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Transylvania is in Romania..... Pennsylvania is in the United States......... :doh::naughty:





Transylvania is a real place? :boxed::shocked:


Um .. I mean ... Lol! Pink! You fool! *shifty eyes*


*thought Transylvania was a made up place for the Dracula story, like ... Never Never Land or Hogwarts* :blink:

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Right guys - we are closing the pairing process for a while as of Sunday.

From then you are allowed 3 weeks to post last minute parcels so new pairs have a chance too, and then we are shuffling again on March 17th>


If you are not paired yet due to specific requests (that will have priority on the 17th) and see someone on the list you will like to be paired with for the last few weeks of this round (time for one package each) then let me know.

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Pink...I cannot find a Mika male mate!everyone seems to be already busy!what can I do?



Im sorry about this, as mentioned before, this time round there have been some problems.

Because you joined late into the project and had a more specific request it was hard to find anyone to many who did not have preferances for someone else.

All those who have failed to be paired this time round or that couldnt be paired and have looked at the list to see if there was someone different they might care to join with will get priority for the change over on the 17th March and will be paired before anyone else :)


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okie doke! I would LOVE to be apart of this.


I am from the United States (Iowa to be exact)

I am a girl (16 yrs old)

I speak French... so if there is a French person that i could get paired up with..... lol no, i'm kidding. i would just love to be apart of this! Lemme know!


thanks :D

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Are we meant to change our parteners after exchanging the parcels? :boxed:


Yeah :biggrin2: I think... I think that everyone's going to shuffle partners on the first of April, but I think if both you and your partner love each other :naughty: then you can stay the same.

Not sure though :roftl:

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okie doke! I would LOVE to be apart of this.


I am from the United States (Iowa to be exact)

I am a girl (16 yrs old)

I speak French... so if there is a French person that i could get paired up with..... lol no, i'm kidding. i would just love to be apart of this! Lemme know!


thanks :D


No problem, i will add you to the list in a second :)


Are we meant to change our parteners after exchanging the parcels? :boxed:


MM pairs usually continue for around two months, the last shuffle was in january - the next one will be on the 17th March.

If you joined in later into the project, obviously this cuts down on time so i have given everyone a month's warning to finish up.


Yeah :biggrin2: I think... I think that everyone's going to shuffle partners on the first of April, but I think if both you and your partner love each other :naughty: then you can stay the same.

Not sure though :roftl:


This is true, when we shuffle if you inform me you are welcome to stay with your current partner as well as having a new one.

Some people stay with their previous partner and have two new ones.

I am allowing a maximum of 3 partnerships per person so people are treated fairly.

If you want to stay with your previous partner also, both of you must agree to this as some people can only have one due to parental or financial reasons and may wish to try a different country

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Due to a mistake as the result of misinterpretation on my part, pair 28 which was Shaza! and Iheartmika have been unpaired.


By the looks of the main list we need 3-4 French MMers, so if any of you who are from France and wish to be paired with more than one person before we close on Sunday for the next shuffle or know a French mfcer who may want to take part - please let me know.

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