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I respect Mika.


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Guest Ssnakey

This will probably be a little long, but please, if you feel the same way and have some time on your hands, read on..


Last night I started thinking about a lot of things..(mostly Mika, of course). After a while, I thought about something I read on the GMA thread which bothered me a little. Someone made a comment about these girls who would shout things to Mika while he was on stage like, "Take your clothes off!" or "Get naked!"

This really bothered me because I know if someone shouted these things at me, I wouldn't like it and I'd think that person was disgusting. It also bothered me because Mika's family was in the audience, including his young cousins, and they all could have heard what these girls were shouting.

I remember the uncomfortable look on Mika's face as they shouted this and felt pity toward him and could only imagine how awkward he felt. I remember thinking, "They are so rude! Mika's not a piece of meet!"

Then it hit me, I was being a major hypocrit. I have been involved in discussions and in threads talking about Mika as if that's all he is, a piece of meat. I suddenly felt extremely guilty. I felt so shallow. I also felt extremely horrible because of this.

When I first started posting on the MFC, I tried to stay away from dirty threads, but as I posted more and more, and started reading these threads more, I started thinking it was okay and fun to talk about Mika like this.

Now, I realize Mika is EXTREMELY attractive, but he is so much more than a gorgeous exterior.There are so many more things I love about him on the INSIDE and I respect him so much for so many reasons. I honestly think his inner beauty radiates more brightly than his outer beauty.

I don't mean to offend anyone who reads this in any way, shape, or form. I was actually very nervous about starting this thread for that very reason. I love you all so much and love talking with each of you! You're all such great friends, and great people, and so much fun to talk to! Please, don't take anything at all I say offensively, because the last thing I want is to hurt your feelings or to lose such great friends. I don't mean to attack anyone, single them out, or make anybody feel angry, hurt, or as if they're a bad person.

We're all human and we all have our weaknesses, and I have fallen into that sort of temptation in the past, which I'm a bit ashamed of admitting now, and after I realized I was being hypocritical, I don't have any negative or different views of any of you.

I ask all of you to join this thread if you respect Mika for the beautiful person he is on the inside. Think about it, Mika has done SO MUCH for us, the least we can do is show him some respect.

Thank you all for your time. Again, I started this thread as a POSITIVE thing, not to bring anyone down.


And I promise, if I talk about Mika as if he were a piece of meat or in a dirty way, I'll confess to Holy Johnny ASAP.


What do all of you say, should we make a little I.R.M. (I Respect Mika) group? Yay or neigh?



IRM (I Respect Mika)

#1. Finkster

#2. BonjourMika1990

#3. AKatieisaKate

#4. Lucy

#5. Soon-to-bemrs.penniman

#6. Hannah

#7. Ghostintheradio

#8. sara101

#9. ohwowitsnicka

#10. purplegrape

#11. backflip_76

#12. findingmywords

#13. LittleTechieShelina

#14. DS Nightly


I totally agree with you and somehow you made me feel glad to realize that I don't have so many posts on here (I don't mean to offend anybody):blush-anim-cl: .

I never saw him live (I wish I did, a Mika gig in this God damn country is all I want :( ) and I want to say that I first listened to his music and then I saw him (when I listened to "Any other world" I had no idea who was Mika-the person, the human). I consider him being not a beautiful person, but a nice one, with gorgeous hair and beautiful big eyes but even so, I think it's really stupid to drool at every picture you see.

I will respect him for his music, first of all, and I will always respect him and love him for his talent, and I will always be conscious of the fact that he's a human, and he has a private life with good things and bad things, a private life where no fan shall enter, no matter how much he/she loves mika (or he/she THINKS he loves him).

I think I'll join the group.

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Before I start, I want to say that this post isn't to offend, insult or attack anyone but to bring balance to this discussion.



That's what I was thinking while reading this thread. I'm sorry but no matter how many interviews you watch/read or how many times you meet Mika at his performances, you don't really know him. What you see is Mika's professional face, his industry behaviour, his best behaviour. Yes, you do get insight into his personality but nowhere near enough to judge him "as a person", for better or for worse, as some people have done in this thread.



