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The Knitting Threat Pt.2


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No, I actually thought about innocent hair on his head. As far as the curls can be innocent. I'm a bit obsessed with his hair :blush-anim-cl: . I need help :blink:

Who's having an obsession with hair in this thread? :das:


Oh well. You seem to be just as innocent as I am.

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That scenario is just too perfect :lmfao:

It would shock him for life :roftl:



of course you did,we are pure twinnos,we only see the best in people


Mighty cellphone btw


It certainly would! Poor guy :lmao:


True, true :cool:


and yes tis :mf_rosetinted:


Hmm... do you ever think of 'hair' when you read the word 'hair'? :naughty:


I doubt it :roftl:

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I guess a color blind person can't tell themselves if they're color blind, you're just going to have to take my word for it *pats back*


well, well, aren't we in a knitty mood today :das:

and perhaps it is

I'm still more interested in the face region though. Much prettier.


OMG that song

Fine then, it's not like there's anything worth having at the top of your body anyway :naughty:



btw have you seen this? :biggrin2:


It's way down on this page:





That is the nicest thing ,Cazzey did!


I'm not color blind dammit! why do u think I like theese green glasses? :mf_rosetinted:


u am always knitty,I just don't get chalanged enought to express myself,but thank you I have my chalanged...erm no wait,challenging Twinno :huglove:


I have curls on my head if I wanna :lmao:

Depends how I let my hair dry,I can be Mika if I let it just flutter dry in the wind :roftl:

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That is the nicest thing ,Cazzey did!



I have curls on my head if I wanna :lmao:

Depends how I let my hair dry,I can be Mika if I let it just flutter dry in the wind :roftl:


I look like mika!:mf_rosetinted:

pardon ,mika's hair!

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Well,I dunno how tall you are (just to be sure,how tall are you? ) but I know I can't look down without him noticing it,and that would not be polite now would it. I mean immagine looking him in the eye at one point and the next just "hold on,I gotta study the southern region a bit"


Consider yourself lucky you can investigate it all without being caught :glasses2:


well, we were talking about where to look when he signs autographs, right? which means, he looks to the sheet on which he signs, so you can't make eye contact anyway, and he won't realize if you also look in the direction of the sheet! :das::roftl:


I have a good friend,and he's blonde and curly and whenever I see him I've got my fingers in his hair :roftl: His girlfriend was giving me theese weird looks but we were just laughing our asses of because it was our ritual and she was just so shocked :roftl:

I can't help it! I gotta touch 'em!


oh that could SO be me! :naughty: well, ioana knows about my wuschel obsession already, dont ya, ioana? :biggrin2:

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That is the nicest thing ,Cazzey did!


I'm not color blind dammit! why do u think I like theese green glasses? :mf_rosetinted:


u am always knitty,I just don't get chalanged enought to express myself,but thank you I have my chalanged...erm no wait,challenging Twinno


I have curls on my head if I wanna

Depends how I let my hair dry,I can be Mika if I let it just flutter dry in the wind


Yes it was!!


I rest my case :lmao:


ehrm...yeees... that's right :blink::sneaky2::naughty:




'flutter dry in the wind'!? OMG twinno you're killing me here :lmao:


Yes because of the lollipops!:


exactly ^^

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Of course it is


Twinno,always remember,they need petting and encoyraging


oh.. right..my bad! :doh: we don't want to be accused for neglecting, now do we..!? :roftl:


Of course it is :biggrin2:


I'll shave ur eyebrows off for this! :roftl:


And this is the reason why I'm moving as far away from you as possible :lmfao::lmao:

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well, we were talking about where to look when he signs autographs, right? which means, he looks to the sheet on which he signs, so you can't make eye contact anyway, and he won't realize if you also look in the direction of the sheet! :das::roftl:


Depends what you make the man sign :das: dosen't have to be paper ypu know

oh that could SO be me! :naughty: well, ioana knows about my wuschel obsession already, dont ya, ioana? :biggrin2:


yes,I am aware of your condition :lol3:

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I should prob be offended, but I can't say that I blame you..! :lmao:





Ive never been in this thread before...


honestly i thaught it was a thread where the over 100's came to knit and talk about granny things!:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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we are now talking about what part of Mica one will stare at when meeting him


any ideas?


This threat is moving so fast! :boxed:


I don't know, his eyes maybe. :wub2: But then again he's about 20 centimeters taller than I. I'd propably stare at some lower part. :naughty:

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