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Mika Mail

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List Of Current Mika Mailers:


Orange = unpaired Blue = paired (see list a little further down)


1) Pinkunicorn123 - From the UK -

2) Lilmot - From the USA (Seattle) -

3) Droopsy - From Belgium -

4) Soangel - From Australia -

5) Ioana - From Romania -

6) Jolijn - From Holland - Looking for a MMer from Japan or the USA -

7) Mikafish - From Wales, UK - Looking for long distance - not US -

8) Tomomi - From Japan -

9) Cath85 - From Luxembourg - Looking for a MMer in Canada or USA -

10) Nathaliiexx - From Holland - Looking for long distance -

11) Backflip_76 - From the USA (North Carolina) -

12) Crina - From Romania -

13) Hurtfulpurple - From the USA (NC) -

14) Mad_about_mika-89 - From Romania -

15) Chartreuse - From the USA (California) -

16) Lucy - From the USA -

17) Annabelle – From Slovenia -

18) MIKA&RBDluvr101 – From the USA (Pennsylvania) -

19) Heineken22 – From the USA (Idaho) -

20) Stella – From the Canada (Montreal) -

21) Rosinakiwi – From New Zeland -

22) MIKAMAD – From the UK -

23) Lunafish – From Norway -

24) Vanessa – From Romania -

25) Slighty Mad - From Ukraine - Looking for UK, Germany, Austria or Spain -

26) Espirit! - From Lithuania -

27) Mikas_gal07 - From the UK -

28) Haylie19 – From Denmark - Looking for Japan? -

29) Chocoholic* - From Lithuania –

30) Kata – From ‘Apparantly not important’ lol (a.k.a Denmark) – Looking for anyone but not UK and Denmark/Norway/Sweden -

31) I’ve Been ‘Mikafied’! – From Cornwall, UK –

32) Karolin’ – From Ukraine – Looking for anyone, Japan maybe?

33) Satu – From Finland -

34) Cynthia Mulat – From Georgia, USA -

35) Cassiopee – From Montreal, Canada -

36) Baehj - From South Korea -

37) ThatRadFreak – From the UK – Looking for someone from East Asia -

38) BVS – From the UK – Looking for Japan or USA -

39) Hunnyangel – From the UK –

40) Becky – From the UK –

41) Phunkygal - From the USA -

42) Milou - From the Netherlands –

43) Savage Beauty – From Norway -

44) Ladymer – From Argentina -

45) RosieLou – From Wales, UK -

46) BonjourMika1990 - From the USA - Looking for someone in France possibly -

47) HollyD – From the USA -



To be added to the list and paired with someone - send me a PM with your country and any country preferances and i will pair you with someone either randomly or in match with your preferances :)


Current MM pairs:


Pinkunicorn123 - lilmot


Mikafish - Tomomi


Jolijn - Backflip_76


Nathaliiexx - Soangel


Droopsy - Crina


Hurtfulpurple - Cath85


Chartreuse - Ioana


Lucy - Mad_about_mika-89


Annabelle - MIKA&RBDluvr101


Heineken22 - Rosinakiwi


Stella - MIKAMAD


Lunafish - Espirit!


Slightly Mad - Mikas_gal07


Vanessa - Cassiopee


I’ve Been ‘Mikafied’! - Satu


Chocoholic* - Cynthia Mulat


Baehj - Haylie19


Phunkygal - Milou


Savage Beauty - Hunnyangel


Karolin’ - Becky


Ladymer - RosieLou


Ioana - ThatRadFreak


BVS - BonjourMika1990


Kata - HollyD



Original Message:


Okay so i thought i would share this with you guys so you can give it a try.

I few weeks ago me and lilmot came up with the idea of what we call 'Mika Mail'. Im from the UK and lilmot's from the states - we got talking on here, and both being 'big girls' the convosation soon went round to food.

Turn out there are alot of thinqs that we have in the UK that the US doesnt, and visa versa.

So we set up Mika Mail.

The idea is that you collect lots of various snacks, little toys, stationary, magazines or whatever you feel like sending that is unique to where you live or that you really like and send them to a fellow MFCer who you trust enough to give your address to through PM, and they will do the same in return.

It took 6 days for our parcels to reach eachother - mine from lilmot arrived this morning and just to give you an idea - heres a picture:

(ignore my kitten in the background - i woke her up going 'yipee')






quick questions


I was paired with mad_about_mika-89. I sent her a PM to arrange addresses but I didn't get an answer?


Can I be paired with some else. ?

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Ok people Ive got mine all done and ready to send,

gonna send it to my buddy tomorrow!

(was going to be today, but I was chatting to her and then the time just flew by as it does and now its sorta well closed)


this is so much fun! so expencive for me to send, but totally worth it!! :thumb_yello:

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Hey folks - sorry for disappearing in you all last night, i wasnt feeling to good. New medication is playing havoc on my immune system, so im picking up every cough, cold and bit of flu that my body could normally defend against.

Living in a house full of snotty kids really isnt helping avoid it :P

But i guess you cant avoid snotty kids when your mother is a childminder ;)


Im going through all your messages now.


There have been a few changed to the list, we now have:


New Pair:


Lucy - VeroMica


And i have added a green colour in addition to the orange and blue.

The green signifies members who were paired but who arent responding to messages from myself or their partner.

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Ok people Ive got mine all done and ready to send,

gonna send it to my buddy tomorrow!