I'm sorry, he's been nice but he is not innocent. A person doesn't take off their shirt and pelvic thrust on stage, throwing the word "f*ck" into every other sentence and get called "innocent". Please don't paint an unrealistic fairytale picture of Mika, it's just as bad as unfairly painting him evil.

That said, any human being deserves a certain level of respect and that includes Mika. I believe that almost everyone on this forum already shows him that level of respect (as "a human being" not necessarily "as a person" because we don't really know what he's like as a person) without needing to add "IRM" to their name. I'm a knitter and while I'm not 100% comfortable with all of my posts in the past, I'm not going to take a single word of it back. Everyone has their own idea of where "the line" is and I don't believe that I've crossed "my" line anywhere.


In short: please be realistic.


I've watched every interview with Mika there is on youtube anf i feel like i know a lot about him. But i would never claim to know him. because i don't. And i definetly don't think Mika's innocent.


I laughed out loud when i read the hip thrusting part because that is so true.:naughty: I don't think i paint a fairytale picture of Mika and i agree, it would be just as bad as unfairly painting him evil.


I agree 100% with all that you're saying Scut Monkey. You're very wise.:original:

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i absolutely agree that mika deserves being treated respectfully, and not as a piece of meat. but still i don't think there's anything wrong with feeling lust for him and i also don't think he has a problem with it, as long as it's not too offensive, like the girl shouting "get naked!" or ppl grabbing his bum.


i've also written some naughty posts on this forum, but i don't feel guilty about it, although i probably should, as this is a public place, i must admit i tend to forget this. for me it's just having fun with my 'friends', it's the same i would chat about with my girl friends if we talk about any guy we like.


i think the reason why i don't feel guilty is, that it's totally clear for me that i love mika for so many more things than just his looks. in the first place i respect him for being the brilliant musician/singer/songwriter that he is and for his fantastic shows (and yeah, i love his shows just as much if he doesn't take off his shirt! :bleh: ). and although of course i don't know him, i also respect him on a personal basis, for what he says in interviews and especially since last week, when he sort of "promised" me he would be at the taubertal festival, and then really was, although no one would've thought it. i know this really means nothing, but to me it means a lot.


but you can't deny that he knows that he's sexy and he plays with it. the reason for me feeling lust for him is not his looks in the first place, but his behaviour (although of course i must admit that i wouldn't find his hip thrusts so sexy if he was bald and weighed 100 kg more, for example :naughty: ). it is just a game for him though, and it should be for us. people who shout to him "get naked!" in the shows don't understand this.

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i absolutely agree that mika deserves being treated respectfully, and not as a piece of meat. but still i don't think there's anything wrong with feeling lust for him and i also don't think he has a problem with it, as long as it's not too offensive, like the girl shouting "get naked!" or ppl grabbing his bum.


i've also written some naughty posts on this forum, but i don't feel guilty about it, although i probably should, as this is a public place, i must admit i tend to forget this. for me it's just having fun with my 'friends', it's the same i would chat about with my girl friends if we talk about any guy we like.


i think the reason why i don't feel guilty is, that it's totally clear for me that i love mika for so many more things than just his looks. in the first place i respect him for being the brilliant musician/singer/songwriter that he is and for his fantastic shows (and yeah, i love his shows just as much if he doesn't take off his shirt! :bleh: ). and although of course i don't know him, i also respect him on a personal basis, for what he says in interviews and especially since last week, when he sort of "promised" me he would be at the taubertal festival, and then really was, although no one would've thought it. i know this really means nothing, but to me it means a lot.


but you can't deny that he knows that he's sexy and he plays with it. the reason for me feeling lust for him is not his looks in the first place, but his behaviour (although of course i must admit that i wouldn't find his hip thrusts so sexy if he was bald and weighed 100 kg more, for example :naughty: ). it is just a game for him though, and it should be for us. people who shout to him "get naked!" in the shows don't understand this.


Of course he know he's gorgeous!


I've written some borderline-naughty things on some of these threads and i don't feel guilty about them.

I mean, it's not like i write things like,



but i know he might feel uncomfortable if he ever read them. And i'd hate to for anyone to be offended, especially Mika.


That's why i love this thread. 'Cause we (well most of us:bleh:),all know where the line is and when we've crossed it.

