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Mika Mail

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hey i'm uh lookin for a partner and it sounds like you are too...interested?:naughty:

Yes I am!:woot_jump:

hehe i was looking for outside U.S.[from Florida]:bleh: but if Vedrana doesn't respond within a couple days...i'll def. sign up with ya:thumb_yello:

It was 5 AM here, I have to sleep sometimes:naughty:



Oakie this is nice!




You or Petra can join me and musicfreak on the list, I know I said I wanted someone from UK, but it seems British people are not very interested in MM these days, so hopefully in the next round, but now I'll be very glad to be partner with musicfreak (and soon I'll know her name, so I won't be calling her musicfreak:naughty:)

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I'm so glad to "see" you ! I hope everything's fine! :wink2:



Allo!!!! I'm sorry I wasnt here for such a long time but I got my internship in London and I needed ages to organise everything, move here and so on and so on. I'm currently MFCing from work *cough* because I dont have internet at home yet.


Okay, I'm collecting stuff for my partner and I'm almost finished getting all my stuff.


I was just wanting a peice of advice from you all...


Where did you get your boxes? The cardboard ones with "lids"? Post office? Grocery store?


Thanks so much:wink2:


I got mine at the post office *shrugs* but you can also use shoe boxes or all other kinds of boxes you get at the supermarket for example. :thumb_yello:


still looking for a partner...:fisch:


yes, I plan to use shoe box too, I mean one day when I get a partner :mf_rosetinted:

i would like to be your partner but USA-Turkey:blink:

it would be bloody expensive:shocked:

hey i'm uh lookin for a partner and it sounds like you are too...interested?:naughty:
I'd like a buddy. :original:
New York :thumb_yello:

what about you?

hehe i was looking for outside U.S.[from Florida]:bleh: but if Vedrana doesn't respond within a couple days...i'll def. sign up with ya:thumb_yello:
yeah I'm hoping for someone outside of the US also...
hehe...well i'm gunna get someone first:mf_rosetinted:
This is all very confusing. :blink::boxed::blink::boxed::boxed:


Fetal Lima Bean, I'll put you on the list! :thumb_yello:



:lmfao: Stop fighting over partners! Lima bean, you need to PM Petra to be put on the list :P

And you will get partners as soon as people join with matching preferences - so go out and advertise and get more people to join up!


It's called Pocky here :blink:


We actually simply call it Mikado (mmmmmmmmmm :das:)


And I know Mikado ... but it's an old one from Holland, so I don't know what it's called/if we have it here.

Uhh, okay, so I just asked my mum and our game of it is German :blink: And she doesn't know if it is called Mikado in Holland and/or Australia or not.


Dont we have any Dutchies here??? :blink:

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ok, sorry, i'm off for a break now (loooooong story) and i had that previous post still un-posted for hours (obviously) and so i just posted it and then i saw your new post - i'll put you two together when i come back!!!

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Yes - I have my t-shirt - but can't get it on!!

Hoping my neighbour will pop in today so she can help me!!



You could just hold it up?


It was 5 AM here, I have to sleep sometimes


No, that is definately NOT allowed :sneaky2:


You or Petra can join me and musicfreak on the list, I know I said I wanted someone from UK, but it seems British people are not very interested in MM these days, so hopefully in the next round, but now I'll be very glad to be partner with musicfreak (and soon I'll know her name, so I won't be calling her musicfreak)


Okay then :thumb_yello:


Allo!!!! I'm sorry I wasnt here for such a long time but I got my internship in London and I needed ages to organise everything, move here and so on and so on. I'm currently MFCing from work *cough* because I dont have internet at home yet.




ok, sorry, i'm off for a break now (loooooong story) and i had that previous post still un-posted for hours (obviously) and so i just posted it and then i saw your new post - i'll put you two together when i come back!!!



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Random things I've been meaning to take a picture of:




1). Our German (??why??) Mikado game.

2). Pink's mini package featuring the exact same 'fragile' tape :naughty: I didn't even notice it was tape and not a part of the envelope until you posted that monstrously over-taped package :roftl:


And I've been thinking about it, and I think Mikado is actually just called "pick up sticks" or something like that here. I will check next time I am in a toy shop or something :blink:

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It's great!:thumb_yello:






I can't find mine.:sneaky2:


Your images don't exist anymore! :crybaby:

I went throught the thread and saved all the pictures, but your's just .. weren't there? :tears:


hehe sorry petra for the confusingness!:naughty:


:rolls_eyes: :naughty:

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We are strict about bedtime.


Go to bed, Bianca!


Psht, it's an hour later for you :sneaky2:



Bianca - do I need to send another PM?


