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This Ones For The Girls (16+) Part Two


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you made the chopsticks yourself?


no,I have them from the sushi bar



How nice!

I think high school in Cluj is much easier than in Buc!



well no,not really,it also depends what uni ur in


and remember cluj and bucharest are the two biggest universitary cities in the country

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I just found they are waaay more practical


well,to me...it takes way less to stuff it all in


I'm a chop stick master


well okay then. :mf_rosetinted: after all you are my twin. you can't be complete air head. :mf_rosetinted:

even though I just read in the MIKA YOU CAN'T READ...-thread that you're brain's been taken by a certain someone :lmao:

so I guess you actually are an air head then ..? :boxed: go figure :lmfao:


I dunno how they're doing it, I'm not goot at it...


LOL I'm ok at it, I almost never use it. Though I used to be pretty damn good. I ate with chopsticks all the time when I was younger, just for fun :roftl:

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pai cine stie ce iti zicea :lmao:


ai auzit demo de la love today? ca versurile erau diferite in anumite locuri


pai ma obiseste,da pana ajung acasa deja nu mai am treaba

mai nasol e in cantonament,cand chiar picam pe jos,si vroiam numa sa dorm...nu ca asi fi apucat :lol3:


aveam dimineata antrenament cu 4km de inot,si de la 16.00 aveam iarasi,inca 4km

si intre nu prea apucam sa dorm,cand am ajuns acasa am dormit vreo 3 zile ca un purel


Sunt curioasa de unde a scos numele :Carolina and Kerry


Da,e tare!dar prefer singlelul !


Macar e ca un job pt tine swimming-ul !


3 zile in continuuu!



Imi place noul profil pe myspace!

E belea rau!

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no,I have them from the sushi bar


well no,not really,it also depends what uni ur in


and remember cluj and bucharest are the two biggest universitary cities in the country


Hmm!I thought you made them!


Yep,they are!

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LOL I'm ok at it, I almost never use it. Though I used to be pretty damn good. I ate with chopsticks all the time when I was younger, just for fun :roftl:




Hmmm I think I'm gonna try it, eating by a fork or spoon sometimes too boring... ;)

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Not hungry at all...


Heh I don't have chopsticks so once I ate noodles by pencils... I know, stupidity but I was trying to learn how to use them...


You are very resistant !


cool to use pencils instead of chopsticks to know to use them!

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well okay then. :mf_rosetinted: after all you are my twin. you can't be complete air head. :mf_rosetinted:

even though I just read in the MIKA YOU CAN'T READ...-thread that you're brain's been taken by a certain someone :lmao:

so I guess you actually are an air head then ..? :boxed: go figure :lmfao:





well I said I heard an echo,could have been my braincells saying hello

also i mentioned I didn't notice him taking it,so he could have not taken it at all


and even if,I'd still have water in my brain,so please rephrase

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I'm still trying to figure out how the heck they eat rice with them sticks


I mean nodles are managable,but rice is tiny,and I don't mean riceballs wich u take whole and stuff into ur mouth


No wonder they're so freakin' skinny! :lmao:


Seriously though ^^ They eat sticky rice, so called "Jasmine rice". It sticks together.

I know that kind of rice very well. I was basically raised on Jasmine rice and chicken :roftl: really, I was xD we had that dish several times a week. I do not kid you. :cool: (you would be surpriced in how many ways you can cook chicken! xD ..) but as a result me and my brothers sigh at the very mention of rice and chicken. :roftl:


Hi Elina ,Humphrey !

Nothing !


Hello V :D

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Sunt curioasa de unde a scos numele :Carolina and Kerry


Da,e tare!dar prefer singlelul !


Macar e ca un job pt tine swimming-ul !


3 zile in continuuu!



Imi place noul profil pe myspace!

E belea rau!




pai am dormit sanatos,ca in cantonament aveam treyire la 6 jumate si de adormit ...numa cam pe la 12

plus ca in ultima zi nici n-am mai dormit

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Not hungry at all...


Heh I don't have chopsticks so once I ate noodles by pencils... I know, stupidity but I was trying to learn how to use them...


my mom braught some chopsticks back from South korea,but forgot to mention they wera just ment to decorate,so my food got all colourfull when I tried them out

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Hmmm I think I'm gonna try it, eating by a fork or spoon sometimes too boring... ;)


that's what I thought too ^^


well I said I heard an echo,could have been my braincells saying hello

also i mentioned I didn't notice him taking it,so he could have not taken it at all


and even if,I'd still have water in my brain,so please rephrase


fine.. but you heard an echo nevertheless. :mf_rosetinted: which means that there is some empty space in that head of yours :naughty:


my mom braught some chopsticks back from South korea,but forgot to mention they wera just ment to decorate,so my food got all colourfull when I tried them out


LOL :lmao::lmfao:

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Hello V :D


pai am dormit sanatos,ca in cantonament aveam treyire la 6 jumate si de adormit ...numa cam pe la 12

plus ca in ultima zi nici n-am mai dormit


Hur mar du ,Elina?

Jag mar jattegra tack:blink:



dar e o pasiune!

Eu nu cred k inot asa de bine !

mi-e frik sa si sar!

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No wonder they're so freakin' skinny! :lmao:


Seriously though ^^ They eat sticky rice, so called "Jasmine rice". It sticks together.

I know that kind of rice very well. I was basically raised on Jasmine rice and chicken :roftl: really, I was xD we had that dish several times a week. I do not kid you. :cool: (you would be surpriced in how many ways you can cook chicken! xD ..) but as a result me and my brothers sigh at the very mention of rice and chicken. :roftl:




I know that rice,I use it to make sushi,it's superglue


u were raised on rice and chcicken...well no wonder then,it explains a lot my yellow friend :mf_rosetinted:


do tell,how can you do rice? is there a book describing the ways?

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Jag mar jattegra tack:blink:

I'm sorry what?


dar e o pasiune!

Eu nu cred k inot asa de bine !

mi-e frik sa si sar!


daca nu imi placea iti dai seama ca nu mai faceam

mama ce tare e sa te arunci in cap,cea mai misto chestie e startu,ai cea mai mare viteza cu cel mai mic efort,e perfect

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I know that rice,I use it to make sushi,it's superglue


u were raised on rice and chcicken...well no wonder then,it explains a lot my yellow friend :mf_rosetinted:


do tell,how can you do rice? is there a book describing the ways?


perhaps it does :lmfao: btw yellow friend? :lmao:


uhm do you mean cook rice? you're not asking me how to grow it right? ^^


the swiss are so proud of me,I'm their fav cheesehead



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btw yellow friend? :lmao:

what,u not yellow and squinting? :shocked:

uhm do you mean cook rice? you're not asking me how to grow it right? ^^



i was actually more interested in chicken,but go on with the rice cooking


I know how to grow it,I've got home grown rice,and home grown plants that make you happy,and home grown chicken...whatever you like

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I'd need Bamboo to make them,tho I prefer to eat bamboo rather than sculpt chopsticks out of them :bleh:



They have many interesting things and they hav cheap stuffs!

I bought some time ago forks,knifes,pillows ,colorful bowls !

what is bamboo as food?

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