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Oh dear, that is all so very confusing. I agree with everything Finkster says and I agree with the words from Scut Monkey and I will definitely agree with a lot of the people who follow my little post here.


But yes, I also noticed that in the last weeks or so some things just seem to have taken off a bit (not sure if taken off is the right term... maybe you know what I mean). There is a number of threads around here of which I beg that neither Mika himself nor ANY member of his family nor any of his older friends have read them. But I've also learned in the last years that I don't have to care for everything - I usually don't read the threads that would make me angry and so... Furthermore, there are mods around and I usually think/hope that the human being is actually CAPABLE of seeing the (sometimes very thin) line between fandom and inappropriate discussions and comments in an open forum. No matter if we consider Mika innocent or not, I think that some people should actually consider whether they would like to read some things that they write about him about themselves. (Please do not be angry with me for saying it like this! :blink: )

About the girls at the GMA - I think that the behaviour they have shown is *uses very rude word*. I DON'T understand why people do that. And I hope I never will.

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i absolutely agree that mika deserves being treated respectfully, and not as a piece of meat. but still i don't think there's anything wrong with feeling lust for him and i also don't think he has a problem with it, as long as it's not too offensive, like the girl shouting "get naked!" or ppl grabbing his bum.


I agree with you Mellody. I didn't join this thread with an unrealistic view. It's not always a bad thing to have feelings of an impure nature...we are human beings...it comes with the territory. So if someone has lusting feeling for Mika in this forum, they shouldn't automatically punish themselves because of it. (Although some of the comments made in certain threads really are way too inappropriate and disrespectful, if you ask me.) It's when it really starts to get out of hand that it really becomes a serious issue of disprespect towards a man who doesn't deserve disrespect...shouting out to him with inappropriate comments is really just too much.

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I totally agree with you.

The look on Mika's face was just like 'whaaaaat? thats sick'

he was completley baffled


I am kinda GLAD that I was not there *if only for this ONE reason* :sneaky2:

I can imagine how he felt and just what he must have been thinking! That is JUST SO rude!!!! I hardly doubt that those particular girls were part of the MFC! If so, what a bad representation!!!! :shocked:

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Oh dear, that is all so very confusing. I agree with everything Finkster says and I agree with the words from Scut Monkey and I will definitely agree with a lot of the people who follow my little post here.


But yes, I also noticed that in the last weeks or so some things just seem to have taken off a bit (not sure if taken off is the right term... maybe you know what I mean). There is a number of threads around here of which I beg that neither Mika himself nor ANY member of his family nor any of his older friends have read them. But I've also learned in the last years that I don't have to care for everything - I usually don't read the threads that would make me angry and so... Furthermore, there are mods around and I usually think/hope that the human being is actually CAPABLE of seeing the (sometimes very thin) line between fandom and inappropriate discussions and comments in an open forum. No matter if we consider Mika innocent or not, I think that some people should actually consider whether they would like to read some things that they write about him about themselves. (Please do not be angry with me for saying it like this! :blink: )

About the girls at the GMA - I think that the behaviour they have shown is *uses very rude word*. I DON'T understand why people do that. And I hope I never will.


I know what you mean about the threads.


And those girls were rude and im embarrassed for them. Because they did that to get Mika's attention, but it put him on the spot and im sure it made him uncomfortable.

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This will probably be a little long, but please, if you feel the same way and have some time on your hands, read on..


Last night I started thinking about a lot of things..(mostly Mika, of course). After a while, I thought about something I read on the GMA thread which bothered me a little. Someone made a comment about these girls who would shout things to Mika while he was on stage like, "Take your clothes off!" or "Get naked!"

This really bothered me because I know if someone shouted these things at me, I wouldn't like it and I'd think that person was disgusting. It also bothered me because Mika's family was in the audience, including his young cousins, and they all could have heard what these girls were shouting.

I remember the uncomfortable look on Mika's face as they shouted this and felt pity toward him and could only imagine how awkward he felt. I remember thinking, "They are so rude! Mika's not a piece of meet!"

Then it hit me, I was being a major hypocrit. I have been involved in discussions and in threads talking about Mika as if that's all he is, a piece of meat. I suddenly felt extremely guilty. I felt so shallow. I also felt extremely horrible because of this.

