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This Ones For The Girls (16+) Part Two


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lucky bitch LOL :lmao:

Yupp finally :bleh:





no I didn't :sad:


Cynthia?? who??


like I said. I've missed out on loads of stuff, and quite frankly I don't have time for my Mika obsession.


It's this girl from MFC that was suppose to hand out MFC shirts and got mistaken to be a professional and got told by GMA folks to organize were people went and who got in... and she played along as a pro and got to meet Mikas family and tell them were to go and stuff....haha


I understand Mikaobsession takes a lot of time :bleh:

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It's this girl from MFC that was suppose to hand out MFC shirts and got mistaken to be a professional and got told by GMA folks to organize were people went and who got in... and she played along as a pro and got to meet Mikas family and tell them were to go and stuff....haha


I understand Mikaobsession takes a lot of time :bleh:


Cynthia Mulat, right? yeah she's a lucky bitch too ROFL :lmao:






well she is!!

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again, I'm glad you're hopeful :bleh:


men min mamma är sjukt sträng. jag fattar inte hur hon tillät mig köpa biljetter till wow


Kanske kan jag övertala din mamma.... jag menar om hon ser hur en "främling" bryr sig så mycket om att du ska hänga med :fisch:

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sorry guys gota go again.......just for a bit i hope lol bye



haha okay, bye! see ya! ^^


again, I'm glad you're hopeful


men min mamma är sjukt sträng. jag fattar inte hur hon tillät mig köpa biljetter till wow


aww nej! :( du MÅSTE gå! vem vet när chansen kommer igen! han lär ju inte komma till sverige på ett bra tag iaf!


of course u are..would't go that far with generosity,but I could say ur my most gorgeus twin


aww that's sweet. and you're mine :D:wub2:


(but that doesn't really say much, does it? you only have one twin. xD it's like when my mum says I'm her favourite daughter. I only have brothers xD ..)




325kr med avgift......inte dyrt


normalt konsertpris. men med transport blir det ju en del.. men tja.. sånt e livet ^^


Do you have a twin?and it's Elina!


why so shocked? xD





hello =]


how are you?



Helloooo Carmel! Welcome to the mad house that we call the girls thread! :roftl:


I'm okay, thanks. how about you? :P


yes it is


we bonded immediatly,felt our braincells connect


yup :mf_rosetinted:(plus Ioana found my inner organs very appealing. :lmfao: )


Yeah you simply must do it in that case

How wonderful it's going to be for you Elina, I'm so happy for you *hugs*


aww you're so sweet! thanks :D *hugs lots*


nope, inte alls dyrt jämfört med wow

men det är inte pengarna som är problemet denna gång.

det är massa annat, plus att det är i en skolvecka. visst det är fredag, men då måste jag ta ledigt från skolan


visa din mamma dina betyg. du förtjänar en dag ledigt :P

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Kanske kan jag övertala din mamma.... jag menar om hon ser hur en "främling" bryr sig så mycket om att du ska hänga med :fisch:


hahaha. eller så blir hon bara freaked out. hahah en stranger :lol3:

nejmen, hon vet om er MFCtjejer :bleh:


aww nej! :( du MÅSTE gå! vem vet när chansen kommer igen! han lär ju inte komma till sverige på ett bra tag iaf!



visa din mamma dina betyg. du förtjänar en dag ledigt :P


mm, ni har rätt. jag ska kämpa. men vi får se ur det blir.


hahaha :lmao: som att det kommer funka :bleh:

betyg har inget med saken att göra

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If I knew that. I'd completely forgotten! :blink::lmao: ¨



and actually liked dr Bombay when he was popular! but please don't hold it against me. I was young and naive *sigh* ^^ it must've been atleast 10 years ago?


OMG you did!?! xD xD xD

Hahahaha I thought he was pretty cool to :roftl::lmao::lmfao:


Yes he just walked right past me på gågatan with this creepy grin on his face (and behind the round shades hahaha) :naughty:





hello =]


how are you?


Hello gangstah!!


I'm very good.


How are you?

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aww that's sweet. and you're mine :D:wub2:


(but that doesn't really say much, does it? you only have one twin. xD it's like when my mum says I'm her favourite daughter. I only have brothers xD ..)


monogamy between twins,huh? how sweeeet! :huglove:






yup :mf_rosetinted:(plus Ioana found my inner organs very appealing. :lmfao: )





I wanna hug them and squeeze them and love them for ever and eveeeeer

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mahahahah. thanks :biggrin2:




nope, inte alls dyrt jämfört med wow :bleh:

men det är inte pengarna som är problemet denna gång.

det är massa annat, plus att det är i en skolvecka. visst det är fredag, men då måste jag ta ledigt från skolan


Jupp måste jag med...men jag måste ta ledigt från ons (lr råka vara sjuk *host*) :naughty:


Men du e så duktig så tror inte det påverkar dig alls :wink2:

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