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The appleman can!!! - The official SEQUEL!


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*elevator music* :fisch:




giulietta, what does your sig mean..?


wait, I'm in the apples thread! :shocked: i'm NOT supposed to ask for explanations.. just to play along nicely. :shocked:


oh, good sig! :thumb_yello: *fakes understanding* :mf_rosetinted:

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*elevator music* :fisch:




giulietta, what does your sig mean..?


wait, I'm in the apples thread! :shocked: i'm NOT supposed to ask for explanations.. just to play along nicely. :shocked:


oh, good sig! :thumb_yello: *fakes understanding* :mf_rosetinted:



mbhauaha...I'm a x-files fan :cool: and I need a miracle..

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ooohhh.. right-....:shocked:


evidently i didn't get it cause I kept connecting it with the devastation in spain subtitle. I was like, is spain attacked and I don't know it..? :blink::mf_rosetinted:



mhauahhahaa... no... 2 different things...

this summer I'm going to spain to get devastation with spanish girls... :thumb_yello:

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It's quite unimportant whether you're funny or not, the important thing is that you have fun, which I don't when the "mysterious" members enter a thread I normally feel at home in. And no, I don't care if you are a fake account or a mask or a bandmember or the high and mighty wizard himself, you make me feel unwelcome in the thread that I consider my home on this forum :badmood:


Hi again Kata!:punk:

I think that you're reading too much into it, and giving this MM person exactly what they want....


I don't think the wiz can spell as well as MM. Really if it is a second ID for someone we know (yawn) that is so last September.


I'm thinking attention seeking poser...

Nothing wrong with being random and nothing wrong with being here in general, there's just different kinds of random and I happen to strongly dislike the kind of posts that we would normally see thrown around by a Gustav+random-letter in the here's the deal thread when they are posted elsewhere... I like to communicate with people, not with random usernames and fake accounts or even with high and mighty people who are too high and mighty to tell anything about themselves apart from the fact that they are ****ing high and mighty


Ok, I have to say that I didn't realise there were such strict "rules" that specified what can be done in each thread:roftl:

Maybe to these people it's just a bit of fun, they are being silly, etc....I wonder why you take it so personally?

I quite enjoy the silliness and randomness of that thread, and it can obviously not be compared to a "normal" thread as it's quite different, but then again I think that every thread here is quite different depending on the topic so hey!

To be fair I think that the deal thread has bad "press" and people who are not there don't really get what it is about. It's not really about what it's supposed to be about if that makes any sense:naughty: .



another one we're gonna talk about even if we don't want to... THAT is yawn... how can't you just ignore people ?





it's some family. and I can guarentee he is NOT posting here.. :mf_rosetinted:



What have I missed- again?


Well neither do I, but if I want to read that kind of **** then that's where I'd go, cause that's where it belongs in my opinion :boxed:


Oi, I post that kind of ****! Nothing dishonorable about it...:wink2: As I said, it's just a bit of fun.

Different people have fun in different ways, and maybe the type of humour that some people use (and I am including myself in that) is not perceived by others as equally funny.

Just a thought.

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Yupp different people have different sense of humour. I know the game rules for the deal thread, I even participated one day when I was in the mood for it, but I can assure you that I would never EVER be in the mood for a conversation outside that thread with a fake account! I do not like people ****ing with my mind and in my world, people who pretend to be something they are not, when it's not a game like in the deal thread, are people who **** with other people's minds! I don't like liars and I have no wish whatsoever to communicate with such!

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Yupp different people have different sense of humour. I know the game rules for the deal thread, I even participated one day when I was in the mood for it, but I can assure you that I would never EVER be in the mood for a conversation outside that thread with a fake account! I do not like people ****ing with my mind and in my world, people who pretend to be something they are not, when it's not a game like in the deal thread, are people who **** with other people's minds! I don't like liars and I have no wish whatsoever to communicate with such!


then don't ! :wink2: i think you're putting way too much attention into something you don't want to put attention into, as you say... just ignore that post, i was just someone wanting to give some "life-lesson" or whatsoever and it's over ! not sure he/she's willing to post again, now that he/she posted what had the expected effect :boxed:

waow... that's complicated...

well : he/she wanted to be noticed, he/she managed to make you angry, he/she accomplished his/her mission... the job's done ! OVER :thumb_yello: you can't tell people not to come here, just because you feel at home ! it's a forum... and when we were messing up the other threads with our sarcastic games last year, that's exactly what we were doing, and we were not welcome either ! but we were still going...