When I first started posting on the MFC, I tried to stay away from dirty threads, but as I posted more and more, and started reading these threads more, I started thinking it was okay and fun to talk about Mika like this.

Now, I realize Mika is EXTREMELY attractive, but he is so much more than a gorgeous exterior.There are so many more things I love about him on the INSIDE and I respect him so much for so many reasons. I honestly think his inner beauty radiates more brightly than his outer beauty.

I don't mean to offend anyone who reads this in any way, shape, or form. I was actually very nervous about starting this thread for that very reason. I love you all so much and love talking with each of you! You're all such great friends, and great people, and so much fun to talk to! Please, don't take anything at all I say offensively, because the last thing I want is to hurt your feelings or to lose such great friends. I don't mean to attack anyone, single them out, or make anybody feel angry, hurt, or as if they're a bad person.

We're all human and we all have our weaknesses, and I have fallen into that sort of temptation in the past, which I'm a bit ashamed of admitting now, and after I realized I was being hypocritical, I don't have any negative or different views of any of you.

I ask all of you to join this thread if you respect Mika for the beautiful person he is on the inside. Think about it, Mika has done SO MUCH for us, the least we can do is show him some respect.

Thank you all for your time. Again, I started this thread as a POSITIVE thing, not to bring anyone down.


And I promise, if I talk about Mika as if he were a piece of meat or in a dirty way, I'll confess to Holy Johnny ASAP.


What do all of you say, should we make a little I.R.M. (I Respect Mika) group? Yay or neigh?



Aaaww... you made me fell a little bit ashamed, haha. But I totally agree with you. He's so much more than the extremely attractive hot boy. **SO MUCH MORE!**

Add me, please! :wink2:

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This shouldn't be about saying, "Oh, I have respect for him, therefore the fact that I posted that I thought that he was sexy after a Mikagasmic picture is horrible." It's not. Commenting on his attractiveness, not a problem, and I can't see why that would be disrespectful of him at all---Honestly, if any of you were reading a forum about yourselves and people were making comments about how nice you looked, how could you feel anything but flattery? Mika fully knows what he does to people---after all, he DOES take his shirt off during Love Today, and sex appeal is a part of the whole shebang. If he was so worried about the whole sex factor, he would not jump around stage in tight pants with no shirt on. It's human nature to lust over attractive people, and it all comes with the territory of chatting with your friends on here. HOWEVER, there is a line between moderately lusty comments and downright disrespectfully sexual comments. The rocket ship thread? I've read parts, but what I saw was talking about aliens and the like, but I know that the general idea behind it is something very different. I'd just advise to think about how you would feel if people were talking about your bodily functions on a public forum. :blink:


This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object." There's a difference between finding someone attractive and talking about it and being disrespectful. Mika is a person just like you and me, with real feelings, emotions and thoughts. His body is fun to look at, but it's not public access.

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This shouldn't be about saying, "Oh, I have respect for him, therefore the fact that I posted that I thought that he was sexy after a Mikagasmic picture is horrible." It's not. Commenting on his attractiveness, not a problem, and I can't see why that would be disrespectful of him at all---Honestly, if any of you were reading a forum about yourselves and people were making comments about how nice you looked, how could you feel anything but flattery? Mika fully knows what he does to people---after all, he DOES take his shirt off during Love Today, and sex appeal is a part of the whole shebang. If he was so worried about the whole sex factor, he would not jump around stage in tight pants with no shirt on. It's human nature to lust over attractive people, and it all comes with the territory of chatting with your friends on here. HOWEVER, there is a line between moderately lusty comments and downright disrespectfully sexual comments. The rocket ship thread? I've read parts, but what I saw was talking about aliens and the like, but I know that the general idea behind it is something very different. I'd just advise to think about how you would feel if people were talking about your bodily functions on a public forum. :blink:


EXACTLY. :thumb_yello:

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This shouldn't be about saying, "Oh, I have respect for him, therefore the fact that I posted that I thought that he was sexy after a Mikagasmic picture is horrible." It's not. Commenting on his attractiveness, not a problem, and I can't see why that would be disrespectful of him at all---Honestly, if any of you were reading a forum about yourselves and people were making comments about how nice you looked, how could you feel anything but flattery? Mika fully knows what he does to people---after all, he DOES take his shirt off during Love Today, and sex appeal is a part of the whole shebang. If he was so worried about the whole sex factor, he would not jump around stage in tight pants with no shirt on. It's human nature to lust over attractive people, and it all comes with the territory of chatting with your friends on here. HOWEVER, there is a line between moderately lusty comments and downright disrespectfully sexual comments. The rocket ship thread? I've read parts, but what I saw was talking about aliens and the like, but I know that the general idea behind it is something very different. I'd just advise to think about how you would feel if people were talking about your bodily functions on a public forum. :blink:


This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object." There's a difference between finding someone attractive and talking about it and being disrespectful. Mika is a person just like you and me, with real feelings, emotions and thoughts. His body is fun to talk about, but it's not public access.


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This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object." There's a difference between finding someone attractive and talking about it and being disrespectful. Mika is a person just like you and me, with real feelings, emotions and thoughts. His body is fun to look at, but it's not public access.



Did I ever mention that I love you, Hannah? :flowers2:


(...I've never been to that rocket ship-thing... I guess I better never look into it.)

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This shouldn't be about saying, "Oh, I have respect for him, therefore the fact that I posted that I thought that he was sexy after a Mikagasmic picture is horrible." It's not. Commenting on his attractiveness, not a problem, and I can't see why that would be disrespectful of him at all---Honestly, if any of you were reading a forum about yourselves and people were making comments about how nice you looked, how could you feel anything but flattery? Mika fully knows what he does to people---after all, he DOES take his shirt off during Love Today, and sex appeal is a part of the whole shebang. If he was so worried about the whole sex factor, he would not jump around stage in tight pants with no shirt on. It's human nature to lust over attractive people, and it all comes with the territory of chatting with your friends on here. HOWEVER, there is a line between moderately lusty comments and downright disrespectfully sexual comments. The rocket ship thread? I've read parts, but what I saw was talking about aliens and the like, but I know that the general idea behind it is something very different. I'd just advise to think about how you would feel if people were talking about your bodily functions on a public forum. :blink:


This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object." There's a difference between finding someone attractive and talking about it and being disrespectful. Mika is a person just like you and me, with real feelings, emotions and thoughts. His body is fun to talk about, but it's not public access.


ha ha ha! I LOVE what you wrote, and you are right! And I think there is a HUGE difference in positing on here and discussing amungst us fans certain things...it is all in fun and with good heart that we post here.... crossing the line is at a concert....YELLING obsenities or just downright RUDE and embarrassing things at MIKA where everyone can hear. It made him uncomfortable, and SHOULD HAVE *but probably didn't* embarrass the snot out of the ones yelling it! I have written lustful things on here.... for goodness sake I dream about MIKA almost everynight.... *I do not post my dreams, THAT would be crossing the line* BUT- I would NEVER say anything like that at a concert! Not only do I have respect for MIKA, but I have respect for myself! Now 'wanting' him to take his shirt off.... that is another story! :roftl:

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This shouldn't be about saying, "Oh, I have respect for him, therefore the fact that I posted that I thought that he was sexy after a Mikagasmic picture is horrible." It's not. Commenting on his attractiveness, not a problem, and I can't see why that would be disrespectful of him at all---Honestly, if any of you were reading a forum about yourselves and people were making comments about how nice you looked, how could you feel anything but flattery? Mika fully knows what he does to people---after all, he DOES take his shirt off during Love Today, and sex appeal is a part of the whole shebang. If he was so worried about the whole sex factor, he would not jump around stage in tight pants with no shirt on. It's human nature to lust over attractive people, and it all comes with the territory of chatting with your friends on here. HOWEVER, there is a line between moderately lusty comments and downright disrespectfully sexual comments. The rocket ship thread? I've read parts, but what I saw was talking about aliens and the like, but I know that the general idea behind it is something very different. I'd just advise to think about how you would feel if people were talking about your bodily functions on a public forum. :blink:


This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object." There's a difference between finding someone attractive and talking about it and being disrespectful. Mika is a person just like you and me, with real feelings, emotions and thoughts. His body is fun to look at, but it's not public access.



Bravo Hannah!

*applauds you*


I didn't mean commenting on a picture of his looks is bad. I mean..we all know how attractive he is.