(was going to be today, but I was chatting to her and then the time just flew by as it does and now its sorta well closed)


this is so much fun! so expencive for me to send, but totally worth it!! :thumb_yello:


It is a little expensive yes - but very myuch worth it.

Im sure we would all appreciate a picture for you Mika Mail.

But please do not attatch on before your parcel has arrived - it will spoil their suprise :)

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It is a little expensive yes - but very myuch worth it.

Im sure we would all appreciate a picture for you Mika Mail.

But please do not attatch on before your parcel has arrived - it will spoil their suprise :)


well Ill post a pick in exactly 26 days from tomorrow then! I took a picture of it before I put it back together, totally makes sense she doesnt know whats in it before it comes lol. it wouldnt be half as fun then!

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well Ill post a pick in exactly 26 days from tomorrow then! I took a picture of it before I put it back together, totally makes sense she doesnt know whats in it before it comes lol. it wouldnt be half as fun then!


it takes 26 days! surely not!

it only took 6-7 from the uk to the usa

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Kata, I know this is off topic but I just have to ask; is your avatar from the "Ein kleine Jägermeister" vid by Die toten Hosen???




my mail buddy hasn't written me back yet... I WANNA SHOP FOR MIKAPRESSIES NOW!!


Haha yes it is :roftl:

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Okay, i want to run an idea past my fellow MMers.

Before; we were talking about reshuffling pairs every 2 months or so to give everyone a chance to contact people from all over the world.

The 'shuffly day' was set so that a list of new pairs would be posted on 1st October.

Instead i think that on the 1st October instead of shuffling pairs we can make a secret santa - this will give you a month to find a present/card and a few weeks to post it as postal services normally close a few weeks before christmas. And it can take a while for things to arrive in the selected countries depending on where you are posting from, especially in this busy period. If you do not celebrate christmas that does not matter, you can have a secret Mika Mailer with no xmas theme :)

The idea being that before 1st October you email or PM me your address.

I promise i am safe and i will not share it with anyone except your selected Secret Santa. This way you wont know who is sending you your presents or who your are sending yours to other than knowing the country through the address. There will be no names with the address, so when sending, just write 'secret santa - mfc'

For the younger members do not worry - i will not pair you up with anyone that i didnt think was decent (and droopsy is on the decent list for now lol).

If you do not want to participate that is fine :)

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Okay, i want to run an idea past my fellow MMers.

Before; we were talking about reshuffling pairs every 2 months or so to give everyone a chance to contact people from all over the world.

The 'shuffly day' was set so that a list of new pairs would be posted on 1st October.

Instead i think that on the 1st October instead of shuffling pairs we can make a secret santa - this will give you a month to find a present/card and a few weeks to post it as postal services normally close a few weeks before christmas. And it can take a while for things to arrive in the selected countries depending on where you are posting from, especially in this busy period. If you do not celebrate christmas that does not matter, you can have a secret Mika Mailer with no xmas theme :)

The idea being that before 1st October you email or PM me your address.

I promise i am safe and i will not share it with anyone except your selected Secret Santa. This way you wont know who is sending you your presents or who your are sending yours to other than knowing the country through the address. There will be no names with the address, so when sending, just write 'secret santa - mfc'

For the younger members do not worry - i will not pair you up with anyone that i didnt think was decent (and droopsy is on the decent list for now lol).

If you do not want to participate that is fine :)


That sounds so good:naughty: :naughty:

i wanna be a part of that:blush-anim-cl:



I just bought some things for my mail buddy today:blush-anim-cl:

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oh pink that sounds like a fabby idea!! i really hope it works for everyone!!!

obviously you write your name in the card/ present thingy right?? (as in your screen name?)




it's deffo something completely different!!!!!!


If you want to - its up to you.

The general idea is that it is totally and completely annoymous (except obviously i will know)

But you can write your username on there if you wish :P

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If you want to - its up to you.

The general idea is that it is totally and completely annoymous (except obviously i will know)

But you can write your username on there if you wish :P


well it would be nice to know who was your santa right?! lol


coz the stamp will say for example it comes from usa... how many people on this thread are from there and when you think you know who it is, send them an email to say thanks for the pressy and find out it isn't them... which i'll end up doing!! it could be a bit... funny!!!


lol i get what you mean though, coz we used to do it at school :)

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Okay i have recieved lots of possitive feedback on this idea and quite a few addresses already, so its set then, a bit later on today i will make a 'Mika Mail 2 - Secret Santa' thread for us to discuss it there and so all the information can be found without searching through the mess that is the mika mail thread.

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Ive spoken to mikas_gal07 and she said she would contact you later on today. There have been some problems and not all PMs are getting through to her. If there is still no contact by 6pm tomorrow i will give you a new partner as although she is still interested, it is not fair on you.

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I'm up for the whole secret santa thing! But You should put you name in the card, when you send it.

Can I be a pain? Could you PM Karolin to make sure she got my PM? I started shopping today at the beach :biggrin2:

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Secet santa's BRILLIANT BUT... for us foreigners, at least Norwegians, we can't send any parsels abroad without writing on the front what's in it and sign who it's from :(


I realise that - but that is why names are optional - in some circumstances they are necissary - also some people only know members by their online idenities and therefore your name would not make such a differance.


All of this can be discussed on the new official secret santa thread :)

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