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Yupp different people have different sense of humour. I know the game rules for the deal thread, I even participated one day when I was in the mood for it, but I can assure you that I would never EVER be in the mood for a conversation outside that thread with a fake account! I do not like people ****ing with my mind and in my world, people who pretend to be something they are not, when it's not a game like in the deal thread, are people who **** with other people's minds! I don't like liars and I have no wish whatsoever to communicate with such!


I can totally understand that, and I hate that too! Lying and pretending to be someone else is definitely not "ok" in my book.

What I meant was that I don't understand why you say that there are people who go around pretending like that, because I haven't seen or come across them...I mean, yes, as a joke, but not in a serious way, REALLY pretending to be someone, or trying to confuse people.



nothing behind it. there's someone in my family called so and he's not posting here. :wink2: so it's one gustav off the list of the possible gustavs-who-post-here :mf_rosetinted:


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :roftl: I see!

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then don't ! :wink2: i think you're putting way too much attention into something you don't want to put attention into, as you say... just ignore that post, i was just someone wanting to give some "life-lesson" or whatsoever and it's over ! not sure he/she's willing to post again, now that he/she posted what had the expected effect :boxed:

waow... that's complicated...

well : he/she wanted to be noticed, he/she managed to make you angry, he/she accomplished his/her mission... the job's done ! OVER :thumb_yello: you can't tell people not to come here, just because you feel at home ! it's a forum... and when we were messing up the other threads with our sarcastic games last year, that's exactly what we were doing, and we were not welcome either ! but we were still going...


Exactly what I think.


It's fine, let the deeks and jacks of the world have their fun, it's just gonna be on my behalf anymore! sayonara :mf_rosetinted:


:shocked: Are you really gone???

I got the deek story reported cause I was on hols then, but who's this jack..?


I have NO idea:roftl:

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Ok, I totally forgot to say this.........following up on the Wizard theme, I was ordering my flashing hearts today and I came across these pretty "magic" wands......swo I ordered 3 of them in the hope that I will get them before I leave for Toronto, for Christine, Suzy and myself:


What do you think??


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she was talking about JackViolet ( :wub2: ) cause she never got why Jack didn't want to tell us her real identity... and thinks all this fuss about not telling who you really are etc. is a lot more important than what we think... let's say it's like "messing up her mind" wheareas Jack and the others she's thinking about who did it never lied about who they were ! they just never told... Jack (since she named her, let's go on with her) was "playing" the silent game... but she never lied like i already said. she just let us believe what we wanted to, not revealing first if she was a man or a woman. but she never said "i'm a man". now what i mean ?

on the other hand, deek lied and took a real someone's identity ! and that's different in my opinion, for what it's worth...

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There's a whole lot of MFCers meeting Jack in NYC very soon...

Same goes for Scut...in Oz

But we've seen their pics now:naughty:


I often wonder if I should have been more mysterious as I seem to wear my emotions on my sleeve very easily too...also makes it easier to say what you really feel sometimes.


Anyways...too late. :naughty:

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Ok, I totally forgot to say this.........following up on the Wizard theme, I was ordering my flashing hearts today and I came across these pretty "magic" wands......swo I ordered 3 of them in the hope that I will get them before I leave for Toronto, for Christine, Suzy and myself:


What do you think??



Ooh...yes pleeeaase! Thank you. :wub2:

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I'd say that on the one hand, I totally understand how Kata or anyone else would have a problem with others pretending to be someone else, or lying about their identity,etc.....

On the other hand, I think that it's also important to remember that this is a public forum where people don't see eachother's faces, hence ther eis always the possibility of deception.

In fact, what I find strange is that there are so FEW people pretending and so many people are actually genuine, and open and all that.

Out of a community of thousands, there will always be some rotten apples,and sadly, nobody can do anything about that...But we can avoid them spoiling our fun by not taking them too seriously.

Don't you think?:wink2:

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What IS it with you lovely apples?


Your thread always seems to attract the weirdos, the duplicate accounts, the previously banned users, and the mysterious don't-you-wanna-know-who-I-am posters, who always seem to be on the opposite side of the world from where they say they are. :roftl:


You'd think it would get old, but so far, it hasn't seemed to...

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