It's just as you said, This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object."


As to what Scut Monkey was saying, we clearly don't know him on a personal level (hahaha), however I still have respect for the Mika I see. The one that promotes causes such as Global Warming, writes songs to warn people not to have sex too early, and to tell women who are big that they are indeed beautiful!

I love and respect the Mika who takes his time to meet with most of his fans after performances and who just comes off as a generally nice guy.

I don't think we're painting an unrealistic picture of him, we've all witnessed this sort of stuff. :)

And I'm damn sure that Mika is not innocent. haha Like you said, the pelvic thrusts and all that jazz. I think everyone has that kind of side to them..even nuns. (:roftl:) (maybe not...:blink:)

I just believe that Mika has a kind heart, and he is my hero and my role model. I couldn't think of anyone else in the public eye that would make a better one.

and I agree with what everyone else was saying. My posts were'nt HORRIBLE or crossing the line, but I'd rather not talk about Mika like that anymore.

And screaming that out at gigs, totally out of line.

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By the way, I've added everyone who asked to be added to the list.




Those girls at GMA weren't part of the MFC. I stood near them in line and inside the studio and I talked to them while waiting outside.

They were travelling from DC I believe, and they've never heard of the fanclub.

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I agree with that... I mean If I ever heard someone disrespect me like that... though it may be funny for them, that sort of thing is humiliating... some people like it... but many don't...


I don't want to come off as snobbish or conceited in anyway, but a few years ago, I really grew out of the ugly duckling phase lol and I guess you could say I "blossomed" in many many ways if you know what I mean... and the thing that made me so mad about the whole thing was not the fact that I was changing, but I was angry at how people were reacting. To this day, people look at me and cat call... It's not like I dress in mini skirts and tube tops lol... I'm known at my school for being the "classy" girl... and it hurts when people contradict that title because it's something that I pride myself on... It feels cheap, to be complimented in such a vulgar way... I hate it and I always defend myself... people say sometimes... "Oh it's no big deal... you should be flattered" But I'm not... They don't see the person that I am, just the way I look... It's very painful that way to go around only being noticed for something so materialistic as your looks... so in that way, I sympathise with mika... though I don't think I have thousands of people telling me I'm gorgeous daily :blink:


I know what you're saying.

I can walk down the main avenue in the baggiest clothes looking like a mess, yet I will still get about 15 cars to honk at me. I find that so rude. I'm trying to walk and you scare me to call me a babe or whatever. What's wrong with you? I'm sixteen!

most girls here find that amusing, but I don't. I find it incredibly rude.

And I hate it when people walk up to me and go, "Hey momma!"

I'm not your mother...

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Bravo Hannah!

*applauds you*


I didn't mean commenting on a picture of his looks is bad. I mean..we all know how attractive he is.

It's just as you said, This is more about saying, "I respect that Mika is a talented man and not a sex object."


As to what Scut Monkey was saying, we clearly don't know him on a personal level (hahaha), however I still have respect for the Mika I see. The one that promotes causes such as Global Warming, writes songs to warn people not to have sex too early, and to tell women who are big that they are indeed beautiful!

I love and respect the Mika who takes his time to meet with most of his fans after performances and who just comes off as a generally nice guy.

I don't think we're painting an unrealistic picture of him, we've all witnessed this sort of stuff. :)

And I'm damn sure that Mika is not innocent. haha Like you said, the pelvic thrusts and all that jazz. I think everyone has that kind of side to them..even nuns. (:roftl:) (maybe not...:blink:)

I just believe that Mika has a kind heart, and he is my hero and my role model. I couldn't think of anyone else in the public eye that would make a better one.

and I agree with what everyone else was saying. My posts were'nt HORRIBLE or crossing the line, but I'd rather not talk about Mika like that anymore.

And screaming that out at gigs, totally out of line.


Oh, of course not (about the bolded part). I didn't pick that up from what you posted at all! :) I was just making that comment in case some people were thinking either, "Oh no, I've committed a deadly sin because I find Mika attractive in *that* way," or "This thread is too based on the thought that Mika is an innocent daisy."


And I totally agree with you! I don't know Mika, but I feel as if I CAN respect him on a personal level, from what I know of him. :)

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