so on.


But its the first day of spring today!

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It's different in Canada? What's different?

Keyboard posting time!



What that thing between the -,= and [ keys ? :mf_rosetinted:



I don't think we have Filipino shops here. Just bakerys that sell Filipino brides


Here you can just order them via catalogue :blink:



Your in our past. So your in the past. TWO OUT-VOTES ONE - WE WIN!


She isnt. She is GMT. She is the present. EUROPE!! :yay:


Woo! 101 points, take that Petra!

Ahh, sucked in! But you got today I off I suppose.


Nippon! Sony! Tokio! Samsung! Yokohama!!! Take that, Aussie!!!



ok, keyboard posting time :naughty: . I photographed my old one because my laptop keyboard looks so crappy :thumbdown:


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But its the first day of spring today!

The continental-Europe-spring starts on the 21st if I'm not wrong. But we have a more continental climate and arent as maritime as the UK so that could be :naughty:.

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Thursday. Gründonnerstag. 3 weeks after the disaster


Which disaster!?:blink: Elaborate! (explain further:bleh:)


Mika Meeters, Part 1


Awww... she accepts


LOOOOOL!!! :wub2:



*looks out of the window* *sniffs*


*teases with a hilarious picture of her dad taking a 'sitting-break' because he couldn't make it to the water in one go because his feet were burning* (Yes, my feet were burning too while taking the picture, but it was worth it)




Fish and chips are expensive here.....


For real? That is the cheapest thing here. $2 of chips from a F&C shop is like ... enough to feed 5 people


Don't you?

We don't eat sushi everyday.




*wants to celebrate that Japanese day as well so that it's another bank holiday*

*wonders why the UK is suddenly ahead of Australian time*


It's the Thursday before Good Friday here - we call it "Gründonnerstag" (Green Thursday ). I think it's a bank holiday as well (sort of) but the shops are open and so on.


Do you have good friday off?

It's 10.34pm Thursday now.

Good friday everything is closed. Which seems stupid, because what percentage of the population believes in Jesus? :blink:


MM4 maybe?


And hell no!




But its the first day of spring today!


No it isn't! Isn't 1st of March the irst day of spring? :S

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Samsung is Korean. -5. sorry.:naughty:


:crybaby: :crybaby: But if I get awarded 5 points per correct word as well ... *calculates* makes +20 and thuis 115! :yay::naughty:


Ok, here is Japanese keyboard(not mine though):



Ah! They look like the keyboards they had in Egypt when I went there on holiday (not with Japanese letters though :bleh:).

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Which disaster!? Elaborate! (explain further:bleh:)


Today is the 3-weeks-anniversary (is it weekersary then???) of that aftershowparty. :boxed:





This might be an idea for a new project :lmfao:




*teases with a hilarious picture of her dad taking a 'sitting-break' because he couldn't make it to the water in one go because his feet were burning* (Yes, my feet were burning too while taking the picture, but it was worth it)


Unfair. :sneaky2:

*wants to go as well* *wonders if Bianca's father prefered a burnt bum to burnt feet*


*posts random pic of her cat sitting on her bed* :blink:







Do you have good friday off?

It's 10.34pm Thursday now.

Good friday everything is closed. Which seems stupid, because what percentage of the population believes in Jesus?


Well, I dont but never underestimate the importance of another bank holiday :naughty:. But I'll have to work tomorrow (as I work in a shop in a hospital that is open 24/7).


No it isn't! Isn't 1st of March the irst day of spring? :S


Damn. I just looked at my calendar and it says that it's really the 20th. Ok, then it was the 21st September with the beginning of fall, right?

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What that thing between the -,= and [ keys ?


*decides to attempt microsurgery to remove*

*is wary of pulling out the keys because she has broken her Ctrl, shift and up key already*

Lol, okay, it was a peice of paper. MYSTERY SOLVED!


Here you can just order them via catalogue




She isnt. She is GMT. She is the present. EUROPE!!




Nippon! Sony! Tokio! Samsung! Yokohama!!! Take that, Aussie!!!




Suzumi!!! (My japanese exchange student friend from grade 11)


ok, keyboard posting time . I photographed my old one because my laptop keyboard looks so cappy



OMG!!!! (what does that stand for again pink?) YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE "QWERTY"!!! BLASPHEMY!!!! My hopes and dreams are *out the window* - how could I ever live in a continent that screws up the natural keyboard order of things???

How do you make that euro symbol work?


The continental-Europe-spring starts on the 21st if I'm not wrong. But we have a more continental climate and arent as maritime as the UK so that could be


Weird! *googles*



Okay, so yahoo answers isn't the most reliable, but it's all I got, and it says 1st 1st 1st! For Australia. Although apparently it does go by the equinoxes for you guys. Weird.


