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This Ones For Us Girls (16+) PART 3


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xD xD


Nopeee...It might be cus im goin on holiday tonight lol




oo how fun! where are you going? :P


My usual sleepy self


hey Twinnie,have you come in contact with the Cherisse B.Day Project twinnie is making ?



so she's the stalker and blaming it on poor ol twinnie,who would never stalk anyone but Elton John (dun ask why I thaught of him)




I actually have not. I'll check it out in a bit. :mf_rosetinted:


exactly :naughty: no wait, WTF!?! ELTON JOHN!?!?!! :lmfao::lmao:


(ok I'm not really asking, the question marks are just for..er.. decoration xD )


I shall second that while blinking uncontrolably


What kind of a phucking health mag is that?


phucking might just be the word :lmao:


all ze time

Right Twinnie? When we talk it's either abt Vanessa or organs




yes, I'm afraid so :shocked: lets stick to the V subject :roftl:

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I actually have not. I'll check it out in a bit.


exactly no wait, WTF!?! ELTON JOHN!?!?!!


(ok I'm not really asking, the question marks are just for..er.. decoration xD )



Yes,yes,THE ELTON! :roftl:

Well run along and chek twinnee :mf_rosetinted:

phucking might just be the word




I knoo,and they can't do anything about ma sparklin new word :roftl:



yes, I'm afraid so :shocked: lets stick to the V subject :roftl:


Yeah,organs kinda got uniteresting since the twins decided not to let livers and intestins get in their way


So ,V it is :mf_rosetinted:


Have you heard about Vee? :roftl:

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v,Calm down,I still got Vlad :mf_rosetinted:


so breathe in,breathe out and think pretty thaughts


I'm notttt V,silly!!!!!!!!!!!!:roftl: :roftl:

How come you still got Vlad?


I can't breath cause it's toooo hot!

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i sed Dont Matter lolz

im speakin Coventrian ;)

Yes,of course,you are Vasile


Yes,HE is tooo hot


I got him means I got him :das:


I don't know Coventrian language,silly!:roftl:


Now I'm really mad cause i hate that name and romanian names !!!!

I said the weather is tooooo hot that i can't breath!

It is your boyfriend?:naughty:

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Yes,yes,THE ELTON!

Well run along and chek twinnee



I knoo,and they can't do anything about ma sparklin new word :roftl:



Yeah,organs kinda got uniteresting since the twins decided not to let livers and intestins get in their way


So ,V it is


Have you heard about Vee?


I stalk Mr John and now all of sudden this Gustav guy shows up. This place is madness, I tell ya. Pure madness :lmao:


I will :mf_rosetinted:


funny that if you simply change the spelling a lil bit, and then the word is free to use for everyone again! Like it's the letters that are the x-rated part :lmao:


I have. but she doesn't seem too pleased with me right now xD


Jus Banbury lolz




I have no idea where that is, but I'm sure you'll have lots of fun :P


You should be!!!!!arghhhh!

V can be anyone else but not me!


I thought you liked 'V'? :blink:


anybody like this 1 ?






and btw Cassie, I saw your other one. *drools*

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