:sad: No, I'm going. Fine. But-but- doesn't Mika's show start in like 15 minutes? That's not faaaiiiir! :crybaby:

Fiiine, I'll just catch up in the morning :tears:


EDIT: Uhh, what? It's already finished .. I need to get on top of these time zones :boxed: Why is there no gig thread yet?

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Psht, it's an hour later for you :sneaky2:





:sad: No, I'm going. Fine. But-but- doesn't Mika's show start in like 15 minutes? That's not faaaiiiir! :crybaby:

Fiiine, I'll just catch up in the morning :tears:


EDIT: Uhh, what? It's already finished .. I need to get on top of these time zones :boxed: Why is there no gig thread yet?


Its not started yet as far as I know - so go and get some sleep, and the

reports will be flooding in when you waken up!! :wub2:

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Now I can post my pics from my Mika Mail with musicfreak!



Me with my Mickey Mouse ears and scarf!





My lunch box ft. lolly and Xbox and tv remotes





More of my stuff... I got money, lots of lollies and stuff (incl. some really nice things called yogos and some little muffins)










My Mika pillow and Mickey ears ft. Bno in the background





The little quarantine slip... they thought something in my box was not allowed into Oz... but nothing was taken out!



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Now I can post my pics from my Mika Mail with musicfreak!


Me with my Mickey Mouse ears and scarf!










The little quarantine slip... they thought something in my box was not allowed into Oz... but nothing was taken out!


I got one of those too :P


ok, I've seen the other night that you do practice what you preach so I wont get mad.


:roftl: I had to go back and see what it was that I got all sneaky2 about. No sleeping around here :P


are we still allowed to sign/add to this??


cuz it is a lovely idea


Yes! Just PM Petra with your location and partner preferences :thumb_yello:


And because we haven't seen the list in a while (and because Petra never got around to updating it :naughty:) here it is again:


So far we have these pairs for the new season starting now (or so):


lilmot (US) - Blue Sky (JP)

Jolene (AUS) - agnieszka (PL)

Babuccia - Sarah_Lollipop

celien - agnieszka

Tomomi (JP) - Pinkunicorn123 (UK)

MIINA (JP) - Ina (Serbia)

englishrose (Canada) - bubuciis (Latvia)

Ankmet20 (USA) - Wendi (Scotland)

iadoremika (Canada) - Lady Godiva (USA)

musicfreak (USA) - Vedrana (Belgrade)



and those new MMers that want to participate and are looking for partners:


Daniella92 (Montenegro)- looking for an MMer >14yo

MikaMeka (USA) - looking for someone from everywhere

Cintia_Jenny (ARG) - looking for someone from Europe (esp. UK)

Lady Godiva (USA) - looking for a partner NOT from the US

England (USA) - looking for someone from Europe or Australia

yogabear90 (USA)- looking for someone from ???

Fetal Lima Bean (USA) - looking for someone outside USA

OBSESSED_ily.mika (USA) - ???


Guys, you need to PM Petra to sign up properly, and give her your preferences if you haven't.

And try and advertise and get more people to join!

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It took me ages. :boxed:



So far we have these pairs for the new season starting now (or so):


lilmot (US) - Blue Sky (JP)

Jolene (AUS) - agnieszka (PL)

Babuccia - Sarah_Lollipop

celien - agnieszka

Tomomi (JP) - Pinkunicorn123 (UK)

MIINA (JP) - Ina (Serbia)

englishrose (Canada) - bubuciis (Latvia)

Ankmet20 (USA) - Wendi (Scotland)

iadoremika (Canada) - Lady Godiva (USA)

musicfreak (USA) - Vedrana (Belgrade)

kaeryana (Malaysia) - daydreambeliever (USA)



and those new MMers that want to participate and are looking for partners:


Daniella92 (from Montenegro)- looking for an MMer >14yo

MikaMeka (from US) - looking for someone from everywhere

Cintia_Jenny (ARG) - looking for someone from Europe (esp. UK)

Lady Godiva (USA) - looking for a partner NOT from the US

England (US of A) - looking for someone from Europe or Australia

yogabear90 - looking for someone from ???

Fetal Lima Bean - looking for someone from ???

OBSESSED_ily.mika (USA) - looking for an MMer from anywhere

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mikamail 001

FINALLY got mine!


:biggrin2: Awesome!


Guess what? Me too! :woot_jump:


May I present:


Petra's Fantastic Mika Mail!


So it got opened by customs, but it doesn't look like the even touched a thing in the package :blink: But I can see why they might have opened it. Ambrose was going completely mental for it:



I manged to push him away to take a picture of the actual box (which is fantastic like this on all sides, I might add):



I still can't believe how amazing Petra's handwriting is :P



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