Samsung is Korean. -5. sorry.




Ok, here is Japanese keyboard(not mine though):



Awesome! What do you do to use the funny symbols? :bleh:


But if I get awarded 5 points per correct word as well ... *calculates* makes +20 and thuis 115! [/naughty]


Nope, when you make a wrong answer it cancels out all other answers :roftl:


Ah! They look like the keyboards they had in Egypt when I went there on holiday (not with Japanese letters though ).


You went to Egypt? :wub2:

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Today is the 3-weeks-anniversary (is it weekersary then???) of that aftershowparty.




This might be an idea for a new project





*wants to go as well* *wonders if Bianca's father prefered a burnt bum to burnt feet*


Yes, apparently :roftl:


*posts random pic of her cat sitting on her bed*



LOL! Random!

What's his/her name? Mika poster! :wub2:

*posts random pic of her dog playing in the water*



I think I may go to the beach again tomorrow, to go for a swim. The water was quite pleasant today, but I was wearing jeans :thumbdown:


Well, I dont but never underestimate the importance of another bank holiday . But I'll have to work tomorrow (as I work in a shop in a hospital that is open 24/7).






*wishes she had a job*

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OMG!!!! (what does that stand for again pink?) YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE "QWERTY"!!! BLASPHEMY!!!! My hopes and dreams are *out the window* - how could I ever live in a continent that screws up the natural keyboard order of things???

How do you make that euro symbol work?


OMG is oh my god (or oh my goodness?).

No, we have the QWERTZ. And this IS the natural keyboard order.- At least for Germany. In the UK they have your QWERTY as well :thumb_yello:



And here:



Lollll! SUCKED IN PETRA! [/Quote]


...wait.... you'll see. *starts plotting evil world domination masterplan*


You went to Egypt? :wub2:


I won a one-week-trip to Hurghada in 2001 but it wasnt THAT nice. I had to go during the PlayOff-round of our local Volleyball-Team (not locallocal - they play European Champions-League) and I was a fan of them as I'm today of Mika - it was devastating :tears:. And then we endet up in the middle of nowhere (in the first hotel that was already finished building) :blink: . Long story.

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OMG is oh my god (or oh my goodness?).

No, we have the QWERTZ. And this IS the natural keyboard order.- At least for Germany. In the UK they have your QWERTY as well


And here:



Lol! Pink came up with some ridiculous meaning to do with gnomes yesterday :blink:

Pshhh. QUERTZ :bleh:

Haha, I tried the alt+E to see what it did on mine... it opened the edit toolbar :blink::naughty:


...wait.... you'll see. *starts plotting evil world domination masterplan*





I won a one-week-trip to Hurghada in 2001 but it wasnt THAT nice. I had to go during the PlayOff-round of our local Volleyball-Team (not locallocal - they play European Champions-League) and I was a fan of them as I'm today of Mika - it was devastating And then we endet up in the middle of nowhere (in the first hotel that was already finished building) . Long story.


As much as Mika??? Wow - that is serious! That kinda sucks. But you got to go to Egypt! :bleh:

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What's his/her name? Mika poster! :wub2:

*posts random pic of her dog playing in the water*



I think I may go to the beach again tomorrow, to go for a swim. The water was quite pleasant today, but I was wearing jeans :thumbdown:


Her name is Moritz (which is, of course, not the right name for a fenale cat but who cares).

Awwww!!! He is lovely!!! Lucy (my dog) has never been to the sea but I'm sure she'd like it as well!!! :punk:


Yes, go to the beach tomorrow. I'll just stick to my warm winter jacket. :sneaky2: Tz.



*wants to post random other pic but is to lazy to get up and so decides to post a huge pic of Mika from the Hammersmith gig instead*



*suddenly notices she NEEDS to learn for uni*

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Her name is Moritz (which is, of course, not the right name for a female cat but who cares).

Awwww!!! He is lovely!!! Lucy (my dog) has never been to the sea but I'm sure she'd like it as well!!!


Yes, go to the beach tomorrow. I'll just stick to my warm winter jacket. Tz.


Aww, cuuute! lol!

My Ambrose goes to the beach ... whenever I can be bothered taking him. We're about a 5 minute walk from the dog beach. He enjoys chasing seagulls :thumb_yello:

Okay, have fun! :wink2:


*wants to post random other pic but is to lazy to get up and so decides to post a huge pic of Mika from the Hammersmith gig instead*



:shocked::mf_lustslow: That's huuuuge!


*suddenly notices she NEEDS to learn for uni*


:lmao::mf_rosetinted: What do you need to learn? Whens your test? :bleh:

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